

Ugh why am I in pain.. starting to gain conscious..what happened.. BA.01 down BA.01 down!. huh.. what the.wait a minute the old man did he really?.. BA.01 down. wait a minute we're have I heard that before I slowly start to force myself awake struggling at best Ah stupid piece of crap. Wait a minute that sounds like... Commanders can you hear me!? .. Marian!?. NO!. your both going into cardiac arrest. A.E.D A E.D CLEAR! zzrp. AGH!. immediately I fully wake up pain slightly disappearing what the hell was that!. Commanders! Please smile if your ok. I'm fine... I think I look over seeing if this is really happening. yep that's Marian alright. so it wasn't a dream.. commanders we need to regroup with the surviving nikke squad's. crap need to pay more attention from now on I didn't even hear them get up. Slowly getting up as well making sure nothing is broken hey... You both okay I ask. yes commander both me and commander John are fine(I'm calling the protag commander John as it's a good name and easy to remember). I walk over to them hey Ms I can hold him so that way you can help us get to were we need to go. (Also to make it easier double slash means nikke is speaking and double two dots is a human speaking // ::) besides your the only one with a gun so it's better for me to hold him any way. //Are you sure you both are very light for me. It's fine I grab his arm and hoist him on my back and shoulders. // alright follow me commanders il get you both to safety. Marion then starts leading the way towards the squad trackers .I can't believe I'm really here. maybe I can save her.. hmm hey Ms..//hm what is it commander?.what's your name? //oh sorry for not informing you commander my name is Marion and I am part of silver gun I am a machine gunner as well. oh well my name is commander Matt.//it's nice to meet you sir I...!!! BEHIND ME COMMANDER RAPTURES!!.I will protect you. I immediately get down behind some rubble gently placing the protagonist next to me // commander please direct me so I can eliminate all the rapture threats thoroughly. alright now Marion!.// Roger Marion combat mode engaging .. Marion then starts shooting the raptures one by one they fall becoming scrap metal in the process. I then notice some on her side trying to sneak up on her .: Marion! left side behind the box shouting hurriedly so doesn't get harmed. rattatatatat. ... is that all of them marion.marion then turns around about to say when ..// COMMANDER GET DOWN!!. I immediately drop hard and fast barely missing a beam fly over my head . Rattatatatat . the rapture shredded into pieces. thank you Marion you saved me again however Marion doesn't say anything and looks behind me I turn around having a bad feeling and all I see is blood.. and ash.. crud.. this is not good. the commander I put down next to me is gone all that is left is his body the blast I dodged may have saved my life but it ended his.this was not supposed to happen.. feeling dread...END CH:2

yep... I did it I killed the protagonist early on as much as I wanted him alive it's really hard for me to get two people filling the same role at least now you can get Marion as a waifu as well also again this means nikkes are speaking // this means people other then you :: so yeah other then that hopefully the story will go as the rest of the game but a bit different any ways please tell me what you think of small chapter 2

madmanmattcreators' thoughts