
Ninja Recruitment System

After ending up being Naruto’s older brother and losing both parents at the event of Kyubi’s Rampage, Zhang Miao felt a lot of pressure. Fortunately, he has the Ninja Recruiting System! As long as you collect enough Ninja Fragments, you can recruit the corresponding ninja. Not only could you obtain the chakra reserve of the recruited ninja, but you can also get the recruited ninja’s ninjutsu or Bloodline Limit! So the question is, do you want Uchiha’s blood or the Ramen lover’s blood? Translator site: readfanfic . com P atreon: p atreon.co m/MiraiWorld

nyawdao2 · Anime & Comics
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351 Chs

Tobirama Appears!

After the night fell, the business district at the south of Konoha was brightly lit. The crowd was bustling, and the shops on the streets welcomed the highest traffic of the day. It was very lively.

In contrast, the other parts of the village were very quiet. Occasionally, there would be one or two barks on the street, followed by a series of shushing sounds.

In such an environment, the people who had been tired for a day were relieved of their fatigue, and after washing up, they turned off the lights to rest.

Hiruzen was also ready to rest. The work of the Hokage was very complicated, so he needed to ensure that he had enough rest time to cope with the work of the next day.

"Well, if only Minato was still alive!"

After sighing, Hiruzen lay down on his bed, then pulled up the blanket and closed his eyes.

Just as he was in a daze, he suddenly heard a light sound from the window next to him. He was alerted and immediately woke up and quickly sat up from the bed.

"Who is it!"

Just as Hiruzen finished speaking, a familiar voice sounded in his ears.

"Saru, you're old!"

Hearing this familiar voice, Hiruzen's eyes widened and his face was filled with disbelief.

"This voice... Could it be..."

At this time, a ray of moonlight shone through the window, and Hiruzen immediately saw the person standing in front of the window.

He was wearing a dark blue Ninja Armor, and under his silver hair, the forehead guard with the symbol of Konoha was extended to both sides of his face. Under the night wind, the white fur on his shoulder gently swayed.

At this time, he crossed his arms and looked at Hiruzen with a kind face.

"What? It has been almost twenty years since we last met. Can't you recognize me?"

Looking at this familiar face, Hiruzen's eyes suddenly widened, and his eyes were full of shock.


It turned out that the person standing in front of the window at this time was none other than Hiruzen's teacher, the Second Hokage - Senju Tobirama!

Hiruzen simply could not believe that his teacher, who had clearly died on the battlefield nineteen years ago, was now standing in front of him alive!

"Am I dreaming?"

Just as Hiruzen was about to reach out and pinch his face, he saw Tobirama nodding at him with a gratified expression.

"Saru, you did well. It seems that I was right to hand Konoha over to you. You did not disappoint me!"

Hearing Tobirama's words, Hiruzen, who was nearly sixty years old, suddenly felt that his eyes were a little moist, and his lips could not help but tremble.

"Sensei... I..."

Looking at Hiruzen's emotional appearance, Tobirama smiled again, and then reached out to pat his shoulder.

"Saru, under your care, the new generation of talents in Konoha have grown strong. As long as they are around, Konoha will become stronger. You have done well, and I am proud of you!"

"Teacher!" At this moment, Hiruzen couldn't help but burst into tears, "Sorry, I didn't do well enough, the Uchiha..."

Without waiting for him to finish, Tobirama shook his head with a smile, and then reached out to wipe the tears from the corners of his eyes.

"You don't have to blame yourself for the matters of the Uchihas. Just let nature take its course. What you have to do is to protect those who are dear to the village and trust yourself, and then nurture those who can be entrusted for the next generation. Do you understand?"

"Yes!" Hearing these familiar words, Hiruzen immediately nodded. "I have never forgotten what you said!"

"That's good!"

Looking at Hiruzen's determined expression, a gratified smile appeared on Tobirama's face again.

In the future, you have to care more about the children of the village.

Especially the orphans who lost their parents, such as the two sons of Minato and Kushina, Ryunosuke and Naruto. Their parents sacrificed themselves for the village. You must take good care of them on behalf of their parents.

