
Nimbus Nocturne: A Detective's Odyssey

In the vibrant heart of contemporary New York City, Detective Alex Morrison, renowned for his razor-sharp investigative prowess, finds himself thrust into the unknown depths of a high-profile case. In a shocking turn of events, Alex is abruptly whisked away from his familiar reality, awakening in an alternate realm—a bustling metropolis named Gearhaven. Awakening in this alternate reality, Alex assumes the mantle of Inspector Alexander Hartley. Embraced by a world teeming with intricate clockwork marvels, soaring airships, and a society driven by steam-powered innovation, Alex grapples with his unexpected transformation. As Inspector Hartley, he confronts an array of puzzling cases that transcend the boundaries of mortal comprehension, entangled with both supernatural phenomena and everyday mysteries. Armed with his contemporary investigative instincts and an unrelenting quest for truth, Alex embarks on an odyssey to unravel the enigmatic tapestry woven around his transcendent journey. Each case tackled by Inspector Hartley peels back layers of Gearhaven's secrets, unveiling the intricate mechanisms that pulse through this mesmerizing steampunk universe. Driven by an insatiable curiosity and an unwavering determination, Inspector Hartley's pursuit of truth propels him deeper into the labyrinth of Gearhaven's clandestine truths. With every revelation, the line between reality and the inexplicable blurs, bringing Alex closer to an astounding truth tethered across dimensions—a truth that could redefine everything he understands about existence. λ

LucasAllencourt · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
3 Chs


Amidst the fog-laden streets and towering brass structures of Gearhaven, nestled a detective's office-a bastion of order amidst the steam-powered chaos, bathed in a dim glow of gas lamps and the rhythmic ticking of nearby clockworks. Chief Inspector Alexander Hartley's eyes flickered open, revealing a pair of deep, enigmatic blue orbs that seemed to harbor a world of secrets within their depths.

In the disorienting moment of awakening, Alex's senses were momentarily numb, a surreal detachment enveloping him. He struggled for breath, instinctively patting down his form, but no wounds marred his existence. The unfamiliarity clawed at him, a sensation of being adrift, detached from the familiar confines of his reality. His questing fingers found no traces of the life he once knew.

As the buzz of conversation enveloped him, he grappled with an inexplicable detachment, a hollow void where emotions should reside. Discomfort coiled within as he fought against the lack of control, teeth gritted in defiance against this inexplicable state. A slow, pulsating warmth emanated from him, an unseen force that permeated the air, sending ripples of unease through the room.

Outside his office, figures of varying authority shuffled about, their ranks evident in the ornate insignias adorning their attire. Superintendents and Captains exchanged hushed murmurs, their gazes momentarily drawn to the enigmatic figure of Chief Inspector Hartley through the glass window of his office. Unbeknownst to Alex, his aura, an indiscernible yet potent force, subdued the chatter, rendering the others momentarily silent, an unspoken acknowledgment of his unknown power.

As the jigsaw pieces of fragmented memories slowly coalesced within Hartley's mind, a sense of clarity began to dawn. He turned away from the brimming energy within his office, striding purposefully towards the grand door that led out into the bustling precinct.

The bustling officers milling about outside came to an abrupt standstill, an unspoken acknowledgment of the strong pulse emanating from Hartley's domain.

"Chief Inspector, good morning," a timid voice broke the momentary stillness.

A young officer with captivating hazel eyes reminiscent of woodlands, her scent a melange of eucalyptus, meadows, and the refreshing tang of morning dew, stood before him. As he inhaled deeply, the fragrant air invigorated his senses, a revitalizing embrace.

"Good morning, Officer Ashlyn," Hartley replied, his eyes gleaming with a subtle, unearthly radiance that seemed to hint at a hidden knowledge beyond comprehension. In that moment, a fleeting touch of something profound flickered within Ashlyn, delving into the recesses of her mind, leaving a subtle metamorphosis in its wake.

Shaking off the inexplicable sensations, Ashlyn managed a smile, masking the unease that lingered beneath the surface, and briskly departed.

Hartley glanced down at his hands, observing the youthful skin and healthy, pink nails. A small, enigmatic smile graced his lips, a smile that sent ripples of discomfort through the other officers in the vicinity.

Throughout his career, Hartley had been known for his unyielding demeanor, a reputation forged by his sternness and exacting demands. As this revitalized version of himself exuded an aura of mystery, the air around him crackled with an eerie tension, leaving his colleagues slightly unsettled in his presence.


