
Ningen no hifu no akuma (demon in human skin)

BiazarKaiser · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

Dragonmen and Shea

It had been a journey, a rather surprisingly dangerous one that had plenty of dangers to it, but we had reached the so-called dead zone. Thanking Osnir of a local Orc tribe in the region, I watched Meld shiver when the Orc winked at him. Your sacrifice will not be for nothing Meld, plus if you ever can't get hard for women you know where to go now.

Walking through the area the Dragonmen called home, we were welcomed by a Dragon trying to eat me. Reacting as a sane person would, I sucker punched the Dragon. Before I hog tied them with earthen binds and began teaching them a lesson by shoving an earth spike up their ass and trying to beat them to death. Eventually Meld pulled me off after the Dragon started moaning in pained pleasure.

Something in my mind clicked at that sight and I could only feel dread. I just fucked up, I triggered Tio… huh actually thinking about it that's fine. She's a pretty nice gal, just perverted with affection, which honestly is only disturbing when she goes hard into masochism. How did I know it was one Tio Klarus? Well the dragon turned into the woman depicted in the General's memories from a burnt manga.

When another Dragon landed and she called them Father, I simply said the first thing on my mind.

"Hi, I made your daughter a pervert. I shall take responsibility for turning her against all that is pure after spiking her ass."

"Oh thou are thoughtful, more so than most men in the village… however I feel as if thou mocked me? If I argue against thou taking responsibility, will thou punish me again?"

"I'm sorry…."


"My condolences Hōhei, Dragon-san….."

Tio looked at us clueless as us men watched her silently thinking of the future. After all she's the heiress to an entire race and she's become a deviant because I impaled her ass after punching her. Her people are going to not like me at first I'm sensing, however, if she's always been like this after anal impalement then would this scene happen to anyone who did so? Or just for violent people like me?

Regardless, Meld and I soon spent three weeks living among the Dragon Clan. We learned quite a few things from them, even managed to get Meld Impact Resistance and Feather Falling enchantments for his armor. Reason being he got a mount now, a Pegasus of all things. He named the thing Crier because I said it likes to be very verbal about everything.

Tio though had officially become my wife by the Dragon Clan laws. A lot of men thanked me for taking the new Tio, as they were terrified of the masochist version. One Dragonman though offered to "trade" her for an obedient and normal wife. In a fucked up way I felt insulted by that, like truly insulted by such a thing. I had spent the first two and half weeks getting to know Tio better after I corrupted her through anal impalement and I honestly had started to rather like the woman.

So when that offer was made I saw crimson and purple flashes. Tio's father had to pry me off the Dragoman and away from the scene as medically inclined Dragonmen tended to my victim. When Tio heard what I had donefrom her father and my reasoning we both watched the young Dragon woman's tail come out and bash the ground hard leaving a dent. Her face flushed as she seemed to become embarrassed about that reasoning.

"Well this is embarrassing that thou did so in my honor. My father would've done the same but less violently and without death being a chance to occur. Maybe crippling their flight capabilities but not killing like thou tried. Which makes me embarrassed to admit that thou make me feel special and not treated like a figure piece like most would see me due to my status."

Looking at her father I saw the older man smile wryly before he spoke.

"That you'd be treated as such wasn't what I'd want for you Tio. You're my precious daughter, not a figure of glass or status like what you think. If this young man truly makes you feel happy and if you can be at peace with him, then I'll accept your choices. Regardless of how we met or how he treated you."

"Thank you father!"

"You want grandkids now or later?"

I didn't expect him to respond right away and so seriously. The older man smiling with malevolent intent.

"As soon as possible so I can show my wife her grandchildren."

Tio looked at her father as if he just asked for something impossible to do. However, I looked at my status plate and saw something that'd make it not impossible. Showing Tio to just add onto her flustered state I made her pass out. Plus I already had the "grand children" so to speak.

"Huh good thing I was already a dad technically, as you've noticed I have a monster in my eye socket. I'm her surrogate father as I hatched her, and I've got roughly five eggs from a hydra I've taken under my wing. So you got grandchildren already, congratulations you're grandfather to a parasite dragon and Hydra's while Tio suddenly has children."

"Thou… thou never mentioned any of those things! I've been making a fool in front of someone you consider your daughter?!"

"You weren't paying attention, you got distracted for two hours after my story of how porn made a bunch of internet trolls forget their goal. So I gave up trying to get your attention and just fell asleep till you snapped out of it."

(A: True story six trolls joined a group I ran and for four hours we just discussed porn after they just saw me and the first one just discussing and sharing it in the public chat, they left happily after that as we literally just discussed porn for four hours and all that is good about it making them forget their goal of trolling a supposed "Furry chat" as they said because it went a way they didn't expect and it just distracted them in a good way)

"Oh… but it was an interesting story although vulgar with the sexual aspect. Something so simple as a woman's drawn features stopped a fight by you just discussing this pornography."

"I don't even want to know…"

"About the porn or something else?"

"Everything about that story."


After that all me and Tio did fuck like rabbits in the woods as dragon's. Since she had admittedly gotten horny. Heh but she was already horny with her dragon horns… bad joke I'll see myself out. While we fucked like rabbits though Yue called me at an awkward moment. Given I was currently choking lightly after she asked while balls deep in her. By that point she had long been given an egg or two, if what the Chimera known as Dandy had said was true.

Answering Yue's call while as a dragon through pushing mana into my ear piece. I slowly stopped choking my wife as she whined loudly when I tried stopping quickly. She's a needy masochist during sex apparently.

