
Ninja Points In Naruto

A normal boy’s soul from Earth traveled to the Naruto world. There he is known as Uchiha Tatsumi. He wanted to live a normal life, until reality hit him hard in the face. He was in the timeline when Minato was in the academy, the second war still had to happen. He must survive the 2nd and 3rd Ninja War to meet the characters from the original story. ----------------------------- The words you read here are the supreme truth. Don't try and refer to the original timeline. ----------------------------------------- (This is an mtl and I am just editing it.) Author : Qing Ya Link for mtl : www.mtlnovel.com/konohas-50-years

Hiddenveil · Anime & Comics
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67 Chs


Uchiha Tatsumi angrily looked at the character panel.

"This is too bad, my ranks on Taijutsu, Chakra, Shuriken throwing and Hand seals have only reached Level 2. In other words, I have just reached the normal level of an Academy student. Others are all level zero."

"System, I feel like it will take mr only minutes to defeat a Genin right now."

[Host, this is your reality strength not the one you feel like.]

Tatsumi had a bitter expression.

He quickly understood the system setting. The system has 13 attributes. These are all used for judging the strength of a ninja.

Whether it is Taijutsu, Ninjutsu, the attribute nature of wind, fire, Lightning , water and earth, it is the standard way to measure a ninja's talent.

In recent years, Uchiha Tatsumi has only trained in Chakra extraction, Shuriken throwing, simple Taijutsu and hand seals due to his young age.

So, two years of training brought him to the most common student level of the Academy.

Although his current strength would be considered very good among his peers.

He won't go far since he has no guidance.

Kakashi graduated when he was 5 years old and became a Chunin at 6 years old. On one hand, is his outstanding talent and on the other hand, it is also related to teaching.

There is a big difference between someone teaching and no one teaching.

It may be because his father is Uchiha Kagami, the disciple of Second-Kage. After all, in the manga, Kagami is a man who has a vision beyond the clan, like Shisui.

This kind of person will not be accepted by the clan.

He can't be called genius.

Compared with those trained children, he can only be regarded as an ordinary child.

This is not in line with the setting of being Uchiha Kagami's son and Uchiha Shisui's father.

Is the talent inherited alternate from generation to generation?

'It seems that I have to be a bit more cruel to myself and train harder.'

You can't just be like this and people will say, "Yes, he is the father, Uchiha Tatsumi, of the famous 'Shisui of the Body Flicker'..."

This would be too bad.

He decided to let everyone notice him at the Academy. If Uchiha Tatsumi wants to be assigned a good Jonin Teacher when he graduates, then he must show his talent to Konoha. No one will pay special attention to those without talent.

For any village, the control of Ninjutsu and Forbidden Jutsu is very strict.

In addition to the father teaching his son and clan jutsus being passed down in the clan, they are also taught from generation to generation in the name of master and disciple.

If Uchiha Tatsumi can be assigned a particularly outstanding Jonin Teacher when he graduates, it would be extremely beneficial to Uchiha Tatsumi's future development.

Soon, the Second Shinobi War will begin. If he doesn't get special attention from Konoha, he will become cannon fodder and die on the battlefield.

In order to avoid this, Uchiha Tatsumi's current goal is to become stronger.

As long as he exercises hard, he can get ninja points.

So, just add your 2000 points to an attribute.....yes...it's...

Uchiha Tatsumi feels that his eyes are reading something wrong.


He suddenly saw his ninja points column.

Wat Da Fuk!

His ninja points are 0.

What's this? It must be an illusion.

[host, what's the matter?]

"Where are my ninja points??" Uchiha Tatsumi, gnashing his teeth said.

"2000 points were used to open the panel."

"It takes 2000 points to open the panel?"

[Well, the host answered correctly. Gained 1 ninja point.]

Uchiha Tatsumi didn't give up, and continued to ask, "Is there any newbie package?"


"Why didn't you say it earlier?"

[You didn't ask.]

Uchiha Tatsumi has decided to wait until he becomes strong. He will then throw away this bullshit system completely.

[Host opens the panel, completes the novice mission, and receives a reward novice gift package. I wish you good luck.]

The mechanical sound continued to sound.

Tatsumi was a little relieved. He lost 2000 points, so he should get something very good.

"Wood-Style, EMS or Chakra increase will do…"

There was a new item in the system interface,

The instructions for "Newbie Gift Pack" are: Hit me, come hit me.

"Okay, I'll spank you! Open the gift package!"

[The newbie package has been successfully opened... Congratulations to the host for getting a 1888 points voucher]

"Host, thank you system for your generosity."

[1888 points Rebate voucher]: Get 1888 ninja points immediately after use.

"System, you must be kidding me. I lost 2000 points, and now I only get 1888 points."

Uchiha Tatsumi rested his face on both his hands, feeling that life is very dark.

The voucher was exchanged by Tatsumi for 1888 ninja points, and then he took out 1,000 ninja points to add to Taijutsu.

The Taijutsu indicator becomes Level 3 : (2000).

[Congratulations to the host's Taijutsu rank upgrade to Level 3. The speed, endurance, strength, and understanding of the host in the Taijutsu field are greatly improved compared to when it was at Level 2.]

He has to go to the Academy to register tomorrow. At this age, because there is less Chakra, Taijutsu and shuriken play a huge role.

So, he urgently needs to add ninja points to Taijutsu. In this way, physical strength can be greatly improved.

The fatigue he had because he exercised was also wiped out. He felt that he could run another two hundred laps. (Can 5-year-olds do that??)

Uchiha Tatsumi feels that his body is extremely light at this time, even more agile than before he started this training.

"Is it the result of increasing level?"

Tatsumi feels that he understands a lot of things that he didn't understand on Taijutsu before. Many actions could not be done before, now they can be used.

After that, Tatsumi took a closer look at his body, he did not find any abnormalities.

"In that case..."

Uchiha Tatsumi is going to check his current strength.

As soon as his black pupils condensed, the Chakra within-his-body began to gather toward his legs quickly, this is something Uchiha Tatsumi has done countless times.

His figure turned into an afterimage at this time, which was much faster than his previous speed.

With his black hair and slick lines, Tatsumi felt like he opened the Eight-Gates during that instant.

Well, it was just an illusion.

This time both his movement speed and distance are much more than before. This was beyond his expectation. Tatsumi himself did not expect that he would now such powerful Taijutsu.

"Not good!"

A few meters away in front of him was a table!

At the crucial moment, Uchiha Tatsumi feels that his heart breaking.

"The hundred-year-old elm table."

With the sound of the table breaking, Tatsumi finally stopped.

His body was on the fragments of the table at this time.

"It hurts..."

Tatsumi was in pain and sat on the ground.