
Ningen no hifu no akuma (demon in human skin)

BiazarKaiser · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

Tral'vic & Behemoth, Orcus Depths

After leaving the fifty-first floor behind them everyone headed down to the next level well if they could fit sadly both of the giant monsters had to be stored. This is where the three people split off as Hōhei left the two behind to advance quickly. He had a knight to save from a teenage yandere necromancer. His ever watching little friend peaked from his eye socket and said bye to Yue.

Hajime..... Hajime just got a look and nothing else before the little creature retreated. Back inside of its home, Hōhei's eye socket, she did claim it after all. After Hōhei had split off from the two he proceeded down three floors with the help of his monsters, and a bit of summoning to break through rather violently.

Fuck being slow he killed, ate, tamed, and corrupted on the fly. He was on a time limit. Which slowly but surely was running out.

The fifty-fourth floor is where something unexpected was, were two creatures were present and a fight still on going somehow or another! The floor looked like a wreck with upturned trees and other things as in the center of the room was the Behemoth that had fallen with the two youths. Currently grappled by Tral'vic who was missing his legs and half his head biting the creature. His axe is lodged into the ceiling with pitiful cracks all over it even along the shaft. The Behemoth was visibly very exhausted and tired, missing some of its right horn, another leg was completely gone, and the entire left half its upper face was gouged out.

Showing a bit of bone from how badly it was fucked up by the Death King, and the fall it had suffered a long time ago. Seeing this sight Hōhei slowly approached the two giants with a chuckle. This truly was an unexpected thing and quite amusing in a way. Yet Tral'vic would die soon desummoning him finally it seems.

As he approached them Tral'vic had eventually made the Behemoth finally submit, but at the cost of his defeat. Though this didn't upset the Death King one bit, not one bit in all honesty. Instead while he had his body gouged by a horn to the chest, Tral'vic was laughing with psychotic glee and smiled upon noticing Hōhei. The old Death King had his fun so he didn't care he failed right now.

Tral'vic: "So you lived my liege! Hahahahahaha! GOOD GOOD! That fall didn't kill you! Sadly my task is incomplete but, I've had so much more fun than in eighty centuries! While it will take a while for me to heal.... I shall recommend a suitable servant as a reward for this opportunity! As the others always complain about fighting, bah they don't get the thrill. Now while this is goodbye for now, shall you ever need me again then, I the 78th Death King, Tral'vic, shall join you again on the field of battle."

Although the way Tral'vic had talked confused Hōhei some he still waved goodbye to the Death King. Before looking at the Behemoth that has been whining after Tral'vic disappeared via black particles. Walking towards the once violent monster now at deaths door Hōhei gently traced his hand along its body till he was at its face. Looking into the creatures eye that was still even worth being called such he whispered softly just for the three of them to clearly hear.

Akuma: "We meet again after the fall and I see you've not a had chance to even rest, or heal one bit that's a good thing for me no?"

Chuckling he gripped the muzzle of the monster as he slowly started grinning with flashes of crimson purple rippling from the hand on the muzzle. Seeing this the giant only closed its eye and whined out loudly, wanting to just die already instead of dealing with more pain. Seeing this Hōhei was surprised he thought it'd be more violent in wanting to stop his actions to live or something.

Instead here he is with the decision on how the monster can end up. For right this second he can kill the damn thing, leave it to suffer, or tame the monster. With a soft chuckle though Hōhei gave the whining Behemoth a playful devils grin as his hand stopped sparking and instead glowed with a faint purple light.

Akuma: "Hey you want to still live don't you?"

With a whine and a weak head movement the monster moved a bit in response to the question. Seeing it want to continue on living had sealed its fate once the purple glow around Hōhei's hand formed a broken shield. The shield shattered forming a taming pact between them. The occurrence afterwards was a surprise, since there was an unexpected feedback from the taming that had occurred. Hōhei shot violently up into the ceiling like a cannon ball abruptly.

Meanwhile the Behemoth vanished from its spot as dust, dust that began swirling around and seperatinh slowly. Falling from the ceiling onto the ground with a violent thud Hōhei coughed up a fit, with each cough having a mouth full blood hit the ground. It had been awhile since he had tasted bloody iron or felt something break.

