
Ninja Toast

Food has always been a delicacy to humans. Follow ninja toast in his endless journey of trying to find himself and answer his conflicted questions of life and meaning.

Renee_Bean · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Split in the road

Together they ran through the pipes and different vittles of cleaner to escape the dishwasher side. Out of breath the last bug sat down trying to collect her new found freedom.

" I can't believe this!!!! we escaped!!!! yasss!!! there is a food giver!!!!!"

The toast for once in many months felt satisfied... He not only helped someone but people multiple people.. But he still had a gap in his feelings..

"Lily! where are you going to go!? this is great! We can finally see the world!!!" said the lady bug

Toast looked at the butterfly but could tell she wasn't ready to part with her long friend or even think about the thought. This was a split in the road he didn't care for because it wasnt his path.

" Ha ha I ...don't know.... I haven't even thought about it .. maybe I can go visit my parents!?....you?" said Lily

"I'm going to go to the yard. It's going to take me a month or so but I heard the sun is the best... Maybe I might meet a male!! Start a family and finally have a normal life!!!!"

Her heart and courage was contagious. Her aura made Ninja Toast want to continue.

"I'm done here... See y'all around!" said toast.

"WAIT!!!! Thank you sir so much! may the food givers bless you and your journey" They both gave a thank you to him while he started walking off.

The lady bug flew off to find her new home..Lily stayed waiting for some kind of hope to help her move forward. ...

(Is Ant going to be mad...)