
Ninja System Within A New World

Hunters! 'Oh Shit! I'm in a new world' Cesaire shouted. On his birthday, he received a weird Anime Box as a present from his best friend. On his way home, he tried to escape from bad luck only for it to meet him face to face in his house. Cesaire met Kasha, the God Of Luck who reincarnated him to another world as a punishment for trying to escape his luck influence but not without sending the Anime Box to gift Cesaire a Ninja System. Cesaire now in the body of Jeremy Jr. Styles in a new world were people with superpowers exists. These people were called Hunters. They had the power to destroy mountains with a punch, call forth flames from the skies, transform into mythical creatures and move the world with their will. It was a whole new experience for Jae and he had decided. With the Ninja System(that doesnt seem like a Ninja System), he strived to be the best Hunter in existence. =====•=====

MahSammy · Anime & Comics
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41 Chs

Ch~Three: The Hunter Academy - Netherensis.

Jae had been very sad when he gained his memories but now, its all gone. He just need to put in his best from now on. Yes, he regained his memories of this new world from his host and he had to say, he had such a hard life.

Jae had been his name and from now on, Cesaire decided he would be called Jae.

Getting off the M-Jeep along with the others, he discovered that they were all in a new location. Ahead of them, some distance away was a very huge white academy structured building.

''C'mon now acolytes. Welcome to the Hunter Academy where you get prepared as a soldier to fight against our enemies. Due to last night's unfortunate event, we have to test you guys to see who has the talent to be a Hunter.

We have three types of Hunters, Mage Type, Warrior Type, and the Unique Type. Unique types are rare.

You guys are going to be trained until next month when we will commence the Awakening of the Class to see which type of Hunter you can be. Those are the examples of hunters that there is.

You will all get the full explanation when you begin. I wish you all good luck'' Jaffa elaborated in details before she started leading them to the academy's gate.

The kids felt excited thinking about how they would get cool powers. Some of them witnessed the fight between the Hunters and the Beasts.

'It seems like none of them knows. They didn't even ask what would become of them if they don't have the talent to be a Hunter.

But since the academy is a legit one, I don't think they are going to kill them. They could just send them home ' Jae thought.

Soon, they reached the gate. Jaffa went forward and then, placed her palm in a vertical rectangular shaped section that lit up with a yellow light, then scanned her palm which blinked a green light before the gate started started opening.

Inside the academy felt different from the outside view. The academy buildings were white in color with little stripes of black here and there.

There were guards stationed on the sides of the gate and some others were scattered around doing their own stuffs.

There was a man in a black battle suit waiting for them. He had a stern face and when Jaffa arrived next to him, she saluted.

''These are the early batch from the incident sir!'' Jaffa said. The man in black nodded before waving his hand.

Jaffa nodded before she looked at the kids one last time, then she took off.

Jae and the other kids placed their attention on the man. The whole area was oddly quiet and not many people apart from guards were around.

''Welcome to Netherensis Hunter Academy, Younglings. My name is Dennis Bryan and I would be your guide for this one month. After this month, we would test your talents and if you don't have one, you will be sent back to either your parents or a new civilian house and the Hunter Agency would be responsible for your dailies until you are eighteen years old'' Dennis stopped for a second to let his words sink.

It seems like his words cut deep as some of the kids started wondering if they had the talents to create fantasy powers.

''You guys are all 13 in numbers so in this month, I would be guiding your trainings on physical aspects and also spiritual aspects.

Do not get your hopes too high, these 13 numbers could diminish to 5 once we start testing talents. Any questions? If there are none then follow me as I show you around and bring you guys to your temporary home'' After saying that, he was about to walk away when he noticed one of the kids with his hand up.

It was a fat and short boy, shorter than his age. He had a raven-blue spiky hair, night eyes with a pretty face. He had a tanned skin which strangely matched his appearance.

Nodding as an affirmation, the kid brought up his question.

