
Ningen no hifu no akuma (demon in human skin)

BiazarKaiser · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

Hōhei: The Generals Reprimand

While Hajime and Yue had left to trigger the final boss our ever strange mc stood off in the back. Entering a slight daze while directing the monsters on his side with scary yet abundant experience. The smaller fast ones he organized into a sacrifice and taunting force, since they honestly reproduce pretty fast so they're expendable! The medium-sized monsters were like normal foot soldiers but didn't fill their ranks quickly if killed. So it hurts Hōhei to send them to a needless death but they need out of here so some become sacrifices.

The larger monsters however just one death is a heavy price for Hōhei, as they seemingly can't reproduce unless they used to be a hive type leader. With a sigh and grumble he watched as Hajime and Yue fought the hydra. Even while slightly dazed by something he was aware, sometimes witnessing a small agile monster run through their attacks and to take an attack for the duo. So that they wouldn't instantly turn it into a misty substance, ash, or goo. Because the Hydra is fucking ferocious and devious for a tamed monster gone feral.

Once every monster but his tames, the Corents, of the few carrier salamanders were ready to join the fray. Hōhei raised his real arm while pointing at the Hydra that just took an acidic hit by his Hydra copy. Éternelle chittering with almost hyperactive excitement as she eyed the Hydra. The one that had just melted one of Hajime's eyes with acid from a lucky shot. Closing his sole eye he took a deep breath before opening his eye once more. However, with a dead look to it from what is to come.

Swinging his hand down and pointing at the Hydra everyone, even those fighting with ringing ears, heard a hollow and cold command. It rang out crystal clear with a snarl at the end, as the temperature seemed to drop from bloodlust heavier than normal.

Hōhei: "Take it down, rip and shred it to pieces! That Hydra is the thing standing before our freedom! SO WORK WITH THOSE BRATS AND BRING ME ITS FLESH!"

With a loud chittering screech from Éternelle, the room trembled once more. The corrupted and tamed monsters started stampeding for the kill. Small monsters that looked like insects, dinosaurs, and other smaller creatures could be seen weaving between gunfire and magic. They knew no fear as they faithfully leapt into the jaws of certain death. Monsters like skeletons, zombies, ghouls, golems, monkeys, sharks, and others advanced not too far behind with ranged attacks, or going straight into a suicidal brawl with the Hydra. The larger monsters hung around Hajime and Yue acting as artillery fire to keep the Hydra in a specific area.

The two who had started this fight were exhausted and amazed with what they saw. Just watching in wonderment at how quickly some pawn army helped detain the Hydra. Yue would try to not get any of the monsters involved while she attacked but Hajime showed no mercy; he attacked both sides while chanting kill. Relic and the other monsters watched with a bit of interest and angst at not being able to fight in close combat like monsters. Meanwhile the disposable monsters can happily throw away their lives. Fenrir turned to Hōhei to berate him and complain to him, but Fafnir put a hand on her shoulder and gestured to her to be quiet.

Moonlight taking note of this gave the giant blind humanoid monster an approving purr. Silva nodded at him, Boric well just picked his nose. While Medusa preened her feathers and needles with a snotty attitude, Relic chuckled softly with a hint of worry. The spider group was just dancing to sounds of death and violence. Sometimes flailing their legs in excitement at a monster instantly being murdered by the enemy or Hajime. The other tamed monsters were chatting amongst themselves for now while watching to see what Hōhei had planned. Éternelle, who was always connected to his brain in a way, was well aware of his current state and simply waited for him to make a choice.

All while Hōhei watched silently as two pieces of memories started replaying in his mind, as if nagging him for what he was doing. In the first memory was Castor looking down at a captured enemy general with a sneer on his face while he gripped a bloody knife. This same memory had replayed for the sixth time since the fight began, and it was starting to wear on Hōhei a bit mentally. Before he gave in listened to the memory fully while watching the battle.

Castor: "You sent your men to die without a care General Almasi, you don't even give those suicidal lunatics credit. Instead you screamed that they were worthless as we caught you by the neck!"

G. Almasi: "Bah you western dog you sent your men to do the same! So you have no right to judge me for how I use my men. After all, we're both the same. We see them as disposable pawns in the God forsaken war that the world is caught in."

Castor: "You may be right that I see them as disposable pawns in this war, but I do not carelessly throw them away. Me and my men are criminals. We either die in this fucking war, get executed after it, or get locked up. We have no say in our fate, we have NO future after this whole shit storm ends. So whenever I send my men to die recklessly I give them all their rites and have a fucking drink with those I'm sending to die! Because they're still PEOPLE they don't want to die, but I have to force them to march into the breach!"

G. Almasi: "Sentimental fools, that will not win you a war, only give you more pain and weigh you down when the time comes."

Castor: "Then at least my actions make my men willing to die for me you prick. Even if they know my plan is their grave and that I won't save them during it. Their rites and drinks the night before are their goodbyes so they give up everything to complete the mission. It's not easy but we have no choice, we're fucking chipped to be faithful slaves. Its why Jameson a criminal known for murdering three hundred and sixty civilians laughed. While he cut off your fucking leg before he was shot in the head by your guards."

G. Almasi: "Ah, that crazy western dog that kept screaming "FOR THE CRIMINAL GENERAL!" Like a rabid dog, regardless of the bullets riddling his body. Shame I couldn't claim his skull it would've made a fine pie-"

The sound of a knife slicing through flesh was heard before General Almasi's head fell back. It was barely connected to his body anymore. The memory ending there before the second one begins showing a rainy day with bodies littered everywhere about the area, most bearing the emblem of the criminals under Castor. While the man himself stood propped up against a wall with a knife in his left shoulder, a body with its head crushed in at his feet. Meanwhile his boots are caked in blood and brains.

Castor: "Fucking prick of a woman you attack my base with fucking missiles! Then come in and try killing everyone left alive?! You even had the balls to think you could kill me while spouting bullshit about me? Well fuck you I won you dumb bitch!"

Kicking the body, Castor would slowly walk away while pulling the knife from his shoulder. Grunting in pain from the knife coming out. The memory skips forward a bit to Castor standing before only twenty men and women as behind them a glow was shining. The remains of Castor's ruined base was up in flames while it rained. Looking at everyone still alive he sighed and looked at them all before scratching his chin with a scowl.

Castor: "As of now, we're the nomad regiment, we shall no longer have a set base; nearly all of you have been killed in one attack. So gather what you have found and get ready to move. We'll pick up new meat along the way to regain some strength of our regiment. NOW FACE THAT SHITTY PLACE AND GIVE OUR FELLOW CRIMINALS A GOODBYE BEFORE I STAB YOU IN THE ASS!"

With his rough bark of an order, the surviving members turned around and stomped the muddy ground as they beat a fist over their hearts. Heads held high as they laughed, a hollow laugh but they were still alive.


Such a cry resounded in the rain before everyone grabbed a bag and some supplies. Everyone walked away from the scene without any further words said or looked back. They headed off towards wherever they'll wind up at. As they were still war slaves being used for no return missions and behind enemy lines now.

These two memories kept nagging at Hōhei as if judging him harshly for his thoughts, and plans for the monsters currently throwing their lives away. The more they replayed the deeper an inner scowl he had. All before he eventually decided on a course of action. Sighing loudly with a grunt he watched the Hydra turn a group of fifty monsters into a flaming acidic mess. Raising his hand he mumbled in frustration, a dead person telling him he was acting like a piece of shit.

Hōhei: "I know I'm a fuckin piece of shit General Castor. But I'll play ball with you."