
Ningen no hifu no akuma (demon in human skin)

BiazarKaiser · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

Rules Explained

while walking with Tio silently a weird feeling came over Hōhei. He nearly stumbled when he heard a voice inside his head screech at him.


That was when his vision went dark as he felt something explode in his chest. Blood spilling out from his mouth as his eye glossed over, Tio stopping to check him over rather frantically. Before her eye's Hōhei had abruptly died for no foreseeable reason. He just had died with no preamble for why. She wanted to do something but felt calm to an unnatural degree until she noticed something. Both of the books on his waist were glowing and affecting her for some reason.

She felt as if everything would be alright in the end for some reason.

///???? Between Life and Death///

In a black room alone sat Hōhei as he watched the Taming Library finally activate, along with the Chimera-Nomicon. Though he doesn't understand what exactly the implications mean if he's being honest. After all he had never fully thought either would do anything beyond what they've done. After the Taming Library had activated he felt at peace, while the other one was one with a greater mystery. Around him the room became a dull gray with a figure standing in the center all to suddenly.

The figure obviously wasn't human at all at first glance. The figure is six feet and five inches tall, and Gargoyle. From his head are two curving up horns. His build is like that of an average trained soldier. Four wings on his back looking almost skeletal. He is blackish gray in coloring, his eyes a murky red. Over his body is a tattered gray robe with purple trimmings. Underneath is a black mafia looking suite with red trimmings in places.

His wings coming out freely from the robes back somehow. Two medium sized hooked kyoketsu shoges, are tied around his arms under his sleeves from what Hōhei can guess due to outlines. While a large scythe hangs from his back between his wings. Hanging there a little sloppy but easy for taking off of his back.

"Good to formally meet you young one, I am Fragment, one of the chimera's."

Hōhei scratched his chin while looking at the figure before him closely. Honestly he can't find any lies with what they said, they're from that book. As that's frankly one of the only possible variables at play due to everything.

"So then what's your role, big guy? I'm dead so I can guess what it is...."

Hōhei asked while sounding unconcerned one bit.

"I'm the reaper, I guide souls or slaughter millions in war. It's a nice role, much cleaner than most of the more combat ready chimera's."

Fragment gave a smirk with a cold yet joyful look in his eyes. Before moving on he leaned forward with a playful but hollow smile.

"Now about why this is happening please guess young one. Before I guide your soul to your destination regardless of rules in play."

Fragment chuckled while taking a seemingly lazy stance now

"Alright then. I guess I'm dancing to the tune of the one who sent me here. This life specifically, right?"

Hōhei asked while looking at Fragment with a lifeless look. As the young man honestly couldn't bring himself to care about that but as much as he should. He's alive, that's all he cares for.

"Yes you died due to admins Father Keltson and Sister Truvia's fight accidentally, that is true. Good on you for remembering. However, you're not dancing to Father Keltson's tune, but he couldn't just send you here without a purpose. There's no free lunch you know this. Your role is to "Die fighting near the final battle" as payment for being placed in this universe."

Fragment spoke gently, but he had a smile showing his feelings on the subject. He hated this arrangement. If he could, all involved parties would probably be reaped and erased from life.

"What are the rules you mentioned?"

Hōhei asked after hearing the first part.

"One: Chi isn't allowed to let us help you unless needed to fulfill your role, Chi is the Chimera-Nomicon by the way.

Two: Reaper Fragment must forcefully revive the "Tragic Hero" if he dies too early.

Three: The admins aren't allowed to fuck with the "Tragic Hero" as that results in being bit by Chi.

Four: After the fourth TRUE death payment for services will be discussed with admin Father Keltson.

Those are the rules, pretty weird if I say. Since it was an old man fighting with a book while being bit by said book. All of us were confused but amused watching such a thing however, as the Admins count as Gods. Which we hate Gods, unless they're like Hestia then they're an exception."

Fragment looked slightly amused as he remembered the last bit in detail. Hōhei just sighed, seemingly tired from stuff as he rubs his face. Everything just now including dying abruptly possibly because of Ehit, just was so exhausting to him. Before he can ask anything more though Fragment had his scythe in hand in a matter of seconds. Without ceremony Fragment reaped him with the back of the blade.

Sending him back to the living as he still had a role to play, while Fragment gave a sad smile. Seeing a beaten general follow suit as the first Chimeric Keeper, waved back at him before becoming mist as if never existing. Oh how they wished they could do more for them all as three versions have had a killing hand dealt.

"I wonder… is there a loophole to the rule of dying near the final battle. If so, can we use it to get you all to a better life?"

"The three and the pets? Or everyone?"

Glancing behind him the reaper looked at a blurred orange figure sitting there watching him.

"Just them, the rest will survive regardless of our interference in the world. Their lives are set in stone, only a Fate Breaker can change the world past a certain point. So they'll live, probably not whole, but they'll live."

///Sea of Tree's///

Tio carried her husband with a small worried hum as her tail twitched at certain intervals. This time has given her a brief period to do some interpersonal reflection on the then and now. It was certainly a big change in her life the moment she had met Hōhei, she used to be a prim and proper heiress. Now things are different for her in both good and bad ways.

Bad in the ways that she doesn't feel as if she's doing her duties properly anymore. She doesn't think she's acting as she should given her position. She just doesn't know if she's a proper heiress anymore… she doesn't feel like that great of a wife either as things feel rushed. Such as the fact she's missed her cycle after she and her husband had intercourse. Is she even ready for kids? Are they? Would he leave if she told him? She just doesn't honestly know for sure yet.

Yet good things have happened to her since she's met him and those are moments she loves. He maimed someone for her for any other reason except being fond of her over the days they've known each other. While most would've done the same she can't help but think it wouldn't be for such pure reasons. During their talks he doesn't do anything remotely reproachful unless he's teasing her, which is respectful of him for not looking everywhere but rarely her eyes.

Eye's which he found to be just as beautiful as her due to the color matching her scales. This admittedly made her preen as she does her best to take care of her scales. As she knows her looks aren't bad by Human standards, she admittedly worries more about her dragon appearance. As scales can get ruined easily if you're not careful or don't properly maintain them. She'd be embarrassed to admit it but when he helped buff and shine her scales along with sanding them if they were jagged or uneven. She tried so hard to giggle like a wrymling at his comments or care.

He does show his affection for her clearly, even if he barely shows any real regard towards those he doesn't know or care about. Yet so much she didn't yet know about him, and that was a pain in the rear she didn't like. She'd prefer getting spanked or toyed with. She doesn't enjoy this kind of pain and questioning so many things that are so clear to her. Yet it felt like they weren't.

When Hōhei stirred and her ears picked up the beating of his heart as it seemed to mend itself. The first thing she heard as his eye opened, Éternelle moving rapidly inside of his eye socket as he spoke, made her simply smile and forget her worries for now. As she was happy and content at this moment.

"Hey kiddo…. Hey ya beautiful. Did you catch the name of the one who got me? I think they did me a favor if I'm being carried by a lovely lady like you."

"No… no I did not, but thou are alright and that's all I need to know. For a dragon would go made with their treasure."