
Nine-Tailed Fox In MHA

A Nine-Tailed Fox in MHA, what more do you want? Anyway, MHA belongs to Kōhei Horikoshi, okay? I only own the MC that I will create, nothing else. I got the Cover here: https://www.zerochan.net/Kaga+%28Azur+Lane%29

ForgeCoffee · Anime & Comics
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87 Chs

Sports Festival: Living Dead

AN: Only now did I notice that the Sports Festival Arc was dragged on for too long, sorry about that!






"[Blood BREAK]!"



Red glowing intricate patterns started manifesting on my skin; Snow white fur transitioning to the colors of spilled blood; the crackle of purple-red lightning dancing around.

This was a show of power.

Everyone within the stadium felt the pressure that loomed over them, yet it wasn't directed at them.

Heroes attuned to danger had alarm bells flaring within them; this led them to look at the stadium that emitted a pinkish-red glow.

All Might seeing the scene before him had a sudden flashback; he remembered once more when his Master sacrificed her life so that he could escape.

It was almost so identical, a being that was clad in dark lightning fighting the wielders of One For All...a weird fate.

Nonetheless, he was in the process of persuading Nezu to stop the fight, but all he received was a firm rejection.

"Your successor is angered for Student Asakura injuring Bakugo, he clearly is blind of the consequence of what could have happened.

I know this may sound harsh, All Might. However, the successor of your choice seems rather...disappointing." Nezu said as he observed the match.

All Might who heard this was clearly wide-eyed for the clear disapproval of Midoriya as the holder of One For All, "He's still young"

"Indeed, he is young. But in my opinion, the youth you have chosen seems far too sheltered. Yes, he was quirkless before, which allowed him to see the bitterness of society.

But looking at the scenes before me now, don't you think you rushed in choosing a successor?"

Nezu's words were penetrative enough to give All Might the thought of doubts, he may be back to his peak.

Yet, the flames of One For All have already left him; What was left is the now dying embers of the once bright flame.

All Might didn't say anything further and chose to simply watch in silence.

[Back to the Stage]


A word common to the strong whenever they describe the things they hunt for.

That is what is happening, Midoriya who has already forgone all thoughts of holding back and was currently in 35% Full Cowling was getting thrashed around.




He simply couldn't react to any of Kaga's attacks.

The speed she held made her invisible to his eyes, all eyes.

He could only see the trace of lightning that trailed behind his opponent, yet each time he saw the trail...he was already bombarded.

His body was littered with bruises, evident of the pain he was feeling, evident that the untraceable fox was there.

Each strike sent him flying; another strike to counter the flow.

What people were seeing was a green-haired teen simply being beaten.

No one could say a word; the pressure they felt was for them to simply watch and feel.

No interruption.

[Izuku's POV]

'This is different! I can't even see a blur!' my thoughts screamed.

Asakura-san was holding back so much power, even now, she's holding back her strikes...allowing me to stay awake.

"Grrr...got to do something!" I said through clenched teeth.

With my bruised arm I forced the entirety of my being and power towards the ground, "100% SMASH!"


The ground beneath me erupted in a flurry of rubble, effectively creating a crater while it formed a tornado which created devasting whirlwinds.

The attacks stopped.

Looking around I could see the stadium was being protected by a newly erected forcefield...but the stage below me was beyond saving.

"Hoo~ Do you perhaps want to kill everyone in this stadium? Even with my power, I was controlling every aspect of it.

And here we have you...and your boyfriend...unleashing attacks that have the power to kill people without thinking of the consequence.

I'll show you the consequence~"

The voice said; the voice that I didn't want to hear.

I looked up from the crater, and there she was standing. Standing triumphantly on the high-ground, with the ever-so-crackle of lightning.

I blinked...only to find her gone.

I blinked again...this time she had a pulsating heart within her hands.

"Wha-SPLEUCH!" I couldn't even speak as I felt and tasted the waves of iron in my mouth.

I looked down on the ground with almost hazy eyes; a puddle of blood formed.

Looking at the source and I found a gaping hole on my chest, 'Huh...' I thought.

But before my sight went black I heard the voice of the monster, "[Time: Rewind]"




I blinked...only to find her gone.

I blinked again...weird...I'm now staring at a headless body.


"[Time: Rewind]"





I blinked...only to find her gone.