With a newfound confidence shrouding him, Hartley cast his gaze upon the faces of his colleagues, a subtle assurance replacing any traces of fear that might have lingered. Strangely, an inexplicable sense of belonging enveloped him amidst this antiquated world devoid of modern amenities.

"Ryan," he called out to the junior detective nearby, "please prepare a comprehensive report detailing the current investigations and include all the unresolved cases till date."

"Yes, sir," Ryan responded, a curious inclination to question the Chief's sudden interest in the unsolved cases fleeting through his mind. However, sensing an unusual shift in the Chief's demeanor today, he refrained from voicing his query, the potency of Hartley's aura leaving an indistinct yet palpable impact in the room.


Despite regaining much of his memory, vast chasms of information remained elusive to Hartley. While familiar with names, places, and commonplace details, his recollection of the cases he had once investigated, his personal history, and the intricate tapestry of this world eluded his grasp. The circumstances surrounding the demise of this body he now inhabited also lay shrouded in obscurity. His own past veiled by fleeting memories of bullets and skirmishes in a battle against a gang he was ordered to arrest.

Exhaling a sigh, Hartley dismissed the intrusive thoughts, refusing to be consumed by the fragments of his murky past.

Returning to his office, Hartley found his table adorned with an array of peculiar artifacts, each one exuding an air of mystery. A handheld telescope, its design intricate and foreign, lay alongside a small metallic pyramid adorned with elaborate runes. Unusual pens, each with a uniquely shaped nib, stood poised nearby, awaiting the hand that would wield them. Amidst these enigmatic items rested a stack of papers, patiently waiting for scrutiny, while a stunning bottle of ink, its ebony surface embellished with gilded lines, added a touch of opulence to the tableau.

A plaque caught his eye—a testament to his identity—his name etched in a distinctive gothic font, a blend of familiarity and otherworldly elegance, situated prominently at the forefront of the table. Sighing deeply, he navigated to his chair and settled into its embrace. The cushions yielded beneath his weight, offering an unsettling comfort akin to sinking, the sensation akin to being engulfed by an unknown dimension—simultaneously inviting and foreboding, the edges of his consciousness dissipating as darkness shrouded his senses, ushering him into an abyss of unknowing.


"Regain formation, now!"

"Sir! We need to get out!"

Voices reverberated around him as the dimness slowly gave way to a scene of chaos. Alex crouched behind a barrier, the badge adorning his waist bearing the name: 'Alex Morrison.'

The weighty bulletproof vest pressed heavily against his chest, a tangible reminder of the looming danger. He exhaled slowly, eyes shifting to his team, silently signaling them to wait. Gazing beyond the cover, he observed the gang members lurking outside, before gesturing for his team to follow his lead.

An eruption of gunfire ensued, the hostile reception a grim confirmation that their enemies anticipated their arrival. Questions raced through his mind: 'How?' 'Had their plan been compromised?' Yet, there was no luxury of time to ponder. His team was swiftly becoming overwhelmed, casualties mounting with each passing moment.

"Ah, Detective Morrison," a gravelly voice rasped behind him. Reacting swiftly, he began to raise his pistol before an abrupt impact struck the back of his head, blurring his vision. As he turned, a figure loomed before him, their identity obscured. Consciousness ebbed away, but a searing warmth radiated from his chest—a reminder of the necklace his late wife, Emilie, had bestowed upon him.





"Dear Emilie... I'm coming to you," he murmured inwardly, a rush of emotions flooding his senses. "My love, I've been waiting," a whispered response—so familiar, so tender—seemed to echo within his being. A serene smile graced his lips amidst the encroaching darkness, a fleeting sense of reunion before the void consumed him.



Alex startled awake, his gaze shifting to Ryan standing across his table, a stack of papers clasped in his hand. "I'm sorry," Alex murmured, his eyes focusing on Ryan.

"It's okay, Chief," Ryan reassured him. "You've been tirelessly working on Luna's younger daughter's missing case all week. It's natural your body needs some rest."

A missing child—yet another puzzle piece of his fragmented memories. Suppressing his urge to inquire about the case's resolution, fearing it might expose his memory lapse, Alex chose silence. He needed time to strategize, to fill in the gaps.

"The report on the cases, Chief," Ryan said, placing the bundle of papers on the desk.

"Good," Alex replied wearily, his voice betraying the weariness he felt. Glancing at the antique pendulum clock on the wall to his right, it indicated 6 pm. How long had he slept?

