
Not a noble anymore...

[Some hours later]

Marco, Alice and the 4 little bandits were walking in Illiasburg, Alice was in her human form so the civilians were concentrated on the 4 monster kids behind Marco, but when they saw Marco himself they sighed in relief, thinking that he would protect them, and let him go at the plaza.

When they reached the plaza, the 4 monster girls lined up one beside the other while Marco and Alice stood behind them, watching the kids, then Marco whistled to attract the attention of everyone near him, who turned towards them and were surprised to see the monster kids.

Marco: Alright guys, these 4 kids are the 'Bandits' you were searching for!

Everyone were shocked at the revelation and looked at the kids with a raised eyebrow, all 4 the girls bowed down and said.

Gob: I'm really sorry for bothering you…

Teeny: I'm so sorry…

Vanilla: I'm sorry…

Papi: So sorry…

They continued to apologize over and over, and the citizens were put in a difficult position, they couldn't just kill those kids, even if they are monsters, it would go against their morals.

Citizens: Jeez, the bandits were little things like this?/ I saw them a few times, and I thought they might be kids… I guess it was true./ We have to punish the bad boss dragon…

Before any other word could be said, everyone heard a yell.


The citizens jumped away in fright from the sudden scream and everyone turned towards 3 people, the first one, who seems the leader of the trio, was an extremely fat man covered in a large white coat and black pants, he seemed enraged from something.

Behind him there were two other people following him, one was the same man who Marco kicked the ball at from yesterday, and was still grabbing his non-existent balls with a pained expression.

While the last one was surprisingly a monster girl, she had long blue hair, 2 pair of dark blue curved horns, she was wearing a white T-shirt which was tight for her since her bust was a bit too big, and short tight pants which gave her ass more shape.

She had a pair of folded wings in her back and her arms were covered in azure scales which ended in sharp talons, while from her waist and lower the body was covered in azure scales, and from her pelvis a dragon tail came out.

The monster girl was a Dragonkin, like Papi and Granberia, but she was weaker than the Heavenly Knight, of a really big margin too. She had a sad expression the entire time, and just now Marco noticed a choker in her neck, covered in runes.

No one moved except for the 3 people, and it seemed that Alice disappeared once again, then Christian, the man who got kicked in the balls, grabbed the shoulder of the fat one and said with an angry expression.

Christian: Father, that guy with red eyes was the one who bullied me.

The fat man glared at Marco, who just looked back with an innocent expression, meanwhile Papi looked at the monster girl with a teary expression.

Papi: ...Mom?

The monster girl slowly raised her head and looked at Papi, suddenly, she flinched and her sad expression was replaced with a surprised one, and she started crying too.

Dragonkin: P-Papi…? ...Is that you?

The dragonkin tried to walk towards her, the fat man raised an arm and said with a pissed off expression.

Man: Stop.

The dragonkin didn't obeyed and her choker started to glow, then she was zapped with a strong magic, making her scream in pain, and when it stopped, she kneeled down while taking deep breaths.

Papi was scared from what happened to her mother while the other 3 girls tried to comfort her.

Man: So you are the bumpkin who transformed my son in an eunuch?

The civilians flinched and tried to hold their laugh, they couldn't disrespect the guy in front of them because he was a noble, a very rich one.

Marco put an hand in his heart and said with a pained expression.

Marco: Me? I did nothing at all, I am a noble person in the heart, I couldn't do something as evil as that… Ok, fuck this shit, yes I was the one who transformed the piece of shit you call son in a real woman.

At the sudden change of behavior and his choices of words made everyone laugh, the fat guy was getting more enraged and yelled.


Everyone closed their mouths while Marco grinned. When no one made a sound, the fat guy ordered the monster girl.

Man: You, deal with him, you can kill, rape, eat him, just make him disappear from the world once you finished with him.

The monster girl sighed with a sad expression and unfolded her wings, which reached 2 meters of length, while Marco used his 1st Gate and was covered in a red aura, developing a tail.

Everyone spectated him and were surprised from his sudden change, then they thought that it was thanks to that that Marco could make Granberia retreat and looked at the incoming fight.

Papi: W-Wait, Mom! Don't do that, he protected me and my friends from a dangerous monster!

Papi's mother's eyes widened and looked at Marco with an apologetic look on her face.

Mother: I'm sorry, young boy… I can't disobey the orders… But thanks for protecting my daughter...

Papi: M-Mom… Mr. Traveler… Can you not hurt my mom and free her…?

Papi looked at Marco with a pleading expression, while Marco patted her head with a smile.

Marco: Don't worry, I will do it, and I will deal with the fatty here too.


