
Ninja System Within A New World

Hunters! 'Oh Shit! I'm in a new world' Cesaire shouted. On his birthday, he received a weird Anime Box as a present from his best friend. On his way home, he tried to escape from bad luck only for it to meet him face to face in his house. Cesaire met Kasha, the God Of Luck who reincarnated him to another world as a punishment for trying to escape his luck influence but not without sending the Anime Box to gift Cesaire a Ninja System. Cesaire now in the body of Jeremy Jr. Styles in a new world were people with superpowers exists. These people were called Hunters. They had the power to destroy mountains with a punch, call forth flames from the skies, transform into mythical creatures and move the world with their will. It was a whole new experience for Jae and he had decided. With the Ninja System(that doesnt seem like a Ninja System), he strived to be the best Hunter in existence. =====•=====

MahSammy · Anime & Comics
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41 Chs

Ch~Eight: Hand Seals and Ninjutsu // Mr. Jackie.

Jae quickly followed the map by C-Net and soon reached the lake. While on the way, he couldn't help but think about his little play with Renee. What was her intention? He thought. He quickly shook the thoughts off his had as he saw the water area in front of him.

Taking a deep breathe, he did the same thing as he did to the tree. Focusing chakra on his feet and then, took a step on the water surface, then the next step, ''Splash''

''Fuck!!'' Jae couldn't help but let out a curse. This is not simple at all!!! He thought. Fortunately, the water wasn't too deep. Only above his knees a little if he stand on his feet. Once again, he tried to walk on water but this time, he tried to use his feet to resonate with the way the water move around.

Taking a deep breathe, again, he started practicing and he would fall down occasionally but he didn't give up and kept doing his Water Walking Technique. Time flew quickly as 12 hours passed just like that.

Jae could be seen resting his body on a tree while looking at the water body in front of him. He had completed and mastered the technique few minutes ago. He was only trying to recover his chakra. He was waiting for his chakra t completely recover before he tries to practice his next skill, Hand Seals.

'Skills!' Jae called out in his mind.


[Chakra Extraction [<Lv 1>]

[Chakra Control [<Lv 33>]

[Hand Seals [<Lv 1>]

[Chakra Flow [<Lv 1>]

At this moment, he had already practiced his Chakra Control Skill to Lv 33. The moment it clicked 30, he got Chakra Flow as a Skill from the Chakra Control. Well, he thought he would practice it later when he gets the time.

Hand Seals are used to perform many ninjutsu, genjutsu, and other secret arts other than taijutsu. They are designed to aid people in properly summoning and moulding chakra necessary to perform a technique. The Hand Seals are twelve in numbers; Bird, Boar, Dog, Dragon, Hare, Horse, Monkey, Ox, Ram, Rat, Serpent, and Tiger.

Now that Jae knows the patterns of the Hand Seals, he started practicing them one by one. Sometimes, he would practice a single hand seal for many times and keep echoing its name in his head so to get use to it. He did the same for the others until he finally memorized the Hand Seals in both mind and body. He used an hour to do so.

After memorizing it, he started practicing the speed of weaving hand seals. He tried to make three hand seals in just one second but it proved difficult for him. He remembered how Celia would explain to him how Itachi Uchiha could make more than five hand seals in just a sec. Now, he wanted to surpass Itachi Uchiha and many others in Naruto.

He started practicing and practicing. Glistening sweats dripped down from his body and his hands that were always changing signs started to feel pain. But he didn't give up, and after an hour, he could finally make 3 hand seals for two seconds. He found it satisfying because he didn't use his Stat Points his increase his dexterity. He did it with his own hard work.

'Now, time to perform the [Three Body Jutsu]. I believe with my little bit good chakra control, I can mould the chakra and perform the jutsu' Jae thought as he started to rest. He was really tired and he could feel himself feeling dizzy but he held it in.

Thinking of the Three Body Jutsu, he wanted to first perform the Transformation Jutsu. Remembering the description of the Jutsu, he started weaving the hand seals for the Jutsu and this time, he incorporated chakra in the hand seals.

