
Ninja World: Chronicles Of Sky(bloqued)

Reincarnated in the world of naruto, Asahi will discover great secrets, fight in bloody wars and make a name for himself, all while trying to strengthen himself and without losing his caution. English is not my mother tongue, so if you find mistakes, sorry.

Belium · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs


Soon, Asahi, Fugaku and Hoshi surrounded Nōka, although they had him surrounded, none dared to act rashly.

The first to act was Fugaku, taking out several shuriken, he threw them trying to make Nōka move, and create an opportunity.

"Clink" "Clink" "Clink..." Although the idea was good, at some point, a kunai appeared in Nōka's hand and deflected all the shuriken easily.

Seeing Nōka deflect Fugaku's attack so easily, after performing several hand seals, the veins around Hoshi's eyes became visible.

Asahi who was paying attention to everything that was happening, seeing Hoshi activate the byakugan, also decided to get serious, took out a kunai from his ninja bag and took a combat ready stance.

Stepping forward, Asahi ran towards Nōka, using the kunai, he attempted to perform a diagonal slash, however when he was close enough, his instincts screamed at him to retreat.

Leaping backwards, he watched as Nōka's kunai passed through his previous position. What followed was a pitiful performance, Hoshi tried to use the soft fist, but the same thing happened to him as Asahi, a single kunai cut, was all it took to make him retreat.

Fugaku's fate was no better, he tried to use taijutsu, but he also had to retreat when entering Nōka's attack range, in the end he decided to act as a support, throwing shuriken and kunais, but nothing worked.

Since the beginning of the battle Nōka Hatake, had not moved a step.

"We can't go on like this" a frustrated Asahi, standing next to his companions commented.

"What do you propose?" an also annoyed Hoshi retorted, he was really sad at this moment, his byakugan he was so proud of, had been of no use to him in this fight, Nōka was simply too fast.

"Fugaku, haven't you awakened your sharingan yet?" Asahi asked a bit curious.

Shaking his head "I can't activate the sharingan" although Fugaku was also a bit frustrated, he was more surprised, the kind of aura Nōka gave off, it was even superior to his father's, Asahi or Hoshi may not have noticed it due to lack of experience, but he did 'how strong is it?'

"Fugaku I have a plan" brought out of his thoughts by Asahi, Fugaku turned his attention to him "what plan?"

Whispering into the ears of his companions, Asahi explained his plan "do you think it will work?" Hoshi asked incredulously.

"It's the best I could come up with"

Fugaku thought about it for a moment "I think it might work."

While whispering to each other, Nōka simply watched them, noticing that neither of them let their guard down 'don't assume that I won't attack them, not bad, caution during combat is important.' Before Nōka continued to ponder, he saw Fugaku perform several hand seals.

"Fire Style: Great Fireball Jutsu."

Performing hand seals in quick succession, Nōka responded with his own jutsu.

"Water Style: Water Wall."

When the two jutsu collided, a dense steam was instantly created.

Asahi seeing that the first part of the plan was completed, turned his gaze towards Hoshi, seeing him nod, he started to run towards Nōka's direction.

Fugaku who had fulfilled his role, discreetly retreated towards the forest.

Asahi who was right in front of where Nōka was supposed to be, heard Hoshi shout "Number three!".

Jumping up, he thrust the kunai to the right.


"A good strategy I must admit, blinding me, it's a pity it didn't work." As the steam dissipated, Asahi saw Nōka parrying his kunai with his own.

Nōka was a bit disappointed at this point, he honestly expected more from the young men Sarutobi had asked him to guide. As he was preparing to beat the youth and finish the test, he heard Asahi's voice.

"Two and one, goodbye" making a seal with his free hand, Asahi exploded in a cloud of smoke and a log appeared in his place.

Nōka was confused, but when he saw the log, his extensive years of experience, told him that something was wrong, taking a good look at the log, he jumped while shouting "Shit!"


A small explosion occurred in training ground number three. When the dust and smoke disappeared, a disheveled looking Nōka could be seen.

Soon, the three young men, surrounded him just like at the beginning, only this time he no longer looked strong and carefree as before.

The silence lasted for a few seconds, until Nōka let out a laugh "well done, hell that was well done."

Asahi asked "Nōka-Sensei, shall we pass?"

While still laughing, he replied "pass, of course pass, but I have a question" as he looked at the young men in front of him, he asked "how did you guys come up with using the substitution jutsu in sa way?"

Hearing the question, Hoshi and Fugaku turned to look at Asahi, in the end Fugaku was the one who answered "the whole plan was Asahi-san's idea.

"Hmm, interesting, how did you know I would cast a Water Element jutsu?" Looking at the white-haired youth, Nōka couldn't help but ask.

To which Asahi proceeded to explain that that wasn't the only plan, there were other backup actions.

Asahi's plan was simple but effective, first, it was that Fugaku will use his jutsu to force Nōka to move, or respond with another jutsu, better if it was water, then Hoshi had to use the byakugan to report the situation to Asahi.

That is why he yelled "number three" it meant that Nōka had moved to the right, other numbers indicated other actions.

The last step was for Fugaku to retreat into the forest and prepare the log for replacement, with the explosive seals that Asahi gave him when the steam interfered with Nōka's vision.

Then he asked him what they would do, if he dodged instead of defending with another jutsu, to which he showed him how he had given each one a kunai with an explosive seal, and that they planned to close their escape routes, with the help of the byakugan.

At the end of the explanation, Nōka was secretly surprised by Asahi's planning.

"Very good, from now on this team is officially team three" after a little chat to get to know each other, he told them to go home and return to training camp at the same time tomorrow.

When they got home, Asahi simply fell into bed, although he wasn't physically tired, he was mentally.

'I hope the training starts soon'

That was Asahi's last thought before falling asleep.



Although Asahi's plan was good, it only worked because Nōka underestimated them too much.

On the other hand, having no other jutsus to practice with, Asahi is really good with the three basic jutsus.

Hello everyone, I am really happy with the support I have received, I hope to continue writing and that this story reaches more people

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