"I got it!"

Hearing the Tobirama's words, Hiruzen immediately nodded.

"I have already sent the Anbu to protect them. I will give them two thousand ryos as living expenses every month. I will go and see them more in the future!"

"This is not enough!"

As soon as Hiruzen finished speaking, Tobirama immediately shook his head. Then, he stretched out his hands and pressed them on his shoulders, looking at him seriously.

"Saru, you have to give your best! Care for them, love them, and give them pocket money to use often. Now, a bowl of Ramen from Ichiraku cost about 100 ryos. How can two thousand yuan be enough? You have to give him twenty million!"


"Fuck, I don't even have twenty million!"

"How did sensei know the price for a bowl of Ichiraku's Ramen?"

Seeing the doubt on Hiruzen's face, Tobirama's expression immediately changed. Then, he patted Hiruzen on the shoulder again.

"Alright, Saru, don't talk anymore. I should return to the world of the dead. You must remember my words!"

After saying that, Tobirama placed his hands on the windowsill and jumped out.

Seeing this scene, Hiruzen was stunned.

"Do you need to jump out of the window to return to the world of the dead?"

Just as Hiruzen thought of this, he heard the sound of shoes stepping on tiles.

Hearing this noise, the Anbu who were in charge of protecting Hiruzen shouted.

"That man just came out from Hokage-sama's residence! Quick! Go and protect him!"

"He is heading towards the west of the village, quickly chase him!"

"Be careful of the tiles in his hand... Ah..."

Hearing the noise outside, Hiruzen was suddenly a little dumbfounded.

"This situation doesn't seem quite right. Could it be... someone was impersonating Sensei?"

Thinking of this, an eccentric figure suddenly appeared in Hiruzen's mind. The corner of his mouth suddenly twitched violently.

"That damn brat... I wonder how he knew what Sensei said back then. Damn it.. He also used the Transformation Jutsu quite well. Even this old man fell into his trap!"

At this point, Hiruzen suddenly laughed again.

"However, even if I can only meet Sensei in this way, I am still satisfied. Hahahaha..."

While Hiruzen was laughing, Zhang Miao, who was disguised as Tobirama, suddenly heard the system prompt.

"[Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining 7-star Kage-level, Sarutobi Hiruzen Ninja Fragment x10! ]"

Hearing this prompt, Zhang Miao couldn't help but reveal a trace of surprise.

That worked?

For Zhang Miao, the most difficult person to deal with in the entire Konoha right now was Hiruzen. This old man was a tough one. Even if he did the same embarrassing thing Fugaku did, he would not gave him Ninja Fragments.

However, Zhang Miao also knew that it was not a good idea to keep exposing his secret, so he did not know what to do. He could only put aside the matter of collecting Hiruzen's Ninja Fragments for the time being and plan to act when he found a solution.

And today's operation was happened only because Zhang Miao had just obtained the Elite-level basic ninjutsu. He wanted to use Hiruzen, the "Professor" as a subject for experiment, but he did not expect that he would obtain his ninja fragments.

"Whatever, it's still nice to earn some of his Ninja Fragments.."

Thinking of this, Zhang Miao suddenly turned around and grinned at the three Anbu members who were chasing after him.

"Haha, witness this move of mine! Shadow Clone Jutsu!"

As Zhang Miao's voice rang out, a figure that looked exactly like him appeared on his left and right. The three chaser immediately split into three directions.

However, the Anbu was not to be trifled with. Just as Zhang Miao made his clone, he heard a loud roar coming from behind him!

"Shadow Clone Jutsu!"

Upon hearing this voice, Zhang Miao turned around and immediately discovered that the number of Anbu members chasing him had not decreased, but instead, there were a few more!

Seeing this scene, his expresison changed.

"Damn, there's such a thing?"

Zhang Miao originally wanted to show off, but he didn't expect that someone else would beat him. Looking at the Anbu that was getting closer and closer, he immediately gritted his teeth and ran for his life!

As he ran, he let out a heart-wrenching scream.

"Murderers! Help!"

The Anbu Members: "..."

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