I blinked again...this time...

"Th-this time?"


I dropped to the ground...all my limbs were in her hands.

I blinked...but couldn't open them anymore



<After numerous amounts of rewinding>



[She's cold, an Empress of ice, so you better be NICE! HEROICS DEPARTMENT, KAGA ASAKURA!]


[A boy who has been quiet since the beginning, but he sure packs a punch! He's young, he's green, but I'm sure he's still just a teen and already mean! HEROICS DEPARTMENT, IZUKU MIDORIYA!]

I began walking out of the tunnel; hearing the commentary, I couldn't help but feel a sense of deja vu.

'Weird' I thought.

[Kaga's POV]

'Well, that was tiring' I thought to myself, with each death I stored his memory of the encounter.

It's a move that I theorized which I call [Living Dead]. After numerous amounts of death, I theorize that the mind would actually think it's dead...rendering him physically alive but mentally dead.

We walked again to the middle and when we were close I activated one of my 'super' moves.

'[Frozen Time]'

Looking around in the light blue world, it was a winter wonderland of silence and cold.

Walking up to Midoriya who had a firm look in his eyes; I tapped his forehead with a finger and stored back all his memories of death.

Walking back to my original spot and posture, '[Frozen Time: Release]' I mentally ordered.


Immediately after unfreezing time, Midoriya dropped 'dead'.

I acted surprised and immediately went to aid him, touching him with 'shaking' hands, I stored and stole One For All. I'll remove the wills at a later date.


The first to arrive on the scene was All Might, "Y-Young Midoriya! Young Midoriya!" he shouted.

Alas...to no avail...Midoriya won't wake up; when he was flipped over, his eyes were glazed. It was similar to a person who was mentally dead.

Soon enough, Medical Robots rushed to the scene with Recovery Girl in tow; she gave an on-the-field analysis but couldn't find the cause.

[We will be right back Ladies and Gentlemen! It seems our Student was too overly nervous to fight against Student Asakura, a 5-minute break!] Present Mic said with his overly loud voice.

I was instructed to return to my room but didn't leave right away and kept asking if he was okay.

Looking over to the section of the stands where my class was stationed, they all bore worried faces...and so did I.

'As if I'm going to allow my opponents to witness [Blood Break]! AFO would have immediately targetted me thinking that it was a quirk, and I don't want flies buzzing in my life'

Appearing once more in my room, the two occupants, or specifically my two best friends bombarded me with questions as to what happened.

I told them the truth and they simply shrugged their shoulders and asked if they can get a copy of my memories.

I stored the memory and used [Rewind] back on me to reinstate my memories, and simply stored the memories into them.

"DAMN~! That was brutal!" Himiko commented out loud.

Shoto didn't say anything but simply held me close and asked if I was okay; Nodding my head and he said that as long as I'm okay then it was fine.

'I'm too lucky to have Shoto as my lover' I thought to myself.




The following match of Himiko and Shoto was an ultimate letdown.

The two went into the middle of the ring and shouted, "JAN KEN PO!"

AN: [Rock-Paper-Scissors]

The one who won was Himiko who jumped in joy, the same thing happened with Kaga and Himiko, except the winner was Kaga due to her Werebeast eyes.

The audience was left agape, the people who betted money won and lost money all with JAN KEN PO!

The people who won were shouting for joy, however, those that lost were bitter about what happened.

This was the first time in history where a student won in the U.A. Sports Festival due to a game of Rock-Paper-Scissors, the people who wanted the top students to showcase their skills were livid.

The schools and top students that would be playing in the international games were stumped and stunned.

They were trying to milk every ounce of information they could get, yet they simply got a Rock-Paper-Scissors finish.

The awarding ceremony happened and the one to do it was Endeavor instead of All Might, probably tending to Midoriya.

Endeavor simply praised the three of them with a gruff voice...keeping appearances, I guess.

After the ceremony, Kaga called Garuda back, who happily perched once more on her shoulder.

With everything done, Kaga received congratulations from her classmates and the people she came across.

To cement the day, Kaga had a family picture with her family, relatives, and friends. She even had a couple's picture with Shoto...much to the desire of Ryu who wanted to strangle Shoto.







We finally finished this arc! DAMN!

Btw, I was thinking of making an Eleceed Fanfic, though I'll only make it when I feel like it...so yeah!