
About the world

The voice was speechless. There was complete silence for about five minutes until she started laughing," HAHAHAHA, only you would dare say that about the heavens and be left unscathed."

Obviously, Long Chen did not find It funny, he really thought the heavens had a grudge against him.

"Now what? From what I understand my previous lives did not have this information, so why are you telling this to me" Long Chen was wondering if he was going to get any benefits from living in this new world.

"Well, you will be able to awaken your previous life memories, and through the nine celestial reincarnation technique, you will also get talent and an insane amount of strength, but obviously, to cultivate this technique is not going to be easy."

As the voice said this, the knowledge of the first and second of the nine parts of the nine celestial reincarnation technique entered Long Chen's mind.

Long Chen then realized that after having a breakthrough in the technique not only would it give him the extra talent to cultivate faster, but it would also give him more Qi, and solidify his foundation to cultivate faster. Additionally, every time he broke through, he would gain a benefit. For example, for the first 7 gates, he would get memories from his previous lives. He still does not know the remaining two benefits, but he believes he will know at the time. After seeing so many ways to get stronger Long Chen thought that it would be a piece of cake to get strong fast.

But then the voice burst his bubble, "Do not be so stupid, if you really think it is easy for someone to cultivate a true-god-tier cultivation technique, you must be delusional. If others without talent take about one year to break a stage, you will take ten maybe twenty. The only thing that balances it is the insane combat powers you receive. If not, you will be known as a person who has talent but does not work hard. Honestly, without your memories, I will be shocked if you can ascend even to the immortal realm, let alone the celestial realm and the heavens. You really are unlucky in this life, in your past lives, you would start off in the immortal realm and if lucky you started in the celestial realm once. In the upper realms, there are way more cultivational resources."

When he heard this Long Chen was now thinking about not cultivating this method, Nah, who was he kidding.

'That would be stupid, I cannot sleep easy knowing there is someone stronger than me, just like on earth when I could sleep easy when I knew that I was not the richest person yet. Maybe that is why in all my lives I walked the path of cultivation instead of being a commoner. My fate will stay in my hands, I will not allow the strong to control me.'

"Now, the heavens have decided earlier on that your first gate will automatically be opened for you, so that you will be able to get a head start and leave the mortal realm as soon as possible. Decide which one of your lives memories you want to awaken, and I would suggest you pick one that will let you cultivate as quickly as possible"

Long Chen did not think about it for too long, according to the novels he had read before, alchemy is the best for him right now, as it would let him cultivate fast and sell pills for money.

"I chose my second life when I was an alchemist."

"Great choice Long Chen, when you wake up, your talent will also be unlocked, I will mask the talent, it will show people that you have the potential to reach the silver palace realm, but in reality, it is sufficient for you to ascend to the immortal realm. You do not want stronger powers to know your talent and kill you earlier for it. Your talents is the Divine-Great-Meridians, a once in a million talent, which allows someone to forcefully push large amounts of Qi to cultivate, without becoming a cripple."


When he woke up, Long Chen saw his parents and realized something, 'they look exactly like dad and mom from my life on earth.'

Then memories started flowing into his mind. Millions of years' worth of studying and researches about alchemy, concocting pills, and even some battle experience, he even inherited the aloof and arrogant attitude of an alchemist and inside his soul, seven switches appeared. All of them were grey in color except for one.

Long Chen flipped the switch, which was in white color, and all his alchemy experience disappeared. He soon realized the function of the switches; they allow him to change into the person of his previous life. Long Chen who is normally calm and easy-going changed into an aloof and arrogant person after flipping the switch, after all, which supreme expert will not be arrogant in the presence of ants.

The voice said that the switches will disappear when he has fully merged with the memories of his past life. For now, Long Chen has decided to not use the alchemy knowledge in front of others. He will use his knowledge when no one is there and try to control his feeling of arrogance. He will also try to absorb the knowledge he got, but it would take him a long time. He has to basically relive his life.

Then Long Chen heard his parents speaking.

His father, Long Zhan, said to his mother Chu Xia," Those three bastards are settled with, I am sorry Chu Xia, I did not think that they would get that arrogant just because I was not there. They are probably jealous that Long Chen is the heir to the sect and not them."

Chu Xia then said, "It is not their fault dear; it is their mothers' fault, we both know that the Qingyi sect has brainwashed them to take over our sect, it is not their fault, and it is not your fault as well, do not blame yourself, you were forced into the marriage."

