
Ninja Recruitment System

After ending up being Naruto’s older brother and losing both parents at the event of Kyubi’s Rampage, Zhang Miao felt a lot of pressure. Fortunately, he has the Ninja Recruiting System! As long as you collect enough Ninja Fragments, you can recruit the corresponding ninja. Not only could you obtain the chakra reserve of the recruited ninja, but you can also get the recruited ninja’s ninjutsu or Bloodline Limit! So the question is, do you want Uchiha’s blood or the Ramen lover’s blood? Translator site: readfanfic . com P atreon: p atreon.co m/MiraiWorld

nyawdao2 · Anime & Comics
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350 Chs

Tsunade (Part 2)

For Tsunade, today's experience was too extraordinary.

The first was the joy of gambling, then the depression after losing money, and then the sadness and joy of meeting her deceased brother. Finally, she found out that this brother was a fake.

It could be said that today, Tsunade's mood was like a roller coaster, rising and falling, and the fluctuations were bigger than the past few years combined!

Under such circumstances, she was stunned for a while before she reacted. Then, she looked at the red youth in her arms with a bad expression.

"Kid, who are you?"

"Uh... guess who?"

There was no doubt that this young man who Tsunade guessed was none other than Zhang Miao!

Zhang Miao arrived at the Tanzaku Quarters yesterday afternoon, but when he arrived, he found that he had made a major mistake - he forgot to ask Deikira where Tsunade was.

Although Tanzaku Quarters was called a "quarter", it was actually a small town that was not much different from Konoha. It was obviously not easy to find a person in such a big place.

However, such a difficult problem was not difficult for Zhang Miao. Since he knew that Tsunade was in Tanzaku Quarters, he naturally had a way to find her.

If it was someone else, it might be a little difficult, but looking for Tsunade, with her character of gambling, I could just go to the biggest casino and squat there!

With this thought in mind, Zhang Miao leisurely found a hot spring inn on Tanzaku Quarters and stayed there. After waking up the next day, he came to the entrance of the largest casino.

Zhang Miao originally thought that at least three to five days of waiting would come to an end, but what he did not expect was that after squatting for a whole morning, he met Tsunade.

After seeing Tsunade enter the casino with a big suitcase, Zhang Miao began to ponder outside.

"What kind of method should I use to get her recognition and then smoothly collect her ninja fragments?"

According to the system's behavior, if one wanted to obtain the other side's ninja fragments, they had to leave a deep impression on the other party, such as defeating the other party, or obtaining the other party's recognition, or making the other party yield to you in certain directions. They all belonged to this range.

For the current Zhang Miao, it was not difficult to defeat Tsunade, but if he wanted to obtain her recognition or make her submit to him, it would not be easy.

Zhang Miao naturally would not fight with Tsunade, so he could only choose to obtain her recognition.

But how to obtain her recognition, Zhang Miao thought about this question for a long time and did not think about it.

Until later when Tsunade was drunk and looked at her lonely back, Zhang Miao suddenly had a flash of inspiration and his eyes lit up.

"Yes, the most important people in Tsunade are his lover and brother. She is drunk and confused now. I will become her brother and get close to her!"

Zhang Miao was very confident about his transformation technique, so he immediately became Tsunade's younger brother, Nawaki. He called her "Sister" and chased after Tsunade.

And the result was as Zhang Miao expected. After Tsunade saw the Nawaki that he transformed into, her IQ immediately dropped to negative, and she hugged him tightly without a doubt.

If this situation continued to develop, then the Ninja Fragment that obtained Tsunade could be said to be a certainty, but something unexpected happened!

Tsunade's figure was too good, especially the pair of big breasts on her chest, which could throw ordinary women out a few streets!

Any normal man would be happy to be hugged by such a woman, and Zhang Miao was naturally the same.

When he was hugged tightly by Tsunade, even his head was pressed by her pair of peaks and raging ravines, Zhang Miao couldn't help but feel his blood rush up.

Of course, he had to pay a price. At the same time as his blood surged, the chakra in his body also showed a moment of disorder, so the Transformation Jutsu was automatically removed.

As the saying goes, anything fake would be exposed sooner or later.

Zhang Miao was very clear about this, but he didn't expect that he was exposed so quickly that he didn't have time to think about how to deal with it.

Looking at Tsunade's face, Zhang Miao immediately made up his mind.

"D*mn, it's time to test my protagonist's aura. Whether I can collect the Ninja Fragments will depend on this!"

Thinking of this, Zhang Miao took a deep breath and looked at Tsunade with a serious expression.

"I can't hide it anymore. In fact, I am the god in charge of the world of death. You can call me God or His Hoiness Hades. Tremble, mortal!"

Zhang Miao felt that the most ideal situation was that after he finished speaking, the system prompted "Tsunade has been controlled by Hades" and prompted him to obtain the Ninja Fragments.

Unfortunately, such an ideal situation did not appear, and it seemed to be developing in a bad direction.

The moment Zhang Miao finished speaking, Tsunade, whose forehead was full of veins, grabbed his ear and snorted coldly.

"Hmph, what a great god. You are the Uzumaki Ryunosuke who pretended to be my son in Konoha and ruined my reputation, right?"

"Uh..." After hearing Tsunade, Zhang Miao was stunned at first, then immediately shook her head like a rattle.

"No, no, no, no... You have mistaken me. In fact, my name is Utsumaki Rinosuke!"

Tsunade obviously would not believe this, so just as Zhang Miao finished speaking, she snorted again.

"Hmph, stop quibbling. In the whole world, other than me, the only one with a Byakugou seal on his forehead is you. You still dare to say that it is not you?"


Zhang Miao did not expect that the one who exposed himself was actually the Yin Seal on his forehead. At this time, he also knew that he could not argue anymore, so he could only nod helplessly.

"Alright, I admit that my name is indeed Uzumaki Ryunosuke, but I have never pretended to be your son. From beginning to end, I have never said anything like 'I am Tsunade's son '. I swear!"

Zhang Miao never mentioned that he was Tsunade's son. He just did not explain to everyone and deliberately let everyone misunderstand.

Looking at his confident look, Tsunade's mouth twitched twice again, and then she let go of her hand from Zhang Miao's ear and snorted again.

"Well, I don't care about this kind of thing, but you have to tell me why you can become a Nawaki. He has been dead for twenty years, and he was just an ordinary Genin at that time. No one in Konoha remembers him, right?"

Speaking of this, Tsunade's face immediately showed some disappointment and sadness.


Seeing her expression, Zhang Miao sighed helplessly. Then he opened his arms and hugged her, gently patting her on the back.

"Born in the war era, it is the misfortune of Nawaki, but with a sister like you who loves him, he is lucky. Whether or not Konoha remembers him is not important, because you still have a place in your heart, that is enough!"

Zhang Miao originally wanted to comfort Tsunade, but he didn't have any other thoughts, but what he didn't expect was that as soon as his voice fell, the system prompt immediately sounded.

"[Ding! Congratulations to His Holiness for obtaining the recognition of Tsunade, obtained 7-star Kage-level, Tsunade Ninja Fragment x5!]"

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