"I think it'd be better for you to head home and rest, Chief," Ryan suggested, concern etched on his face. "Today was your day off, after all. There's no harm in leaving early."

"Early?" Alex contemplated. How extended had his workday been?

Struggling to his feet, he approached his coat and cap stand, retrieving them along with his cane. As his fingers traced the intricate dragon insignia on the cane's handle, he straightened and addressed Ryan. "I'll leave now, then."

"Yes, Chief," Ryan responded, stepping aside.

Exiting his office, Alex traversed the bustling main hall teeming with officers, each offering salutes as he passed. Acknowledging them with a nod, he departed the building, casting a backward glance at the imposing structure—a three-story edifice standing boldly amidst the neighborhood's architecture. The entrance, framed by colossal pillars, exuded a regal aura that intrigued him. Peering through a window, he caught sight of Ashlyn, her gaze locked onto him. A surge of something indescribable stirred within him before he averted his eyes, sensing his pulse quicken.

Turning away, he strolled towards the paved road, a few carriages lined up nearby with drivers attempting to solicit passengers. Approaching one, he engaged the driver.

The driver assisted him into the carriage before taking the reins, setting the horses in motion with a flick of the whip. The carriage lurched forward, gradually picking up speed, carrying Alex away into the enigmatic world of Gearhaven.


As Alex peered through the carriage window, ominous dark clouds loomed overhead, foretelling an impending deluge. "It's going to rain," he remarked aloud.

"Ah yes," Vincent, the driver, chimed in. "It'll be a heavy one, I'm afraid. Hope it doesn't rough up the carriage too much." His laughter reverberated like rocks grinding against each other. "I'm Vincent, sire," he introduced himself, glancing back briefly before urging the horse forward. "Alex," he replied curtly.

"You live in Weavers Block, ain't ya?" Vincent kept the conversation going. "Yes," came Alex's monotone response. "Another 15 minutes, and we'll be there," Vincent announced.

During the remainder of the journey, Alex observed the scenery through the window, buildings reminiscent of 18th-century architecture adorning the streets, evoking memories of cities from a past life. Children frolicked, their laughter echoing amidst the streets.

"We have reached, sire," Vincent's voice jolted him from his reverie.

Alex handed Vincent five knuckles, bronze coins etched with the portrait of King Adrian V.

"Have a good day, sire," Vincent bid him farewell as the carriage departed.


Weavers Block thrived with a middle-class populace, each household sustained by honest work and familial care. Alex surveyed the beautiful buildings, their architecture a welcome departure from the monotonous structures of New York.

He ascended two floors, recognizing his room as residing on the second level. Checking his pocket for the keys, his attention was drawn to a potted plant placed by the door—a peculiar addition he didn't recall. 'Too obvious,' he mused as he inspected the pot, finding no key. His memory nudged him, prompting him to lift the pot, revealing a concealed latch underneath. Retrieving a golden key engraved with the numbers '301,' a faint smile graced his lips. 'Perhaps not too obvious,' he pondered before approaching the door and unlocking it.


With a silent turn of the key, the door to his room swung open, revealing a space imbued with a curious blend of familiarity and mystery. Stepping inside, Alex closed the door behind him, the latch clicking softly into place.

The room bore the echoes of a life he had yet to fully grasp, the enigma of his past weaving through every corner. A desk strewn with papers, a few shelves adorned with books, and a bed neatly made—a tableau waiting to be explored, a trove of revelations waiting to be unearthed.

Surveying the room, Alex felt a tinge of excitement mingled with uncertainty. His gaze lingered on the framed picture resting on the nightstand—a woman with a radiant smile, her eyes filled with warmth. His fingers brushed the edge of the frame, tracing the contours as he gazed upon her familiar yet distant face.

"His...my.... Mother?" The uncertainty hung heavy in the air. Memories, fragmented and elusive, stirred within him. He recalled being an orphan in this world, but the details surrounding his mother remained elusive, shrouded in a haze of forgotten recollections. Her identity seemed just out of reach, a puzzle piece tantalizingly close yet frustratingly indistinct amidst the fog of his fragmented memories.

Closing his eyes, he stood in the center of the room, enveloped by a cascade of unknowns, feeling the weight of unanswered questions pressing upon him. Yet, amidst the uncertainty, a flicker of resolve stirred within him—a determination to unravel the threads of his enigmatic existence in this new world.