
Ninja Recruitment System

After ending up being Naruto’s older brother and losing both parents at the event of Kyubi’s Rampage, Zhang Miao felt a lot of pressure. Fortunately, he has the Ninja Recruiting System! As long as you collect enough Ninja Fragments, you can recruit the corresponding ninja. Not only could you obtain the chakra reserve of the recruited ninja, but you can also get the recruited ninja’s ninjutsu or Bloodline Limit! So the question is, do you want Uchiha’s blood or the Ramen lover’s blood? Translator site: readfanfic . com P atreon: p atreon.co m/MiraiWorld

nyawdao2 · Anime & Comics
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350 Chs


There are two famous families in Konoha Village, namely the Uchiha and the Hyuga clan. Interestingly, these two famous families claim to be the number one in Konoha.

Both of these two clans made their fortunes on their Dojutsu (Pupil/Visual Technique), one had the Shaingan and the other had the Byakugan. Both clans were not willing to lose to each other.

Zhang Miao knew this for a long time, so when he was selling his sculptures, when he saw an Uchiha, he said that Uchiha clan was the number one in Konoha.

Sure enough, some sweet talks were necessary in running a business. One had to be slippery enough to attract lots and lots of customers.

It is precisely because of this that his sculptures are selling very well. After a while, more than half of the his stock have been sold.

Of course, there are also some slow-moving goods, such as the sculpture of Danzo.

Zhang Miao had long thought that his business would do good, so he carved several pieces of each type of sculpture. Of course, Danzo, a senior advisor to the Hokage, was also indispensable.

Although Zhang Miao hated Danzo, if he was specifically missed him, he might cause some trouble, and considering that he was the leader of "Root", he had a lot of loyalists under him in that organization, Zhang Miao even carved a considerable amount of his sculpture.

After all, money was more important!

However, Zhang Miao didn't expect that even the sculptures of Homura and Koharu had been sold, but none of Danzo's sculptures were moved, let alone sold, and no one even asked for them!

This made Zhang Miao very angry.

"Dang it, if I know it will be like this, I won't make so many of Danzo's sculptures. I have to get rid of them quickly, otherwise I'm in trouble!"

Just when Zhang Miao was thinking about what to do, a deep voice reached his ears.

"Son, this sculpture of Sarutobi Hiruzen looks nice, how much for it?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen?

Hearing this name, Zhang Miao quickly looked up and found a gloomy-faced man standing opposite him.

Looking at this unfamiliar face, Zhang Miao immediately frowned.

"This guy is very courageous!"

You must know that most people call Hiruzen as "Hokage-sama", but now someone dared to call him by his name, which could be considered disrespectful!

However, Zhang Miao is not that kind of stiff person, especially when dealing with customers who are willing to spend money, he thinks that he should be more tolerant, so he did not bother, and answered him with a smile on his face.

"Dear costumer, your eyesight is really good, this one is a masterpiece among my creations. The original price is about 500,000 yuan. But to celebrate our grand opening today. You can get it for just 300,000 ryos!"

Hearing Zhang Miao's words, the gloomy-faced man twitched the corner of his mouth, and then extended his finger to the Danzo sculpture next to him.

"What about this one? This one's pretty good, how much for it?"

Seeing the the Danzo sculpture he pointed at, Zhang Miao smiled even brighter.

"Hahahaha, I have to say, the customer's vision is really good, this 'Shimura Danzo -Vacuum Sphere' is the my best creation besides the Hokage sculpture, the original price is 350,000, and now it only costs 200,000 ryos!"

As soon as Zhang Miao finished speaking, the gloomy man twitched the corners of his mouth again, which made Zhang Miao, who had been paying attention to his facial expressions, scream inwardly.

"No… it must be too expensive for him. If this goes on, it will be bad for my business!"

Thinking of this, Zhang Miao immediately slapped his thigh.

"But... I see that you are a good-looking costumer, so I decided to sell it at a loss. As long as you buy the Third Hokage's sculpture, you will get this Danzo sculpture for free!"


Hearing Zhang Miao's words, the gloomy man widened his eyes and opened his mouth, revealing an incredible expression.

Seeing his expression, Zhang Miao was more certain of his thoughts, so he decided to work harder.

"Guest, I think this is our meeting is bound by fate, and I feel that I have always had a connection with you. Instead of buy-one-get-one-free, I will give you buy-two-get-three-free special offer! If you buy one sculpture of the Third Hokage, I will give you two Danzo sculptures, and if you buy 2, I will give you 3 for free!"

Zhang Miao originally thought that the other party would accept it happily, or at least choose the buy-one-get-one-free offer, but what he didn't expect was that the other party snorted coldly as soon as his voice disappeared.

"Humph! I don't want the Hiruzen's sculpture, and I don't need your discount! Here, 350,000 ryos!"

With that said, he took out a handful of banknotes and threw them in front of Zhang Miao, then picked up a Danzo sculpture from the stall and left!

Looking at the back of him leaving, Zhang Miao was stunned for a moment, then shook his head helplessly.

"You don't even want to get one for free, and you decided to pay more. Jeez, this kind of customer is really rare!"

Thinking of this, Zhang Miao shrugged his shoulders, then lowered his head to pick up the banknotes that the man had thrown on the stall just now.

Zhang Miao didn't know that when the gloomy man crossed the street and entered a room, a puff of white smoke rose around his body, and then his appearance changed into a different look.

It was Shimura Danzo himself!

It turned out that the gloomy man from before was Danzon in disguise!

In fact, Danzo was very helpless, because since he was captured by the Police Force, the news of his assassination attemptt on the Hokage has spread everywhere in the village. In order to avoid attracting unecessary attention, he uses the Transformation Jutsu in crowded places,.

He did this on purpose, but today's unexpected incident made him very angry.

"Why he sell my sculpture for a cheaper price than Hiruzen Am I worth less than him?!"

"Not only that, he also dared to give away my sculptures for free as a bonus for purchasing that damn Hiruzen sculptures!"

Thinking of this, Danzo immediately punched the table next to him.

"Damn! If I become the Hokage..." Having said this, Danzo suddenly turned his head to look at the corner of where he was, his eyes full of vigilance, "Who is there? Come out!"

As he finished speaking, and hoarse laughter broke out.

"Hahahaha... Don't worry, Danzo-sama, it's me!"

At the same time, a pale man walked out from the shadow. After seeing his face, Danzo snorted coldly.

"Hmph, it's you Orochimaru. What do you want?"

It turned out that it was none other than Orochimaru of the Legendary Sannin who appeared in front of Danzo.

Seeing Danzo's unhappy look on his face, Orochimaru immediately licked his lips with this snake tongue, then laughed again.

"This time, I came to Danzo-sama to tell you that my experiment on culturing Hashirama's cells is working smoothly, and it will be ready for transplantation soon. Also, I don't have enough experimental materials!"

Hearing Orochimaru's words, Danzo immediately frowned.

"I will send the materials to you as soon as possible, but my spy reported that Hiruzen has been eyeing you, so you should be more restrained during this time, and don't take the initiative to come to me in the future. I will send someone to contact you if something happens!"

"Hahahaha..." As soon as Danzo finished speaking, Orochimaru laughed again.

"I understand, Danzo-sama!"

A flame ignited under Orochimaru's feet, and then quickly burned up to his neck from the bottom up, and the only his smiling head remained.

"Then, goodbye!"

After speaking, the flames also burned out Orochimaru's head.

Looking at Orochimaru who had disappeared, Danzo's face suddenly flashed a hint of vigilance.

"Orochimaru is indeed a dangerous guy!"

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