"This is Akuma, how may I help you?"

"N, found information on a Great Dungeon to be in the Sea of Tree's. Help us find it?"

"I'll be there in about a week with my new friends, well one's my wife actually. Though I see you finally left the Dungeon."


"Please keep thou hands on my neck as you pull out…"

"Dirty Hōhei."

"Damn it Tio!"

"N, have fun, see you soon."

With that Yue hung up on me as I groaned at Tio who looked all too pleased being roughed up. My wife is a smart but major masochistic idiot. Sighing we finished up and got to packing our stuff.

『One Week Later In Verbergn』

Around a table in Verbergn after an incident in the forest, surrounded by the various Demi-Human elders sat Hōhei, Tio, Meld, Hajime, Yue, and Shea, and the Rabbit Tribe Elder, Shea's father Kam.

If you are curious about the three travels, let's just say Meld met gay orcs twice, a literal colony of gay orcs. Hōhei became a bouncy ball due to being hit by a drunk Dragon, Tio became known as the Fallen Princess in her homes region, and Hōhei made two golems of himself.

None of them really wants to talk about their week-long trip though, as many traumas and shameful displays happened during it. But Hōhei did get a downgraded version of Metamorphosis Magic, may have eaten some of a punk's shoulder during a fight, from the trip. Meld uh spent the entire time curled up crying over the orcs countless times.

If you're still curious, then I'm sorry, but you only get clearer hints through their banter. Now onto the three Hōhei's, two are automatons to fulfill some task. Onto the meeting at hand, currently everyone was being questioned about their objectives. To understand further, let's go back to when Hōhei had arrived upon being called a week ago.

『Two hours earlier』

Just as Yue, Hajime, Shea, and the Haulia tribe neared the edge of the Sea of Tree's. Yue had given Hōhei a call, saying they were going to find one of the Great Dungeons a week ago. So Yue was expecting Hōhei to show up soon, she hadn't informed Hajime yet given he may deny the help. Yue though currently watched as Hajime was gripping Shea's face in an iron claw grip as he scowled at the rabbit woman.

"Yue why are you watching the sky?"

"Help and friends."

"You called him?! When?!"

"N, last week while we got side tracked with rescue."

Groaning Hajime shook his head at his girlfriend while Shea tried rubbing against him. The shameless rabbit asking a question before made her repent for her sexual advances.

"Yue-chan, Hajime-chan who are you talking about?"


After saying repent, Yue blasted Shea with another rather destructive magic. Only for Shea to get up like a zombie once more, startling Yue once more. As the rabbit was unexpectedly very durable, scarily so at that. Hajime however answered the shameless rabbits question.

"His name is Akuma Hōhei, he's a fellow classmate of mine and an escapee from the Orcus Dungeons depths. He should be arriving here with a currently rogue knight captain called Meld."

"N, and his wife Tio."

"Yes her to- wait wife?"

"N, married. Interrupted their mating last week."


As they finished speaking about the trio to come they could all suddenly hear the wind whistling from above. Two men and a woman in a kimono fell freely from the clouds followed by a black and white Pegasus. The one they recognized as Hōhei as he cackled with glee falling feet first from the sky. Meld Hajime recognized had been seemingly dragged into free falling as the knight screamed.

With rather soft landings, surprisingly, the three looked around before Hōhei looked at Hajime and Yue, raising a hand, he said, "Sup." while a woman they didn't recognize stood beside Hōhei smiling softly at the young man. The woman had black hair done up in a Japanese styled hair due, as she wore a traditional style kimono while holding a fan in one hand. Hajime was honestly surprised that the woman wore a kimono and held a Japanese style fan.

Meld, who saw Hajime, teared up a little as he walked towards the young man and hugged him. Hajime looked conflicted as he once again held off Shea as Meld hugged him with tears in his eyes. The teen felt conflicted on what to do because he was both glad yet annoyed that someone acted like this. Meld was virtually a stranger but it still left him touched that he cared he survived.

"Hajime-dono…. It's good to see you're really alive and well after that incident.... I'm sorry I failed you and wrote you off as dead, please forgive me!"

At this, Hajime pried the once grand knight commander from him and scratched his cheek awkwardly. Looking at Meld, he awkwardly accepted the apology and looked towards Tio wondering who she was as he guessed this is Hōhei's wife. Seeing his gaze, Hōhei smiled wryly while Tio covered her mouth with a hand giggling.

"Thou are curious who I am, yes?"

"This is Tio Klarus a dragonman and.... my wife due to circumstances."

"Don't act like it is not relevant! Thou speared my rear and mouth while kicking me, beating me with thou fist, and that umbrella thou use, into me during a fight! Though it did feel wonderful to be punished like that..... Why are thou all looking at me like that?"

"Perverted Dragon?"

"Yea uh, I woke up Tio's greatest fetish by spit roasting her using transmutation.... So, who's the rabbit, Yue?"

"Useless Rabbit."

"My name is Shea! Please say it just once!"

With the banter just starting and greetings exchanged from everyone, the groups eventually set off into the Sea of Trees. With Hōhei, Tio, Yue, Hajime, and Meld hiding their presence for the most part. Although everyone lost track of Hōhei at several points in time. It's how he pulled off drop-kicking Shea from a tree when she tried clinging to his group, trying to work her way into it and not instead bothering Hajime.

He couldn't have that. He didn't want a zombie rabbit to try fucking him, or worse convincing Tio to join their marriage. Hajime can have that all to himself. He deserves it and needs it more after all.