Looking around as he got back up he noticed the Behemoth was gone, and no where to be seen at all currently besides dust. Not even in the mess that should be its blood was there anymore. Sighing he rubbed his chest at the unexpected situation, and winced at the feeling of his ribs very likely being broken with a few other bones in his body. That when he felt something or rather two things behind him, he could sorta guess what, but he slowly turned his head.

He looked back and felt strange because he had made the Behemoth become two, two humanoid versions. Then again strange things are normal here in this world. As he looked at a rather interesting duo that both looked at him in confusion since this is all one weird and strange situation right now. For everyone involved. Because one plus zero is one not two monsters.

Behind him stood a man, maybe thirty-ish, that stood at seven feet and eight inches tall as his body looked well toned. Toned enough that if you hit him you'd break your hand very likely. His skin tone was a healthy tan that was almost too perfect looking in Hōhei's opinion. His body looked like that of a man who's been training and lifting heavy things all his life that if he wasn't currently nude, save the piece of fur around his neck, his clothing would be screaming from the tight fit. Looking at his other features though were a little different as Behemoth origin still showed.

He also noticed that around his neck, the fur thing, was a lot of fur like scarf that made it seem like he should have a piece of clothing with a furred collar. His face was a little like Ottar's from Danimachi just the whole area from a little pass his left eye to his right, just pass his right eye to the ear, was damaged horribly. The man is completely blind. From his forehead on the right side is a broken horn that the Behemoth had after all the fighting. His hair was also reaching his shoulders, while the light from this floor that didn't get destroyed showed its dirty blood red color.

The other person who was being supported by the male as they were missing their left leg, huh healed a limb through this? Was a woman that seemed to be in her late twenties. She looked like she could pass for a heiress to some sort of company with how pretty she looked by Earth standards. She stood at six feet and five inches tall even with the one leg as her companion supported her weight without a complaint. The woman she had a white complexion that was currently a bit bloody and dirty from everything, which the male isn't much better he's caked in blood. Taking in the woman's features Hōhei noted she was likely a D cup?

He doesn't quite know, even using the memory from Castra, that had a random bust size chart that he had saw. Why he looked at one he would never get because no one really forced him too. Guess the general was bored so he just decided to study boobs?

The woman had a rather blank face that although looked nice to him, others may say its okay since its not that pretty even with her looks. Her eyes though were a deep murky green blue color. Which held a fair bit of will to murder everyone in sight within them with just enough madness mixed in. Her hair that reached down to the middle of her back was a dirty reddish orange color.

Like her male companion she also a had fur like scarf around her neck that looked like it belonged some fur clothing. From her forehead on the left was a fully intact horn of the two that were on the Behemoth's head previously. The most telling thing that these two were also likely the Behemoth. As the giant scar on both of their chest may, just maybe, is a god damn give away there.

Akuma: "So uh you two the Behemoth?"

M.B: "Yes...."

F.B: "Damn right you shitty Human!"

The voices were an utter contrast to their looks! The male had a soft spoken voice, while he scratched his cheek. The female had a brash and almost gruff voice to compliment the look in her eyes! Looking at them dumbly for a bit Hōhei eventually sighed, and rubbed his face tiredly. He looked at them both before coming to a conclusion after some time of contemplating and exhausted feelings.

Akuma: "Big guy you'll be Fafnir, while the woman will be Fenrir. No arguments if you try I'm going to fucking hit you, I'm not above picking on cripples and women. Now lets get you both some fucking clothes I'm not interested in looking at a naked duo forever!"

Before the two could argue taking out the hide and other things he's collected. From his bag made of a reptile like monster that looked like it was dying. Hōhei transmuted everything together into barely comfortable peasant looking clothing for the two as he forced them to wear the clothes. The male although he wanted to protest had accepted.

All after feeling the blood lust from Hōhei's stare. So he let it drop even if he didn't feel as if he NEEDED clothes. The female she got smacked upside the head with his revolver a few times before she stopped resisting, and was clothed, finally. With that all done he didn't say anything else and started walking off to the next floor making the male hurry after him as he carried the female using her rough guidance and hearing to tail Hōhei. Should he do something to help them? Maybe. Would he currently though? No.

