
Ninja Recruitment System

After ending up being Naruto’s older brother and losing both parents at the event of Kyubi’s Rampage, Zhang Miao felt a lot of pressure. Fortunately, he has the Ninja Recruiting System! As long as you collect enough Ninja Fragments, you can recruit the corresponding ninja. Not only could you obtain the chakra reserve of the recruited ninja, but you can also get the recruited ninja’s ninjutsu or Bloodline Limit! So the question is, do you want Uchiha’s blood or the Ramen lover’s blood? Translator site: readfanfic . com P atreon: p atreon.co m/MiraiWorld

nyawdao2 · Anime & Comics
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351 Chs

Kumogakure Envoys' Arrival

Kougi left without hesitation, making Zhang Miao feel a little unreal. He always felt that he would suddenly run back and sing the stupid song in front of him.

After a week, there was still no trace of him. Zhang Miao was sure that this dog had really left.

"According to this guy's speed, he should be arriving at the Land of Water around this time, right? Well, I can finally relax!"

Zhang Miao was relieved, but another bad rumor about the Uchiha started to spread.

For some reason, a rumor about the Uchihas creating a dog with the Sharingan suddenly spread throughout the village in just a week, causing everyone to know about Kougi's matter.

In this regard, the Hyuga clan publicly announced that only families who did not value their own bloodline would do such terrible act, and the Hyuga clan of Konoha would never do such a thing

Obviously, the Hyuga clan wanted to use this opportunity to suppress the Uchiha who was also regarded as one of "Three Great Dojutsu" trio. Of course, the Uchiha naturally would not agree with that statement.

Therefore, after the Hyugas made such a statement, in the afternoon, many of their business in the village were seized by Police Force.

They also had all kinds of reasons, but most of them were baseless. This was obviously an act of revenge. Naturally, the people of the Hyuga clan were not convinced. On the same day, the matter was brought to the Hokage.

Hyuga and Uchiha were both large clans of Konoha, and Hiruzen could not favor anyone. He could only split his attention between them and become a peacemaker. It was not easy for him to solve this issue.

However, not long after this matter was resolved, the Uchiha clan and the Inuzuka clan had a conflict again because the Inuzuka clansmen started to take their dogs to the Uchiha district during this period of time.

Of course, this was not the main reason for their conflict. The reason for their conflict was that all the dogs brought by them around the Uchiha district were females!

Not only that, they even hinted to the youngsters of the Uchiha clan that no matter what they did, the dogs they brought would not resist, and they would turn a blind eye to morals and order for the sake of Konoha's future!

Simply put, the Inuzukas wanted the Uchiha to breed with their dogs!

In the face of such an insult, the Uchihas naturally would not stay still, so the people of the Inuzuka clan were labeled as "troublemakers" by the Police Force and were arrested one by one.

The Inuzuka clan felt that the Uchiha was guilty, so they brought this matter to the Hokage, and then Hiruzen continued to be the mediator....

By the time the matter of Uchiha and Inuzuka clans gradually settled down, it was already a month later, and Konoha was welcoming the envoys of the Land of Lightning.

The Land of Lightning was the only country among the five great countries that had yet to sign a peace agreement with Konoha. In other words, as long as they could sign a peace agreement with Kumogakure this time, it meant that Konoha would completely be freed from the quagmire of the Third War.

At least, it might look like that on the surface.

Therefore, Konoha paid great attention to the treaty from top to bottom. Under the propaganda and guidance of Konoha's higher-ups, when the Land of Lightning's envoys arrived, the villagers went to the village entrance to welcome them. The scene was very lively.

Zhang Miao was also a member of the welcoming party. In order to welcome the envoys of the Land of Lightning, he also wore a white robe and stood at the village's entrance, waiting for their arrival.

When the envoys of the Land of Lightning arrived at the village entrance, Zhang Miao immediately clasped his fingers and shouted loudly.

"Wood Release! Giant Wood Pillars!"

In the original work, Yamato used this technique to prop up the collapsed Tenchi bridge. Now that Zhang Miao used it, the scene was even more spectacular.

Following Zhang Miao's shout, the ground began to tremble, and a huge wooden stake that was embraced by four figures instantly rose from the ground.

In a few breaths, it reached a height of ten meters!

Seeing that the stake had grown enough, Zhang Miao, who was standing on the wooden stake, stopped. Then, he narrowed his eyes and looked down at the stunned envoys below.

"Please accept our special welcoming show! Ryunosuke, Konoha represents, welcomes the arrival of the envoys of the Land of Lightning!"

The envoys: "... "

"What is this? A show of strength?"

Seeing this scene, a few young Kumo ninjas showed anger on their faces. However, none of them dared to rush forward and began to whisper.

"He looks to be about 6 or 7 years old, yet he already knew Wood Release. This red-haired brat should be the rumored person!"

"Hiss... You said that the little brat above is the famous Backdoor Reaper?"

"Well, it should be..."

Hearing the discussion of the Cloud Ninjas behind him, the leader of the team, Karai, suddenly frowned and shouted.

"Everyone, shut up. Listen, the little brat on the wooden stake in front of us is not simple. Even the Fourth Raikage said that since he has the ability to turn the war into hell, noo one should underestimate him!"

"Yes, Karai-sama!" Hearing his words, everyone agreed in unison.

Seeing that the ninjas behind him had agreed, Karai took a deep breath and focused his gaze!


In an instant, his figure disappeared from the spot, and then he appeared at the top of the huge wooden pillar and extended his hand toward Zhang Miao.

"I am a Jonin of Kumogakure. My name is Karai."

"I don't care what your name is!"

Before he could finish speaking, Zhang Miao smiled and grabbed his hand. He looked very enthusiastic, but the words he said were very cold.

"Just sign the peace treaty properly and then go back obediently. Don't play any tricks. Otherwise, you will bear the consequences. Alright, let's go down!"

After saying that, Zhang Miao let go of his hand and directly jumped down. Seeing this scene, Karai immediately frowned.

"Does he know something? It shouldn't be..."

Thinking of this, Karai also jumped down. As soon as he came down, a few Kumo ninjas surrounded him.

"Karai-sama, your expression doesn't seem right. Did something happen?"

"Yes, could it be that the reaper told you something?"

"Damn it, he actually looked down on us just now!"

Hearing everyone's words, Karai once again frowned, and then raised his right hand, "Don't worry, don't forget the task that Raikage-sama gave you, let's go!"


Under Karai's leadership and surrounded by the Konoha's warm welcome, The group of envoys entered Konoha and enjoyed the VIP treatment.

Zhang Miao only cared about welcoming guests. As for the hospitality stuff, others would do it. So after the Kumo ninjas entered the village, he went directly home to accompany Naruto.

After Naruto fell asleep, Zhang Miao suddenly thought of something. He rushed out of the door and quickly ran toward the Hyuga residence.

"I hope I can still make it!"

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