
Ninja Toast

Food has always been a delicacy to humans. Follow ninja toast in his endless journey of trying to find himself and answer his conflicted questions of life and meaning.

Renee_Bean · Fantasy
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13 Chs


She stood in front of the white door slowly opening to what she knew would be her downfall. She gazed at all the different delicacys but her toungue didn't find any satisfaction with the selection. Her fingers slowly caressed the side wall as she thought about every option that made her mind wander and mouth moist. Minutes went by and her eyes caught what she was craving.

In a haste she pushed the different options out the way to get to her goal. They all were labeled in a way that made her uneasy but only this once would she fall into her wants. She would give into her desires. The front door looked so inviting to go for a walk but she couldn't ignore the pain that she felt if she didn't satisfy that yearning for this empty abyss.

Rushing to the counter and harshly throwing them on the counter she opened the drawer. finding the perfect knife wasn't so hard to decide. She has done this countless times. Her big brown eyes gazed at the sin she was about to commit. She promised herself she would never stoop this low ever again. sweat beads started forming for she was second guessing what she was about to do. She tipped the scales last week and promised after Monday things would change. She promised it would be different this week. She closed her eyes and took a long deep breath. " I can't do this" she said.

Lowering the knife her eyes saddened. As if someone told her dreadful news about a passing in the family. Then without hesitation everything that she worked on so hard the day before to fight temptation flew out the window! With a smile as sinister as the joker she licked the knife with her moist toungue.

She moaned in delight for this was a treat....oh yes... a very...thick treat...she kept dipping and licking the knife! Spreading the plastic open without thinking she grabbed a pair. Then she threw the loaf of bread aside still opened and unattended. the sight was horrific.

Smearing peanut butter all over the bread without care or affection. Sprinkling bacon bits the forbidden fruit all over her sandwich along with the unmeasured out jelly amount. Moaning and giving into her desires she feasted upon the PB&J.

Going back to the battered loaf of bread that waited to be sealed something seemed to be wrong. A slice of bread fell between the fridge and the cabinet. Then another! Hearing the plastic unhinge she gasped and closed the bread. spinning it round and round till all the air couldn't come in ,and she placed all the food where it belonged. Shame became of her as she looked in the microwave reflection. She put on her shoes then went for a walk.

But .. this isn't about a woman's desire..... This is the adventures of what fell between the cracks...

a slice...