"I know but they are getting more and more brazen now, they used to at least hide the fact that they wanted the sect but now they are doing it on purpose after I kicked them out of the mansion for trying to kill you. Their sect elders even forced me to have children with them so that the children could take over the sect. If I did not do it, they would probably have dropped out of the alliance, and we cannot afford that."

Sensing that Long Chen was awake, they stopped their conversation and slept around him, and started to check his body.

By now Long Chen was sure, these were his parents from the earth as well, as even in the memories of his second life, they were still his parents who love for him dearly.

(His parents were the same in all his lives)


Inside a white spacious room, there was a young boy, who looked around eleven was seated down.

He looked exactly like Akashi Seijuro, before his inter-high tournament.

He had asked the voice if he could change his looks and she said that it was easy so she helped him, the good thing was that he would not be as short as Akashi.

It has been six years since Long Chen came to this world, he had gradually gathered information regarding what this world is about.

He had two stepmothers, and both were them were from one of the sects from the sect alliance.

In the sect alliance, there were three sects, the Blackwater Sect, which is headed by his father, the Qingyi Sect, and the Myriad Sword Sect. From what he found out, his mother was a commoner, who walked on her own two feet and slaughtered countless people on the battlefield for the Esfer Kingdom, even the current King wanted to marry her, but she rejected him without a second thought as she fell in love with my father. She then gave birth to Long Chen after marriage and became a housewife.

From what he knows, the mastermind behind taking over the Blackwater sect is Wang Fei, the precious daughter of the patriarch of the Qingyi Sect. Since she was not a male, her father sold her off in a political marriage and plotted with her to take over the Blackwater Sect.

His other stepmother is from the Myriad Sword sect and her name is Xia Ling. The Myriad sword sect did not want to take over the Blackwater sect, but Xia Ling was very gullible, so she got trapped by Wang Fei's lies, and started to assist her in taking over the sect.

(His father does not know this and thought they were in it together, Long Chen found this out by snooping around. After all, with the knowledge of a supreme expert, he can surely get past the senses of people who did not even see him coming)

Wang Fei's daughter, Wang Ling, who is Long Chen's elder sister is now fifteen and has awakened with Grade-seven, mid-tier talent, which means that she can cultivate until Silver core realm.

Xia Ling's sons, which are twin brothers, and are Long Chen's elder brothers, Xia Kai and Xia Lu, have both awakened Grade-seven, Low-tier talent.

Long Chen still had not started cultivating, and there was a reason for that. This was because no matter which realm(Mortal, immortal or celestial realm), one is not allowed to start cultivating before the age of eleven as the world's laws will not allow it. If one tried, they would be fried by the heavens without an exception.

So, he had been relaxing and planning out his path to cultivate.

Long Chen recently found out the cultivational ranks.

Body refinement realm, where one uses Qi to temper their body.

Qi refinement realm, where one can store Qi in their tempered bodies, the stronger the bodies, the more amount of Qi they can keep.

Silver core formation realm, silver core realm for short, where all the Qi inside a person's body forms a core in their soul.

Silver palace realm where all the Qi splits into nine smaller cores and forms a palace.

Gold core realm, like Silver core realm, where all the Qi forms a golden core.

Gold palace realm, like silver palace realm, where the Qi splits into nine smaller parts to form a palace.

The purple core realm works the same way as the gold and silver core.

The purple palace realm works the same way as gold and silver palaces.

Nascent soul realm where all the Qi is absorbed and fully integrates with the soul.

(There are more for the mortal realm, just he did not find out and the voice did not bother to tell him)

For all the stages, there are nine levels.

How the talent system works is, that on the first day of every year, an eleven-year-old child's talent is evaluated, a grade nine talent allows them to cultivate only to the body tempering realm, grade eight is Qi refinement realm, etc. Talent is further divided into low, medium, high, and top tier talent. A low-tier talent suggests that a person can cultivate from level 1 to 3 according to their grade, for the medium, it is 4 to 6 and for high tier talent, it is 7 to 9. Top grade suggests that at the peak of the person's life, they might be able to break into the next realm.

Talent has many ways to be improved, but that is rare.

But talent does not define your future, for example, Long Chen's father's talent has a Grade seven, medium tier, but he is a silver core level nine, however, without a lot of resources, it is almost impossible for him to break through to the silver palace stage.

And for Long Chen, tomorrow was the day he would awaken his Qi. According to the voice, his talent will be shown as silver palace realm, but he did not know why he had a tingling feeling inside him.