In two seconds, he made the seals Dog → Boar → Ram with chakra and then, a ''puff'' sound echoed and then, in place of Jae was a fine young man, Justin Bieber. Yes, that famous guy. Jae noticed that the Transformation is not very complete and did it again.

When he felt it was okay, he started making hand seals for Substitution Jutsu. In three seconds, he made the seals Tiger → Boar → Ox → Dog → Snake with chakra and then ''puff'' a tree log was lying on the floor at the position where Jae used to be. Jae looked at the log on the floor with a smile on his face. He was standing upside down on a tree branch.

Now, time for the hardest of the three body Jutsu, the Clone Jutsu. He made the seals Ram → Snake → Tiger and then, with a 'puff' his clone came out. Just as he expected, it was a zombie clone lying in pathetic misery on the floor. Seeing this, Jae just smiled.

He knew that hand seals are chakra manipulation aids that aren't required once you've reached a certain point of familiarity with a technique. So all he needs to do to get to that level is to train his Jutsu to familiarity. As if what he's doing is just a daily life occurrence.

He was about to continue his training when he heard a voice from above. It was coming from the tree. Jae didn't think of anything else as two shurikens appeared in his hands and threw them towards the direction he heard the sound.

Sadly, seeing Itachi Uchiha shoot shurikens from the TV is different from doing it in reality. Jae's shooting of shurikens were very crude. The force in them were so weak they didn't fly past two meters in the air and soon fell down.


There was an awkward silence for a minute before Jae shouted ''Show yourself!''

''I'm right here boy'' A tired voice spread out from the area. It was as if the person was here and at the same time, he wasn't. Jae looked everywhere for a minute and then, he look up to see a man sleeping leisurely on the tree he was resting under.

Jae was instantly on guard. The man had a cheery red hair, orange eyes with a black dot on his forehead. He was lanky and tall and looked like a weak person. Has the man been here since? How come I never noticed him? Jae thought as he still looked at the man with vigilance.

''Stop looking at me like that, if I'd wanted to harm you, do you think you stand a chance when you didn't even know I was on the tree all along'' the man said before he jumped down from the tree.

Jae didn't say anything but he relaxed just a little. He knew the strange man was right. He wouldn't be able to do a damn thing. Thinking about it, he then asked ''Are you our instructor?''

''Hm, why do you ask?'' The man responded.

''Because the girls in the house didn't say anything about a male Special Disciple. So I can only assume you are the instructor'' Jae said.

''Hmm, you're right. I am your he room instructor, My name is Jackie. What is yours?'' Jackie introduced himself.

''I'm Jeremy Styles. I became a student of yours with my colleagues yesterday''

''Oh, I see then why you were practicing behind the Hunter House. Do you know that this is the backyard of the Hunter House?''

''Wow, a backyard is this big?'' Jae was surprised that he was in the backyard all along. He thought he had already moved away from the Hunter House.

''Oh it is bigger. There is a Gate mainly for Special Disciples at the edge of the backyard. Now that's enough talk, it seems like you need to train your senses for you lack good perception'' Jackie said while looking at a bush in the distance.

''Huh? What do you mean my perception Mr. Jackie?'' Confused, Jae asked.

''Renee, Amanda, Martha and the others I do not know yet! Come out now!'' Jackie sighed before letting out a loud shout that made Jae to jump away in fear.

''Why are you shouting like that!? There is no one he..... Huh?'' Jae was about to complain when he suddenly caught sight of his housemates coming out of the bush one by one. Soji and Sol followed behind Mina who was following the three other girls.

Soon, they were all in front of Jackie. Renee stepped forward and greeted her master. ''Welcome back master. Let me introduce you to our new siblings. These are M...''

''No need Renee, I already know their names. The cute girl is Mina and the two guys looking like archenemies are Soji and Sol'' Jackie said with his eyes glowing gold. He seems to be using a skill.

Jae and his colleagues were surprised but Renee replied ''you know, I could have just introduced them to you instead of you wasting your Mana to analyse them''

''Nah, that won't be fun. Besides, now that everyone is here, why don't all of us introduce ourselves and our abilities'' Jackie said with a smile making everyone look at him. Jae and his colleagues were not sure if it was a good idea but since Renee had told them her Ability, they finally let go of their hesitation.