
Ningen no hifu no akuma (demon in human skin)

BiazarKaiser · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

Kouki Shut Up

After sleeping the youth woke up and dragged himself off his bed without much motivation. Because fuck this world is hell with whats to come. Getting his school uniform and towel from near the bathroom he took a nice hot shower before anyone else was awake. During his shower he tended to blankly look at the wall while cleaning out his eye socket with little care for the stinging pain. After that he cleaned his stump and got out after spending twenty-four minutes carefully cleaning everything. Getting dressed he headed back to his room getting his almost military style bag ready.

Stuffing in his normal school supplies, some medical supplies mainly bandages, and spare clothes inside of it. Glancing over at his desk as the gun parts that lay across it. Thinking about it a bit he put them all into a different hidden section in his bag since he'll secretly work on the gun later. One armed but he'll fucking shoot a marksman rifle damn it. With all of that sorted out,and hidden away he headed to the bedroom door. Nearing his doorway though he reached out grabbing an eye patch. Heading down stairs carrying his bag and into the dining area he sat down. Greeting the family that had already assembled, they had a rather loud and animated breakfast.

Well lively as the parents teased their son Hajime Nagumo. After enjoying breakfast Hajime and Hōhei headed to school with the latter leaving the groggy one behind. During the walk over Akuma grabbed a coffee from a cafe to drink. After entering the class Hōhei sat down at his desk and realized the book he didn't even touch this morning was on his belt. Sighing he just accepted that the book is very likely much so very alive since it sorta purring? Since he woke up. Do books even pur or is this one just weird because of the things within it? Looking at one of the broken but semi-fixed memories it seems to be likely. Because the creatures within its contents are rather a weird assortment.

After a while Hajime entered the classroom and got the coldest reception from everyone else. Hōhei just put a pocket pillow he had for these occasions on Hajime's desk. Afterwards he just silently got ready for class, he put his bag between his legs so a group of pricks didn't touch it. Things went pretty much as usual with Kaori causing Hajime trouble unknowingly with a bright smile unaffected by the atmosphere. Chuckling at his misfortune, Hōhei watched with a small smile on his face until the school pervert of justice started speaking.

Akuma: 'Resis strangling and shooting the mother fucker for his bullshit. Resist! Resist damn it!'

Hōhei instead just settled to trip the justice pervert once he walked by his desk towards his own. Kouki's face planted grandly into the floor, kissing it as if it was a lover. He got up and looked around for the one who tripped him but only saw a bored and zoned out Hōhei. He knew it was probably him because the American transfer didn't like him. With some displeasure he headed off to his desk as class began. The time flew by rather quickly with Aiko, the most loved teacher possibly, teaching them in a happy manner. It was simply adorable watching the small woman have some blunders from teasing.

Once the bell for lunch rang though it seems Kaori couldn't handle Hajime eating so little, and insisted on something. Choosing to ignore the scene Hōhei decided to browse the internet on his phone a bit till class started again. Because he may live with this universe's protag but he won't be his butt buddy. He may be bisexual but he likes women more. Surfing through some articles on new books and games he chuckled looking at a picture of octopus fighting cops trying to catch it in Florida. Damn Florida being its own brand of crazy again, its fucking amazing.

But all planned out day plans never go according to the planned out intention at all really do they? With most people noticing a strange white light only two people saw the magic circles. Hajime looked confused while Hōhei tried to escape the room with his bag screaming fuck. Kouki snapped his head towards the curse said by him. Sadly escaping wasn't a choice as once his hand touched the door the classroom was entirely engulfed in light. Like so the class vanished with a blinding light and the world began labeling it as a supernatural phenomenon.


Once the light died down the entire class and their teacher Aiko now stood on a giant pedestal. In a room seemingly made out of marble with rather gaudy murals depicting some sort of god. The god has a kind smile but cold eyes filled with contempt for the people worshipping them. Looking around Hōhei took in the various sights before resting his eye on a group of people dressed as clergymen. Studying the group his eye eventually drifted towards an old man in his seventies walking up to the front of the clergymen.

Akuma: 'Fuck I'm in a church! I hate church!'

The old man had a kind smile on his face but Hōhei saw something disgusting within his eyes. The old man was a sly old man and madly religious to a horrendous degree. This put Hōhei on guard as the rest of the class looked stupefied still. That is until the old man smiled wider and spoke in a clear calming voice that got everyone's attention. Well everyone not trying to murder him with a stare.

