
Ninja Toast

Food has always been a delicacy to humans. Follow ninja toast in his endless journey of trying to find himself and answer his conflicted questions of life and meaning.

Renee_Bean · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs


Ninja Toast continued his travels. He was okay being alone. No one to bother him or burden him.

Walking behind the dishwasher was the next stop.

( This place can get a little wishy washy....I should really keep my guard up)

He would come across different bugs. Some had long legs but the ladies called them daddy. Others were pill pugs....they were the worst...

"Hey honey are you looking for a good time" said the horse fly.. Her voice sounded ruff like she happened to get caught in a cigarette cloud or two.

He walked past her with eyes down.

(I need to get passed this latch and then I can get out of here)

"Ay! What is Hazel not your type!? or would you prefer a Younga fly!?" A big ant came from the crack of the wall. He was ruff looking he had a scar across his face with silver mouth caps. His snarky smile was a typical gang boss. Of course he had extra muscle with him.

"Sorry but I would rather go to the trash district to look for a good time. I can already tell Ms.Hazel has been up and down the can." said Toast

"This guy has some taste guys...what do ya say if we shows him our better selection"

Just to wander ninja toast followed them. the crack in the wall was the size of a cup so luckily he was able to fit. The ants led him to a hallway that seemed to never end.

the rooms seemed occupied because he could hear the moans of different foods. Finally they reached a room and the ant let them in

"Here are our top pics sir...Feel free to have a test drive or a free trial." The ant waited for Toast to choose.

"Close the door I would like to test all 6 of them"

Shocked the ants were hesitant but knew they would make Alot of money if they did. Slowly they left the room so bugs and toast could be alone.

(which one should I start with.....maybe the fire fly...yes then move to the butterfly)

"You firefly come with me now in the other room"

Nervous she grabbed her things and quickly ran into the room. The other girls sat in silence as they took Thier time. The neon lights from outside the small windows kept buzzing and they would count the flickers to help pass the time. They could hear rustling from behind the door but nothing more.

Finally he came out....and on started deciding which

girl would be next...