
Chapter 28

“I got an earful and a half from your stepbrother. Steve-o said if I let it happen again, he was going to ‘kick me in the nads, and the badge wasn’t going to save me.’” Mark winced. “I thought you said he worked in finance.”

“He does. He’s all gentrified and stuff. Mostly.” Abby tossed out a smirk. “He’s a good egg, you know?”

“He threatens cops?” Paige blew out a whistle. “Must be nice. For real, Abby. I need for you to be serious about this. Can’t you understand why this scares me so much?”

“I can understand it.” Abby took a deep breath. “I just - it’s not a big deal, you know?” She searched for the words, but she wasn’t great with words. If her family had taught her anything, it was that words were worth about as much as sand. She was better with action.