
Ningen no hifu no akuma (demon in human skin)

BiazarKaiser · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

Death King Tral'vic and The Behemoth

As chaos ensued with panicking students and other things Hōhei stood silently admist it all. He had just managed to wound and distract the Behemoth temporarily with healing. His eye gaining a bit of life back before he made up his mind to use his summoning skill to its fullest. Following the guidance of the chimera's who noticed he had come to this choice.

With his power of death they gave him a suggestion. Cracking his neck a bit he breathed in then breathed out steadying his breath. His arm zipped his gun around automatically shooting and sometimes smashing into the skeletal soldiers.

When he started chanting everyone noticed as cyan blue green flames slowly surged around him.

Akuma: "Open the gate to the netherworld, open the gate of the damned, open the gate of death. Hear my call, hear my summons beings of death with a twisted hatred for the living. I summon the mightiest warrior the one who fears no meat bag to join my fight. Become my sword that executes my will with glee, you are the reaper and I the contractor.

Answer my call and relish in the fear, the stench of death, feast upon all negative emotions. I summon the 78th ruler of death, Tral'vic the Loyal Executioner! Your feast is ready and awaiting your blade to drink its blood as it cuts the flesh away!"

The flames of death surged away from him to begin their work.

A few feet away from him a darker flaming summoning circle forms into a gate. The gate being held shut by some rather large skeletons. The gate eventually burst open as the head of a rusting and broken execution axe hits the ground before being lifted. Out from the gate lumbers a monster on par in height with the behemoth. The figure wore heavy paladin like armor that's cracked from abuse but still together. On its head was a executioner helmet style hybrid that had blazing dark purple flames behind it making a halo.

The figure looked around and dismissed the weak looking undead mobs and focused on the true feast. Before looking back at the one who had called them here, letting out a freezing and deep monotonous voice.

Tral'vic: "Mortal you have called me..... You have prepared an adequate feast so I shall gladly execute those you condemn. So name the condemned and we shall get to work! Hahahahaha!"

The figure laughed merrily at the mention of execution which earned them the devils smile from Hōhei. His classmates and the knights temporarily stunned by what he'd done. Moonlight dispatching more sneaky skeletons with Boric sniping archers with rock bullets.

Akuma: "That Behemoth is the condemned! Drag it to the netherworld!"

Tral'vic: "Your will be done my liege!"

Turning to the behemoth raging about against Kouki's group, who charged it at some point, and the Knights if the giant undead didn't already startle people. Then the fact that Tral'vic moved without causing a sound or impact as he quickly covered the distance. Startled them even more as he appeared mid fight and swung his axe up diagonally carving out a deep wound into his prey. Hōhei didn't stand around as he joined the frey once more and could be seen grabbing onto the Behemoth's tail.

He held on with his legs around it while he bit into it, eating bits of the monsters flesh. Tral'vic noticed this and laughed merrily with glee at such a sight making the undead double his efforts with a shout. He didn't think much of the mortal summoner but seeing them EAT the enemy made him excited. As everyone else was forced to take a step back from this fight between monsters.

Tral'vic: "Haha! My liege eats the living just like a rowdy undead! You interest this old king so let me help you out a bit more than planned mortal!"

With a downward swing the axe cleaved into the behemoths front foreleg making it unusable. Meanwhile Hōhei was bearing a rather uncomfortable pain as he continued eating the behemoth, while occasionally pumping it full of holes. Eventually the Behemoth had enough of an ant eating its flesh and violently whipped its tail. Sending Hōhei crashing into Hajime from across the bridge. Hacking up a bit of blood the two got up and came to a silent agreement between fellow transmutation artist. Hōhei took off again as he stored his gun away, Hajime screaming at Meld to by him time.

While Hajime prepared his plan Hōhei was right back in the thick of the two titans fighting. Tral'vic had sent the Behemoth's head crashing into the bridge where Hōhei appeared and climbed onto its face. Narrowing its eyes at the foolish human it prepared to attack but Hōhei smacked its temple transmuting the bones. As the transmutation was forced through the behemoth's rather intense magic resistance. The eyesocket of its left eye ruptured shredding its eye causing it to flail in pain and rage.