"Welcome to Tortus, Hero-sama and his companions. We were expecting you. I am the currently appointed Pope of the Saint's Church, you may address me as Ishtar Lombard. Let's get along from now on, no need to exchange conventional greetings."

After introducing himself, the old man called Ishtar smiled softly towards everyone. But to Hōhei it just felt like the smile of a madman looking at a bunch of foolish lambs. Afterwards the group had followed Ishtar into a room that had a few ten meter long dining tables lined up next to each other. The other rooms they had passed previously also had such sights in them just with some occupants enjoying their meals. Or other boring religious stuff, Hōhei didn't really care for it all. The one they're currently in is uselessly gorgeous as the rest of the rooms.

Hōhei did accept that the furniture, paintings, murals, and everything else were at least nice to look at. But it was still uselessly gorgeous to him and he wanted to break it all. Or burn it, burning stuff is relaxing. At the seats of honor were of course Aiko-sensei, justice pervert Koiki, and his group. The rest of the room just had the students sitting wherever with Hajime and Hōhei sitting basically at the very last spots. Hajime because he didn't really want to be close to some people, Hōhei because he hates the pope. His mutters of fucking lying old pope were an indication to people around him.

Everyone else pretty much still behaved as they were guided until this current room, likely still shocked and stumped by their new reality. One person however didn't really care thus he explained the situation. Listening to Ishtar felt grating, Hōhei wanted to vomit blood during the whole thing as it just sounded so… stupid.

As Ishtar explained the final stragglers still somehow standing had finally been seated. Then as if on cue a group of maids entered pushing carts. They may be real maids that looked beautiful but so what if they work with the religious freak? Without much interest in them Hōhei asked one if he could have a status card if this world had one. This made the maid look confused as he knew something not yet known to the rest. She thought it over a bit debating somethings before she complied and brought him one minutes later. Thanking the maid he waited and waited until she finally left after expecting him to do something. Sadly for her he's not stupid to trust religious cults with the information.

Akuma: 'Who the fuck would be dumb enough to trust you religious fucks? I'll activate this while no one's watching and I'm out of this angel reeking shit hole.'

With such thoughts he didn't even realize his comment on the smell but focused back onto Ishtar. The old man had a smile on his face as he fully started his explanation after confirming everyone's drink situation. At least he has basic human manners to let people eat and drink first.

"That... I'm sure you are all confused. I will explain the situation first, I ask of everyone to listen to everything I have to say until the end."

Hajime and everyone else looked so enraptured by the fantasy-like lines spoken, though they had no real clue what he was saying. Short briefing of the religious nut jobs speech, the world is called Tortus, there's Humans, Demons, and Demi-Humans as the three major races. Humans to the north, Demons to the south, and Demi-Humans to the east. Humans and Demons have been bickering with each other for centuries. While the Demons lacked numbers they had quality in individual strength.

Humans had the numbers but were the quantity over quality bunch. Although nothing big has happened the Demons have started somehow taming Magic Beast. Which are said to be untameable, on a side note it is believed they originate from animals after absorbing magic power. They are in the grey of whether they are alive or dead as there are various types. Each one however, could use unique and dangerous magic making them rather pesky vermin for everyone.

They were recently only relying on pure animalistic instinct till they started being tamed. Fun fact tamers are basically non-existent in this world, even if they tame a creature they can only control one or two at best. Well that was until the Demons started mass taming, overthrowing common logic.

That's about it since Hōhei zoned out after Ishtar tried to tear jerk about Humans facing a crisis. He really didn't give a damn about one singular race or this god called Ehit.

"The one who has summoned you here was 'Ehit-sama'. He is the Protector God that we Humans worship, the one and only god in the Saint's Church. He is the Supreme God that created this world. Perhaps Ehit-sama has already noticed. If this continues, the Humans will face extinction. You have been summoned to prevent this outcome. The world you come from is ranked higher than ours, everyone of you here should possess exceptional power in this world without a doubt.

Before the summon took place, Ehit-sama passed down an oracle; You are the "salvation" that he sent to us. You must bring out your innate powers, by the will of Ehit-sama, overthrow the Demons, and save us mankind!"

During this whole rant Hōhei was poking his bandaged head boredly as he listened to a random fly instead. It was an interesting fly. Ishtar though had an absentminded look most of the time recalling this so-called oracle. While Hajime felt some distress, Hōhei had his attention stolen by a fly, truly forgetting Ishtar existed over time.