*Special Quest: Save Darcy without giving a fatal injury*


*Special Quest: Deal with George Nostromo*

Marco: 'Oh, so she is called Darcy…'

Then Darcy started to fly towards Marco with the intent of taking him away, but she didn't expected Marco grabbing her with his tail made of pure energy, she tried to struggle but the hold was pretty strong, so she just took a deep breath and spit normal fire at Marco, but before she could aim, she was faced upwards.

Marco: I'm not doing the same error with Granberia…

The flames covered the sky over the citizens, it lasted for some time before the fire disappeared, and Darcy was able to get out from Marco's grasp, but 30 seconds already passed and the 2nd Gate is opened, letting out the 2nd tail, which grabbed Darcy once again.

She tried to struggle another time but the grip was too strong for her to get out, then the second tail took the shape of a claw and beheaded her from the neck, Papi gasped, which was interrupted from confusion when she saw her mother glowing and turning in a small winged azure lizard.


*Special Quest[Successful]: Save Darcy without giving a fatal injury*

The azure flying lizard looked around and noticed that the choker fell in the ground, she gasped in surprise knowing that she was free, and flew at Papi, who hugged her, everyone was happy with the ending while George, the fat man, was a bit frightened from how fast the dragon was dealt with.

George and Christian backed away in fear from Marco, who slowly walked towards them, and George said.

George: Y-You… D-Don't get near me! I'm a Noble!

Marco: ...A noble…?

George gained confidence when he seen Marco stopping in his steps, and said with a threatening look.

George: Yes, I'm a influential noble, I will make you pa-

Marco: Hey guys!!

Marco interrupted George and talked to the citizens, everyone looked at him with a curious look.

Marco: Do you all really have fear of this shitlord?

The citizens looked at each others and suddenly understood that they didn't have any reason to fear him now that the dragonkin is free from his control, and yelled together.

Citizens: NO!!

Marco: Then what the fuck are you waiting for?! Loot his house!

The Citizens were surprised from his sudden words, before one of them yelled.

Citizen 1: YES!!

Soon everyone joined that man, and yelled…


Then a majority left from the plaza and rushed at northwest, where the mansion of George stood, meanwhile George and Christian were dumbfounded.

Marco: Well, you are not a noble anymore…

Meanwhile the rest of the citizens in the plaza understood and grinned at Marco's words, then they surrounded the father and son, or eunuch… And started to attack him.

Marco enjoyed the screams of pain and heard another sound from the system.


*Special Quest[Successful]: Deal with George Nostromo*

Papi tugged on Marco's chainmail, and he turned towards her. Papi was crying tears of happiness and hugged Marco's leg while the azure lizard that was her mother nodded, expressing their thanks to Marco.

Papi: Thank you, Mr. Traveler…


*Special Quest[Successful]: Protect Gob, Teeny, Vanilla and Papi from the citizens of Illiasburg*

Marco patted Papi and said with a smile.

Marco: It was nothing, instead, it is enjoyable seeing something like this…

Then everyone turned towards George who was getting kicked everywhere, and smirked.

Alice appeared beside George and watched everything with a hint of amusement.

Alice: That was a really good solution, Marco…

Marco: Meh, he deserved it.

Alice nodded in agreement, while Papi tugged another time on Marco's chainmail and took something out from her clothes, it was a beautiful red gem which looked very valuable.

Papi: You helped us so much, take this.

Marco looked at the three other kids and they nodded with a smile, then he crouched and caressed Papi's head while taking the gem.

Marco: Thank you, Papi, I'll take care of it.

Marco then stood up and observed the red gem.

Marco: 'Six of them needs to awake the holy wings… Huh…?'

Alice: ...That thing is in such a place…

Marco: What?

Alice: ...Nothing important… Well, we finished our things here, now it's time to go to Happiness Village.

Alice tried to hide something to Marco, who already knew everything, and smiled at the second sentence, eager to taste the Honey the people at that village made.

Marco: Yeah, yeah, alright, don't worry because we will go now. Bye girls, and don't steal unless I order it!

The 4 monster kids waved their hands at Marco, but when they heard his last sentence they started to laugh, Marco and Alice were walking towards the gates of Illiasburg to leave, this is the first step for the coexistence in the world.

But before they could leave, someone stood in their way, making the duo stop and turn towards the person.

?: Just as I expected…


1st. Kick Gabriel's ass

2nd. Achieve coexistence between Monsters and Humans

3rd. Kill Illias

4th. Return to Lucifina's grave

5th. Visit every places in Illias Continent, Sentora and Hellgondo

6th. Help the villagers of Happiness Village

Hello guys, here is another chapter, I hope you like it, comment, put PS, review and bye.

General_Paragoncreators' thoughts