In silence they traveled together with Hōhei who looked around, occasionally stopping to collect ore and monster parts for some later crafting to be had. They stopped eventually once Hōhei had cleared a total of fifteen floors and made a base to take a break and spend some time to craft a few things. Hajime and Yue should still be up a few floors taking their time carefully to come down. Since they couldn't just power through like him after his departure.

While he set up camp he released all of his other monsters from his storage book. Which had greatly pleased them as they all stretched out and looked around. But as the others besides Paran and Relic looked about, Hōhei would speak up to Relic while making some earthen cooking equipment.

Cooking is as matter life, can't eat everything raw.

Akuma: "Relic you saw Yue's memories right once she looked at you?"

Relic: "Yes I did indeed see them."

Akuma: "This betrayal, tell me how you see it exactly. As someone who likely knows more than anyone else alive."

Relic: "The one who did it was a man already on his last leg, it surprises me how he even lasted so long."

Akuma: "What do you mean exactly? He lasted longer than what Ehit would've liked and threw stuff off?"

Relic: "This Dienleed Galdea Vesperitio Avatarl from that girls memories..... He was the prime minister of the Vampire's kingdom. He was vastly different when I had met him first then in her memories. He was a man who cared greatly for his people and that girl, but the man I saw in those memories. He was a dead man struggling to not become a puppet, sadly I'm afraid to say when he sealed that girl and left this place.

That was when he fell. So there is very likely a hallow puppet of Ehit running the Demon's side. A puppet that has the lost magic, magic of a few Liberators at his disposal..... A dangerous thing to face too early. He resisted so long and sealing his granddaughter was the thing to finally end him. Its quite sad I must say, he WAS a good man but no longer."

Akuma: "Ah then it wasn't a betrayal. But one final act of love as your saying it? From a dying man that had been unfortunately caught in the crosshairs?"

Relic: "Yes and its a pity to lose a rather powerful force like that to a False God. If Ehit did not possess the means to take over, and Apostolize creatures. We may of still had one of the best mages still alive on our side.."

With a chuckle Hōhei really enjoyed that someone else can really confirm the whole God thing. Not him just instead of relying on memories and impressions to piece everything together. With a grin at what is to likely come in the future at this so called "war" between races that the Pope Ishtar mentioned. Which more like a God playing 3D chess against himself while jacking off. He wondered if he threw the Liberator's as a third party back into the game if Ehit would be livid.

The monsters who saw the grin on his face felt a shudder, and questioned what was his race really? Is he is a Human or Demon? Because sometimes they just couldn't tell with how little fucks he has for things. If he cared about not doing something, why would he use bandits and monsters as transmutation test rats? Yet he hates kidnapping, rape, and a few other things. Yet he doesn't feel disgusted with himself to try not doing anything crazy and unethical?

They honestly couldn't tell because he makes a Demon look Human, Demon's at least valued keeping their test subjects alive. But he also makes a Human look like a Demon with the fact that he'll test things on live captives, it fails? Oh well its dead nothing wrong there. Successful? Great! He proceeds to execute his test subject with a smile. He's hard to get with how he'll do things and treat threats. Boric did watch him tie up a feral Werewolf then proceed to torture it to see if it'd think like a person again.

It didn't, it just died in agony against a rock as transmuted bindings held it. Hajime even backed away from him for that, and that kid is homicidal.

Akuma: "You thinking shit about me?'

Their master's head suddenly snapped to them with his eye glowing a bloody orange light. Everyone but Relic and the Behemoth's looked away.

Relic: "You're insane but pretty funny, little Demonic Human~."

Fenrir: "Are you sure your not a Demon disgused as a weak Human?"

Fafnir: "I think he reeks more of what the False Idol is…. But at least he's not using us as puppets."

Akuma: "I mean your not wrong Fafnir, my status card says Demi-God Awakening as a skill. But I blame the Chimera's for that one."

『 Guilty as charged~ I saw some game like stuff and I HAD to break it since a God is involved. God's are only good dead, REALLY DEAD, unless their your slaves or friends. Then their fine, expect Hestia, along Vesta her Rome counterpart, she's wholesome and would probably feed us anything we asked for, so she fine!

- Bemo 』