
Ninja Recruitment System

After ending up being Naruto’s older brother and losing both parents at the event of Kyubi’s Rampage, Zhang Miao felt a lot of pressure. Fortunately, he has the Ninja Recruiting System! As long as you collect enough Ninja Fragments, you can recruit the corresponding ninja. Not only could you obtain the chakra reserve of the recruited ninja, but you can also get the recruited ninja’s ninjutsu or Bloodline Limit! So the question is, do you want Uchiha’s blood or the Ramen lover’s blood? Translator site: readfanfic . com P atreon: p atreon.co m/MiraiWorld

nyawdao2 · Anime & Comics
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354 Chs

Meeting Kakashi

Being a baby was depressing, especially for an adult-like Zhang Miao, but he had no way to deal with the situation in front of him.

Even the System in his mind only told him that the greatest help the System could provide him at the moment was that even if he drank too much milk, he would not suffer from stomach problems.

Of course, from an objective point of view, this was indeed a great help. Zhang Miao also understood this. Since he did not have to worry about his stomach, he could drink milk with all his strength every day. Generally, he could consume a portion of milk for an entire day at a time.

Of course, the benefits brought by this were also very obvious. With the help of the System to digest and absorb nutrients, Zhang Miao grew very fast, and his body was much stronger than ordinary babies. He was only half a year old, and he could already stand up and walk unsteadily.

At this time, Zhang Miao did not look like a baby who was only half a year old but like a child who was about one and a half years old. At this point, even Hiruzen was amazed.

But what made Hiruzen even more surprised was when the Anbu, which was responsible for taking care of Zhang Miao and Naruto, reported back to him that Zhang Miao had thrown his milk bottle and ran to the street. Hiruzen was so surprised that he almost dropped his pipe on the ground.

"Didn't you say a few days ago that he just started standing and learning how to walk? How could he suddenly run away?"

After the shock, Hiruzen hurriedly gave orders to his Anbu subordinates - immediately go and find Zhang Miao!

At this time, he was a little anxious because recently, the village was not peaceful, and there were always cases of children missing. If something happened to Zhang Miao, he didn't know what to say to his dead parents.

Under the command of Hiruzen, the Anbu immediately took action. In less than five minutes, they found Zhang Miao, who was wandering around the door of "Yakiniku Q".

At that time, several Anbu were stunned.

Did this child want to eat some meat?

In fact, the Anbu had indeed guessed correctly. Zhang Miao was indeed ready to eat meat.

Although Zhang Miao had only grown two lower teeth at this time, since he had the help of the system and did not have to worry about stomachache, what was there to worry about eating meat?

One had to know that he, Zhang Miao, was a genuine "carnivore". He was already bored from drinking just milk for these past six months.

" want to eat salt! I want to eat meat!"

Zhang Miao's inner cries naturally could not be heard. Carrying Hokage's order, the Anbus did not hesitate to send Zhang Miao back to his residence and then went to report to the Hokage.

The Anbu obviously underestimated Zhang Miao's determination to eat meat. Not long after they left, Zhang Miao slipped out of the door again and came to the outside of the Yakiniku Q shop.

It was only at this time that Zhang Miao found an important problem - he had no money!

As one of the most expensive places in Konoha, the Yakiniku Q was not a place for charity, and its expensive fees were enough to make many Jonin hesitate.

In the original work, according to Asuma's memories, there was one time when the Ino-Shika-Cho trio ate there without any money on them. Asuma knelt down to the boss at that time.

It could be seen how expensive the place was.

Zhang Miao stood at the entrance of the shop and thought for a long time. In the end, he did not think of a way to eat meat without spending money, so he could only sigh helplessly in his heart.

"Sigh, forget it, let's go back and continue drinking milk. At least the milk sent by the Anbu is free."

Thinking of this, Zhang Miao was ready to go back to the house, but just as he turned around and walked back, a silver-haired teenager suddenly came into his sight.

"That hairstyle and hair color, and that mask..."

At present, in the entire Konoha village, only Jiraiya and Kaka had this white hair, and from the attire of the teenager in front of him, Zhang Miao recognized him at a glance.


Objectively speaking,

Meeting Kakashi in Konoha was not something to make a fuss about, and of course, Zhang Miao would not be excited to see Kakashi.

In fact, what attracted Zhang Miao's attention was not Kakashi himself but the fresh fishes inside the basket on his back.

"Those look delicious!"

Thinking of this, Zhang Miao secretly swallowed a mouthful of saliva and then silently followed behind Kakashi.

"As a subordinate of my cheap father in this life, it shouldn't be too much for me to ask him for a meal, right?" Zhang Miao, who was following behind Kakashi, secretly thought.

Zhang Miao's figure naturally could not be hidden from Kakashi, who was called "Genius Ninja". In fact, when he came from the street, Kakashi had already noticed this little guy.

After walking for a while, Kakashi finally stopped and looked back at Zhang Miao with his dead fish eyes.

"Hey, kid, what are you following me for?"


"Damn, you actually called me kid. You seem to be only thirteen years old now, right?"

Hearing Kakashi's words, the corner of Zhang Miao's mouth could not help but twitch, but for the sake of the fish, Zhang Miao answered honestly.

"Eat fish!"


This answer was obviously beyond Kakashi's expectations, but looking at Zhang Miao staring at the fish basket behind him, Kakashi could not help but frown.

"Where are your parents?"

"They are all dead!"

Zhang Miao answered calmly, but Kakashi frowned even more deeply.

A child who looked only one year old but could declare that his parents were dead with no expression was simply beyond logic.

Therefore, Kakashi was silent for a few seconds before he asked Zhang Miao again, "Your parents are dead? Who told you this?"

At this time, Kakashi was disgusted by the "talkative" guy. After all, this kind of thing was too cruel for a child.

But what Kakashi did not expect was that Zhang Miao shook his head indifferently.

"I saw it with my own eyes on the day the Kyubi appeared!"

This was the first time in six months that Zhang Miao spoke to others. Because his body was too young and his vocal cords were not fully developed, his voice was a little childish, and his words were not very clear.

However, Kakashi understood it.

"They got sacrificed when the Kyubi attacked Konoha?"

After hearing Zhang Miao's answer, Kakashi felt a little emotional.

Half a year ago, when the Kyubi attacked Konoha, many people died in the village, and Kakashi's mentor Minato and Kushina were also sacrificed in that catastrophe.

Looking at Zhang Miao's red hair, Kakashi's eyes flashed with a hint of softness. He raised his eyebrows and turned around.

"Do you want to eat fish? Come with me!"

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