Being sent flying once more Hōhei was this time caught by a large metal covered hand. Tral'vic was having fun as his axe cut the Behemoth's chest open. Seconds later from the cut a type of worm started growing as they ate at the monsters flesh. In its rage the Behemoth's once useless arm recovered as it started moving towards the pair. Only for its feet to start sinking into the bridge seconds later due to Hajime. Chuckling like a madman Hōhei smiled at the Behemoth before taunting it by smacking his ass and sticking out his tongue. Really pissing it off further.

Soon a magical volley impacted on the behemoth as the bridge started crumbling. Looking at Tral'vic real quick Hōhei had him throw him towards Hajime. As Hōhei flew and tumbled by his fellow transmutation artist a fire ball struck. That was when Hōhei had rearmed himself with his gun and shot through the crowd of students. A bullet of water embedding itself in Hiyama's eye before his head burst like an over pressurized melon. His assassination was a success as the bridge crumbled behind him quickly.

After looking back he saw Tral'vic clinging to the Behemoth as they plummeted into the dark. Hajime was also following unwillingly, so with a small wave and scream Hōhei jumped back and dove after Hajime.

Aluma: "Death to the traitor who harmed my friend!"

Everyone was stuck in shock before they finally had managed to respond. Meld had rushed them upwards while cursing silently to himself at the disaster. Just while Hōhei plummeted after Hajime the egg which had some scratches and cracks had hatched. With a rather frightened Zerg looking furred eastern dragon clinging to his chest. The little creature was very likely traumatized while inside its egg. Sadly the Taming Library wouldn't take the egg so he had made the new born creature suffer admittedly. With a deep sigh he covered the little one with his body since it needs some help right now not the book.

Akuma: "It'll be okay little one, you'll live to see the sun. For now onto the breach we go."

That was how Hōhei ended up repeatedly hitting ledges of rocks, water, and monsters with no attempt of resistance. He was just focusing on keeping the already scared monster child from going unresponsive. Which his grunts of pain didn't help its mental state any really but he was trying, he's new to parenting. The young monster knew this but was honestly happy though worried for its parent.


Outside the dungeon however was a silent group still processing what had just happened. Hopping it was just a dream that was until Kouki spoke up with a furious and righteous voice.

Kouki: "Hōhei-san murdered Hiyama and said he was a traitor! He even had summoned that giant evil undead during the fight! Because of him one person is dead, Hajime-san fell to his death, then Hōhei-san jumped after his actions! He is evil!"

Everyone looked at him with a mixture of expressions on their faces. While Ryutarou Kouki's best friend and a fist fighting manic spoke up. Shocking people that he actually was openly disagreeing with Kouki and saying he was wrong for once. Even Kouki looked shocked by this turn of events.

Ryutarou: "Kouki you are wrong.... Hōhei may of been random and violent ,but he did act within his stated reasons. He summoned that big undead with an oppressive aura and had it fight the Behemoth. He even was attacking it as well with no care for his body much so he isn't all bad. He did murder Hiyama though yes which its unclear why really....."

Kouki: "Ryutarou.... you are defending Hōhei-san? Why?! He murdered Hiyama and used that undead he is clearly bad!"

As Kouki enforced his point his friend sighed and shook his head with a frown. Before more could be said Meld appeared and had everyone head back to Holward. They're going back to the palace tomorrow to inform the king of what has happened.

While somewhere off in the depths of a certain dungeon a status plate shined as tiny clawed hands. Were pushing it against a youths face that was clearly out cold with the right side of his head heavily bleeding. The young monster trying to use it to heal them as they laid motionless on the ground. Sadly that's not how a Status Plate works. The book of Chimera's though was slowly repairing his internal damage.


『Status Plate

Name: Akuma Hōhei/Dakota Vargis

Age: 17 Years Old

Gender: Male

Level: 231

Race: Human Monster Hybrid (???)

Class: Transmutation Artist (Synergist), Summon Tamer

Strength: 875721

Vitality: 567898

Resistance: ??????

Agility: 68754

Magic: ??????

Magic Resistance: ?????

Skills: Transmutation, Taming, Summoning, Language Comprehension, Marksman, Assassination, Chimera-Nomicon, Necromancy, Healing Light, Torture, Telepathy, Iron Stomach, Mana Manipulation, Colony, Silence, Thick Skin, Blend In, Hardened Bones, Blood Control, Demonic Poison, Herculean Strength, Mind Release, Limit Break, Demi-God Awakening』