
Ninja Recruitment System

After ending up being Naruto’s older brother and losing both parents at the event of Kyubi’s Rampage, Zhang Miao felt a lot of pressure. Fortunately, he has the Ninja Recruiting System! As long as you collect enough Ninja Fragments, you can recruit the corresponding ninja. Not only could you obtain the chakra reserve of the recruited ninja, but you can also get the recruited ninja’s ninjutsu or Bloodline Limit! So the question is, do you want Uchiha’s blood or the Ramen lover’s blood? Translator site: readfanfic . com P atreon: p atreon.co m/MiraiWorld

nyawdao2 · Anime & Comics
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354 Chs

Bursting Anger

Hiruzen was obviously thinking too much, and no matter what he thought, he could not stop Kakashi and Zhang Miao's sudden bonding session.

The reason was very simple. Kakashi had just lost his important companions and mentor. To make up for the emptiness in his heart, he urgently needed something to fill the emptiness in his heart and ease his pain at the same time.

And Zhang Miao, as the orphan of Minato and Kushina, could be said to have completely met Kakashi's needs so that Kakashi would devote himself to this feeling or to the responsibility.

As for Zhang Miao, in order to carry out the plan of reviving his parents and taking revenge on Uchiha Obito, he urgently needed to improve his strength, so he needed to collect Kakashi's Ninja Fragments as soon as possible so that he could recruit him, a five-star Jonin.

As long as he could recruit Kakashi, not only would he be able to get a good ninja that was completely loyal to him, but he would also be able to directly possess superior Chakra and Ninjutsu, which would be crucial to his future plans!

Precisely because of these reasons that Zhang Miao and Kakashi would have a very long period of bonding process.

And now, this period of time had only just begun.

"I came to pick up Uzumaki Ryunosuke. I already received the Third's permission!"

Standing in front of Zhang Miao's residence, Kakashi took out a scroll and handed it to the Anbu.

The Anbu with a cat mask obviously knew Kakashi. After taking the scroll and looking at it, he returned it to Kakashi and nodded.

"I understand, senpai. You can take that kid away!"

Hearing the Anbu's words, Kakashi frowned, but he did not say anything. He nodded, opened the door, and walked in.

At this time, Zhang Miao was squatting on the ground with a milk bottle, staring at the Anbu who was in charge of guarding him. Seeing Kakashi come in, he suddenly looked up and smiled at Kakashi.

"You are finally here. If you come a little later, I will have to drink this tasteless thing!"

Zhang Miao threw the milk bottle aside, then stood up with one knee and stretched.

"Ha! Let's go and eat some fish. Are we still having some fried fish for today?"

Seeing Zhang Miao's action, Kakashi felt a warmth in his heart and immediately nodded.

"Well, let's go!"

With that, Kakashi turned and left.

In front of others, Kakashi was usually very quiet. Zhang Miao also knew this, so he did not mind. Seeing Kakashi leave, he quickly followed.

But when he was about to reach the door, Zhang Miao suddenly heard a baby crying behind him. He quickly stopped and turned to run back.

Seeing his movements, Kakashi also stopped and looked at Zhang Miao.

Naruto was crying, perhaps because he was hungry, or maybe because Zhang Miao had just spoken too loudly, waking him up from his sleep. The younger Uzumaki was crying non-stop now.

Zhang Miao ran to the small bed, picked up his brother, and stuffed the milk bottle that he had thrown just now into Naruto's mouth. Soon, Naruto stopped crying and began to concentrate on drinking milk.

Seeing this scene, Kakashi suddenly widened his eyes.

"What a baby!"

In fact, Zhang Miao had learned this from female Anbu, who did the same thing when Naruto cried.

Moreover, when Naruto cried, he was most likely hungry. As long as a milk bottle is stuffed into his mouth, he would be fine!

After drinking the milk, Naruto soon fell asleep. Looking at the little fellow who was sleeping soundly, Zhang Miao smiled slightly and then carried him to the door and nodded to Kakashi.

"Let's go!"

When Zhang Miao was about to go out, he was stopped by the Anbu.

"Put the Jinchuuriki down!"


Hearing this,

The smile on Zhang Miao's face instantly disappeared. He immediately raised his head and glared at the Anbu who had just spoken.

"This is my younger brother, Naruto. He is not some shitty Jinchuuriki! Is this how the Third teaches his subordinates? I warn you, never say that word in front of me again. Otherwise, you will need to face the Third himself!"

Zhang Miao's sudden outburst immediately startled everyone, even Kakashi.

"I don't recall that this kid being a little emotional... No, it seems that the Uzumakis are all bad-tempered..."

Thinking of this, Kakashi suddenly remembered his teacher's wife, Kushina.

The Anbu who was scolded by Zhang Miao was naturally annoyed, being taught a lesson by a baby, but just as he was about to teach Zhang Miao a lesson, he was stopped by Kakashi.

"Well, this matter ends here, and the Jinchuuriki matter is indeed confidential. Do not mention that word again in the future."

Kakashi was not older than the rest of the Anbu, but he was indeed a "Veteran" of the Anbu. His words were naturally wise. After hearing his words, the annoyed Anbu could only obediently agree.


Hearing his answer, Kakashi immediately nodded and then looked at Zhang Miao.

"Ryunosuke, your brother, Naruto, does need the protection of the Anbu, so you should put him back. That will be better for him!"

"Humph!" Just as Kakashi finished his words, Zhang Miao snorted disdainfully, "To put it bluntly, he's just afraid of that monster sealed in my brother's body, eh? Tsk!"


Zhang Miao's words shocked everyone because they did not expect Zhang Miao to know about such a secret, so they looked at each other, wondering who had leaked the information to this little baby.

However, Zhang Miao did not have the leisure to pay attention to them. After he finished speaking, he sent Naruto back to his bed and then raised his arms to slap the sleeping baby's forehead.

"Waaah... waah... waah..."

Looking at what Zhang Miao just did to his little brother, everyone, including Kakashi, was stunned.

What was he doing?

Under everyone's surprised gazes, Zhang Miao turned around with a smile on his face and slowly walked to the door. Then he raised his chin at Kakashi with a relaxed expression.

"Let's go to your place to eat some fish!"



Ignoring the surprised looks of the crowd, Zhang Miao walked out of the room. Seeing him, Kakashi quickly nodded to the few Anbu ninjas in front of him and then quickly followed.

On the way to Kakashi's house, at first, neither Kakashi nor Zhang Miao spoke, but ten minutes later, Kakashi finally broke the silence.

"Ryunosuke, do you hate your brother?"

"How is that possible?" Hearing Kakashi's words, Zhang Miao suddenly turned to look at him in surprise, "He is my only family. I love him. I will kill whoever dares to bully him.

Kakashi was speechless

"Didn't you just make him cry?"

Kakashi kept his thought to himself. After remembering Zhang Miao's sudden outburst at the Anbu earlier, he realized that this kid did love his brother.

In any case, this guy looked different. Perhaps that slap was the way he expressed his love?

Kakashi did not know that Zhang Miao's slap was not to express his love for Naruto but for that pleasant system prompt sound.

"[Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining 9-star, Uzumaki Naruto (Ashura) ninja fragment x1, 8-star Tailed-beast, Kurama (Yang) ninja fragments x5!]"

"I struck a double! Yeah!"

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