Jae was confused about the spiritual aspects of the training. He raised his hands to ask what it was about but Dennis said ''You will know once we start the training''. Dennis walked away with the kids trailing behind him.

Soon they all reached a room, on it was indicated 'The Training Section' and Dennis explained about the room to them, he made them understand that the training room would be accessed by them everyday for their training. After that, they reached another room, 'The Class Section' where many kids and youths of varying age were seen. This section was divided into Basic, Intermediate and Advance Classes. Jae confirmed in his mind that they were going to be put with the Basic Class since that class had a lot of younger kids like or just a year or two older than them.

In a division, there were two sets of students, the Elite and the Normal students. The elites were the known geniuses of the class while the normal, were just normal.

They left there and started combing through some of the places in the academy with Dennis as a tour guide.

Finally, they reached a place that looked like a dormitory. It was also divided into Basic, Intermediate and Advanced. In each division, it was numbered with its division's number.

For example, In the basic division, if a dorm is labeled B-76, it means dorm 76.

In the Intermediate division, I-3, meaning dorm 3.

In the advanced division, A-100, meaning dorm 100.

The letters B, I, A are the indications of the dorm room and in each dorm, only four people could live together. Of course, there were some special cases where some students just live alone.

''Now it's time for you all to get a place to stay. Follow me, since you guys are not yet official students of the academy, you can't sleep in the dorm room. Besides you are all living together'' Dennis suddenly said while the kids were surprised a little.

Leading them to somewhere else, they stopped in front of a building. He urged them to go in while he just stood with crossed arms as he watch them. When Jae entered the building, he realised it was very big. Although, the building only had beds placed in an orderly manner all around it, it can easily fit more than twenty people. It just looked like a huge warehouse scattered with beds with bedside tables beside them.

Jae chose a bed close a window on his right. He placed the ring and book on the table before settling down on his bed. He looked through the window and seem to be in thought.

''You all should rest easy today, coz tomorrow, your training begins. You guys should understand that this training is not just to hone your survivals and skills but also to build a strong foundation to enable you guys to awaken your talents. See you all tomorrow'' Dennis said before he turn around and walked out of the warehouse leaving the kids alone.

The moment he walked out, sighs of different degrees and altitude echoed in the room. After that, it suddenly became lively as noise sprung up.

''You guys heard that? We gonna be heroes!'' A girl's childish voice chipped out.

''''You mean Hunters! My mom would be so proud'' another person said.

''Pft! You! You better check the mirror coz people like you don't do great in life''

''What! Come sa...''

''Alright that's enough! Instead of going hyper, why don't we all start by introducing ourselves? Huh''the owner of this voice was a young boy who looked thirteen.

''Sure I don't see anything wrong with that'' following that, everyone else agreed to introduce themselves.

''My name is Emmy TóVax, I lost my parents yesterday but I moved on. I would like to start my life anew starting from here with you guys'' Emmy said with a sad smile on his face. He is a tall and handsome kid, clearly having little but more muscles than his age suggests.

Everyone couldn't help but admired him for being so strong-willed.

''Okay then, my name is Ezek Fadik. I'm not from this neighborhood so when the incident happened, I was just visiting. I was saved by a Hunter and now, I want to be a Hunter to save others'' Ezek introduced himself next. He was as tall as Emmy but not as muscular. Also handsome and there is always this cheerful smile that never leaves his face.

''Solomon Dave is me. You can call me Sol. I love training and I hate this boy. Let's get along well'' Sol said while angrily pointing his index finger towards a boy who just smirked back at him. These two were obviously the ones bickering at themselves earlier.

''Hello guys, my name is Soji Kusen, I love ladies and I hate this guy too. I am a rich guy and a perfect man for every ladies out there'' Soji introduced himself like a king while sending a smile to the few girls in the room.

After his intro, others started introducing themselves and some even talked about their life stories while some were as cold as can be. Last night's incident might still be rubbing off on them. Now everyone had introduced his or herself. Everyone except one boy, a fatty who is still lost in thought.