One person however did speak up in protest and that was Aiko-sensei. Although everyone just looked at the panting angrily woman with warm gazes. Ishtar however loved crushing everyone it seemed as his next words froze mostly everyone. He had a smile that was barely noticeable on his lips watching the stunned children.

"I understand how you're feeling. However... It is Impossible for you to return now."

Of course people freaked out and someone shrieked in protest at this answer. But Ishtar gently lets them down by reaffirming that they can't but maybe Ehit-sama could. With Aiko slumping into her chair the surrounding students made a ruckus.

"No way?! We Really cannot go back anymore?"

"No! Anything but this, let me return!"

"Why, why, why..."

"But my porn stash!"

The person more worried about their porn got some odd and spiteful looks from the students. While everyone else panicked Hajime and Hōhei were the only two calm ones in the room. Well Hōhei was still slightly entranced by the fly before him instead of Ishtar. Hajime being a victim of bullying wasn't fully buying all the stuff said.

While everyone was still panicking with Ishtar not so much as attempting to calm the masses. Kouki slammed his hands on the table with a bang stunning people. Getting everyone's attention even Hōhei's although with a yawn of disinterest. Kouki began to speak with a smile at their attention.

"Everyone, it is meaningless to make so much ruckus in front of Ishtar-san. He also had no other choice... W-what I mean is, let's fight. It is a fact that the Humans of this world are facing a crisis. Ignoring their pleas for help after knowing all this, I cannot do it. Moreover, since we were summoned here to save mankind, we may be able to return after this is all over... Ishtar-san, isn't that right?"

"That's right. Ehit-sama will definitely answer the wishes of the Saviors."

"We all have special powers right? I've indeed felt an unfathomable power surging up within me since coming to this world."

"En, That's right. Roughly, each of you should possess powers that are several times to a few dozen times more powerful than the people of this world."

"En, in that case, I'll fight. I'll save the people, and then we can all go home. Regardless of the world or everyone here, I will save them all!"

With a rousing speech and cliche actions by the justice pervert everyone but Hōhei feels more motivated and has more vigor. While Hōhei just silently watched and waited to speak his piece to throw a wrench into the pervert's motivational speech. The class was looking at Kouki with sparkling eyes, that was the expression one would reveal when they found hope in despair. Half of the female students sent feverish glances at him. This made the male students have some grievances but they put up with it since right now they just want some hope in this mess.

Once it seemed everyone was all good and motivated with Ishtar looking pleased at the outcome with Aiko being teary eyed by the mood set. Hōhei abruptly stood up with his chair making a loud noise as it nearly fell over, making all eyes lock onto him wondering what he's up to.

His words messed up the mood and had Kouki stunned before eventually fuming as Aiko looked on with a wry smile at this situation. If someone could've heard her whisper saying "Of course he throws everything off...." they'd only nod in agreement.

"First off Kouki you can go die in a war all you want you perverted justice freak of nature but, I'm going to play it smooth and study the whole situation. If you try forcing me to join your merry band of suicide heroes then I'll stab you in the ass and keep pushing till you sing in pleasure. I don't mind tagging along but I shall not be apart of the main camp. It'd just give me nightmares being with you, your to sexual for justice.

Second, I don't trust the hobgoblin rapist of a traitor in the making, that's surrounded by his flunkies so that's also a reason why I refuse to fully work with you. Third, I just don't fucking like your fucking perverted twisted sense of justice its so annoying and grating you damn bastard! Have you seen how you act?! It honestly has made me want to strangle you on more than one occasion while screaming "FUCK YOUR WEIRD VIEWS JUST BE QUIET YOU DAMN PERVERT!!" So yeah. Peace."

After saying his piece Hōhei left the room towards the exit after the book at his waist started tugging in the direction of it. He left the room dead silent and completely stunned that even Ishtar had his eyes rounded at the scene he just witnessed. The one called a rapist hobgoblin was blank and shaking, unsure how to even respond to the sudden accusation. Kouki's group had varying reactions with his best friend looking completely dumbfounded as he watched Kouki get insulted.

Kaori was trying to stifle a laugh at someone finally telling him off and in front of so many people to boot. Shizuku had a wry smile as she shook her head, almost wanting to openly agree with half of what had been said. Kouki well he was being Kouki and was very understandably pissed off that he had the face of a very displeased oni. Yet the target for his hatred was currently skipping down the hall singing "Fuck you~!" Like he had done nothing. It was a truly weird sight but honestly it was perfectly in line with him.