
Ninja Recruitment System

After ending up being Naruto’s older brother and losing both parents at the event of Kyubi’s Rampage, Zhang Miao felt a lot of pressure. Fortunately, he has the Ninja Recruiting System! As long as you collect enough Ninja Fragments, you can recruit the corresponding ninja. Not only could you obtain the chakra reserve of the recruited ninja, but you can also get the recruited ninja’s ninjutsu or Bloodline Limit! So the question is, do you want Uchiha’s blood or the Ramen lover’s blood? Translator site: readfanfic . com P atreon: p atreon.co m/MiraiWorld

nyawdao2 · Anime & Comics
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350 Chs

Arriving at Tanzaku Quarters

Zhang Miao had asked Deikira find Tsunade before and told him to return after finding her. Now that he was here, the result was obvious!

As Zhang Miao expected, when he came to the town closest to Konoha and found Deikira , the latter immediately told him the news of Tsunade.

"Your Holiness, I have found Tsunade. She is now on the Tanzaku Quarters south of the Valley of End."

"The Tanzaku Quarters?" After hearing Deikira, Zhang Miao was stunned for a moment, "Are you sure you are not mistaken?"

Zhang Miao remembered that in the original plot, after Orochimaru executed his Konoha Crush plan and killed the Third Hokage, Naruto and Jiraiya found Tsunade in the Tanzaku Quarters and asked her to go back and inherit the Fifth Hokage position.

But that was eight years later, so Zhang Miao never thought that Tsunade was now in the Tanzaku Quarters.

Looking at Zhang Miao's doubtful look, Deikira nodded again.

"Your Holiness, I have already confirmed that the other party is Tsunade. She just arrived at the Tanzaku Quarters last month, and she seems to be hiding from someone. There is also a girl and a pig beside her, hm!"

"She seems to be hiding from someone? And with a girl and a pig?"

After hearing this, Zhang Miao was stunned again and then grinned.

"Haha, that must be Tsunade. She is very good at gambling. She must have owed someone money, so she's hiding in the Tanzaku Quarters. And the girl following her should be her deceased lover's niece, Shizune!"

"Yes!" As soon as Zhang Miao finished speaking, Deikira spoke again, "I heard that she indeed called that girl Shizune!"

"Hahahaha, that's right!"

After getting the exact answer from Deikira , Zhang Miao immediately laughed even more happily and nodded while laughing.

"Okay, since we've confirmed that she's on the Tanzaku Quarters, let's not delay any further. Let's set off now!"

After hearing Zhang Miao's instructions, Deikira immediately nodded. Then, he summoned his clay giant bird and carried Zhang Miao towards the Tanzaku Quarters.

The speed of the clay giant bird was very fast. It was basically equivalent to the speed of a superior Ninja who specialized in physical arts running at full speed. The two of them only took half a day to reach the Tanzaku Quarters.

In order to not cause unnecessary trouble, Zhang Miao did not let Deikira fly in directly with the clay giant bird. Instead, he let him fall from the sky when he was a few hundred meters away from the Tanzaku Quarters.

After landing on the ground, Zhang Miao immediately smiled and nodded at Deikira .

"Well, Deikira , you have done a good job, so I decided to give you some rewards. How about this, you go to Land of Earth and find Deidara. After you go, you can discuss the art of explosion to your heart's content!"

"Really?" Hearing Zhang Miao's words, Deikira immediately widened his eyes in joy, his face full of ecstasy, "Great, Your Holiness, you are indeed the one who understands art the most, hm!"

Zhang Miao grinned again as he looked at the overjoyed Deikira . While smiling, he waved at him.

"Alright, stop flattering me. Don't cause any trouble after you go. By the way, don't let the Akatsuki organization target you, and don't clash with them. They are not people you can deal with, understand?"

"I understand!" "My life belongs to His Holiness. Without His Holiness's permission, I will not use the ultimate Art of Explosion!"

Zhang Miao: "…"

"D*mn it, isn't this guy's already has the ultimate Art of Explosion of self-destruction?"

Thinking of this, Zhang Miao suddenly felt a little lucky that he had reminded him. Otherwise, Deikira might have turned into ashes with a "bang" that day.

Looking at the regretful expression on Deikira, the corner of Zhang Miao's mouth twitched twice and then waved at him again.

"It's good that you know. Go and get along well with Deidara. While studying art, you must also pay attention to your own safety. This is an order!"

Seeing that Zhang Miao was concerned about his own safety, Deikira immediately nodded happily.

"Yes, I understand. Then I will take my leave first, Your Holiness!"

After speaking, Deikira controlled his clay giant bird to soar into the sky and quickly disappeared into the distant sky.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Miao's lips also revealed a bit of a smile.

"With the addition of Deikira , the speed at which I refine the Shinigami Mask will increase by a lot!"

Zhang Miao had asked Deikira find Deidara. Of course, it was not to let him study the unconventional "Art of Explosion", but to ask him to help collect Deidara's Ninja Fragments.

Because Deidara's Ninja Fragment was also a 7-star Kage level and could be used as an important material to refine the Shinigami Mask!

It was precisely because of this that Zhang Miao would repeatedly remind him to ensure his own safety so as to not affect the progress of the collection of the Ninja Fragments.

Now, Zhang Miao sent the remaining 7-star recruitment team to collect the Ninja Fragments. They were Gyobito for Obito's fragments, Chiyu for Chiyo's, Gaizen for Gaara's, and Deikira for Deidara's. There were a total of four people.

However, Zhang Miao wanted to use the Ninja Fragments of Obito to draw prizes, so there were only three other Ninja Fragments that could be used to refine the Shinigami Mask.

Zhang Miao had calculated that 1600 identical Ninja Fragments could refine a Shinigami Mask, and the efficiency of these recruitment team collecting the original Ninja Fragments was about ten per day.

At the rate of ten fragments per day. In a year, they would be collecting around 3600. Even if there are occasional vacancies, there won't be too many. In this way, the Ninja Fragments collected by the three recruited people in a year are enough to refine six Shinigami Masks!

Thinking of this, Zhang Miao's eyes suddenly lit up.

"In this way, we can recruit the Shinigami in five years at most. This efficiency is already very good!"

It must be known that according to the system's rating, Otsutsuki Kaguya, who was known as the "Ancestor of Chakra" and the "God of Creation" in the Ninja World, was only a 10-star pseudo-god, but Shinigami was an 11-star qQuasi-god!

Although there was only one word of difference between the two, and the difference in star level was only one star, the essence of the difference was like heaven and earth. Not to mention other things, just the two artifacts of the Shinigami, the Soul Blade and Soul Beads - could be said to be an absolute killing weapon!

Zhang Miao felt very satisfied that such an existence could be recruited in five years.

More importantly, according to the development of the original plot, there was still about ten years before Madara launched the "Eye of the Moon Plan", so Zhang Miao was not in a hurry.

"The most important thing right now is to earnestly collect the ninja fragments of Tsunade. I have an intuition that Tsunade will definitely give me a big surprise!"

Thinking of this, Zhang Miao grinned again, and then ran toward the Tanzaku Quarters with a look of expectation, shouting at the same time.

"Aunt Tsunade, I'm coming!"

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