
Nine Tales

[My given name is Rein Nett but you can just call me System, Host. ^^ Since we were both sent to this world at the same time, I decided to latch onto you to help me achieve my goal.] "So, you're using me." Renshu muttered. [Host, in helping me, I will also help you return to your world. I travel to many different worlds, help the worlds become better entertainment for the gods. I can take you with me. Sooner or later, your world's god may ask for my assistance and I can take you there. Until then, you help me with my jobs in each world we go to. It is a mutual benefit.] Is this a chance? A chance to return. A chance to destroy those humans. A chance to hear their screams. For their blood to slip past my fangs and down my throat. I can get revenge. I can get my tails back. A malicious smile grew wide and sharp on Renshu's lips. A bloody aura rose around the nine-tailed fox, a promise of pain and cruelty in his eyes. "You got a deal." Little info: 1v1 10 arcs evil little shou x obsessive gong

Ditto_chan · Fantasy
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2 Chs


In five minutes, I am going to die.

And as I let those minutes pass by with the wind roaring in my ears and darkness consuming me, I can't help but remember.

Before, I would walk the dirt roads, biting into an apple in one hand and the other occupied by the grubby hands of a snot-nosed orphan who dogged my every footstep.

As long as I hid my ears and tails, no one could recognize me as a nine tailed fox, a spirit created from hatred and unreconciled death.

The farmers and merchants, whether on foot or by horse and carriage, would only see a human.

However, they weren't the ones I was hunting nor the ones I hid from. It's the cultivators.

Cultivators wore hanfu robes and learned to use their inner Qi or energy to fly on swords or use talismans, or energy blasts and whatnot.

They usually form groups called Sects and it is the Nine Sects that I need to destroy.

It is the reason I was born, the reason I live.

I will destroy them.

So why-


Yes, I failed to get my revenge (it was one of those stories).

But my death? Aren't villains supposed to get that melodramatic death that would be sung throughout the continent for all eternity?

Yet, here I am! Dying in the most pathetic way possible. Let's rewind a bit, shall we?

There I was, laughing manically, flashing teeth as sharp as knives. Hair once as white as snow, stained and weighed down by the blood of cultivators. My clawed hands dropped a blue flaming skull to the ground, sending the corpses at my feet aflame. My last tail waved behind me with a dancing blue flame swaying like water above the tip.

The remaining few of the Nine Sects gathered before me, but one stood out from them all: son of the Sect Leader of DragonJade, Sun Cai. The sword in his grip made my fists tremble in fury. Its blade was a translucent blue and if you looked closely, thin veins of red could be seen. Its hilt was carved white bone, rib-like bones curving towards the blade and hilt. Hatred flowed deep in my veins like molten lava.

Because of him leading the other nine, my tails, my source of power, were cut off one by one.

My beautiful, fluffy tails sealed away in the famous Bells of Disa.

To make matters worse, Xiao Cai had me trapped between that chasm behind me and him.

So yeah, royally fucked.

Xiao Cai swallowed, a smiling playing on his lips. His glossy black hair had long become undone from its tie, fluttering in the wind along with his bloody robes.

It had been a long fight and we both knew my last-ditch effort was to use the last of my power to set the corpses aflame.

"I won, Renshu." Xiao Cai said, stepping closer. He halted when the flames roared high. "Come with me and- "

"-and what? Let those Sects torture me however they please before they slit my throat? Who do you think you are? You're just a Xiao Cai!" I gritted my teeth as I saw how gallant he looked. After all this man had done to me you think he would be less handsome! I really should have added a few scars to that revolting face.

The vein in my temple twitched and I took a step back, shielding my eyes from his face. And he was such an ugly brat when he was little-

The world suddenly went weightless. I stared, aghast, at the stone that attacked my foot so sneakily like a ninja while I was defending my eyes from handsome rays.... who am I kidding? I tripped. Hear that? Laugh all you want! I, the Great Renshu, who destroyed five of the greatest Nine Sects, who mothers told their children about to get them to behave, who made cultivators tremble in fear and beg for mercy, TRIPPED TO HIS DEATH.

I watched in horror as Xiao Cai screamed my name, rushing through the dying flames I could no longer fuel. He reached out his hand, and without hesitation I grabbed it.

And pulled him down with me.

I was going to die no matter if I let him save me or not. So why not kill the bastard who hunted me down for fifteen years?

But, of course, that damn golden halo of his acted up and he just so happened to grab a root sticking out from chasm wall. The jolt made his hand slip from my fingers and I watched in fury as he figure shrank from my view.

And here I am. Falling to my death of this absurdly large chasm. The shrieking wind around me has long rendered me deaf and the light consumed by darkness.

I probably have a minute until I splat at the bottom. I'm all out of power and no angelic roots sticks their head out for me to grab.

Regret fills me, making me smile bitterly.

I will never regret getting my revenge but the way I did it held a lot of regrets.

I regret not killing that bitch Wen Ning the day I met her. Would have saved me a lot of trouble.

I regret not trying the new udon the stall in Clover was selling.

I regret not betting on Bo instead of Qui in the Official Duel at Chrome Peak. My purse was depressingly light for a long while after that mistake.

I regret.... Xiao Cai's face flashes before my eyes....

....I regret saving that brat.


Ditto time! See that line above? That means the chapter has ended and now it's time for the author to babble.

Every transmigration needs a 'how did he die' story. I had a lot of fun writing it.

Well, well? Good start? Nah? I like it. Hope you do to. If you have any advice or stuff, please let me know in the comments. There is a overall story arc within the arcs so look forward to that as well.

The next update should be fairly soon. I have some stuff already written so all that's left is editing.

Thanks for reading. Hope you enjoyed.

Note: Xiao- is not a name but a term of familiarity or endearment to someone close to you.