
Nihility Reborn

Tell me, what would you do when if you reincarnated into your favorite Anime? What? You don't like Anime? Well, how about your favorite show then? You don't like those either? Then what... forget it. Well, I was able to finally able to answer that question! I had just been able to "get a life" and it was going swimmingly well when suddenly, "WHAM" a goddamn Road Roller came flying at me with a vengeance, unbelievable right? Then I died. The End That is, until I was reborn in a entirely different world! Wait, why am I in rags, and why are all the people in the village looking at me like I'm the devil .And why am I so hungry, am I being starved or something? *Notice. Assimilation success. Preparing for Skill Transfer.* What in the world is going on...? What happens when you put a man who's dedicated his entire life into a single story into the story itself? Well, I'll let you see for yourself. Join the discord i guess : https://discord.gg/pvn9pU35xc ------------------------------- This is a Slime Tensei fanfic I'm doing out of fun so don't expect anything groundbreaking If you've got any suggestions or ideas please tell me in the comments :)

Takaie · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

Chapter 6 - Fairnse

In the nearby country of Farmus, a certain noble twirled his glass of wine, its insides sloshing around in its transparent container. His black eyes staring off into the rising sun, as though entranced by its radiant beauty.


He sat in a spacious room, a desk cluttered with documents where he was sitting and a opulent round window carved with intricate designs behind him. His entire room gave off a elegant feeling, fit for a noble like him.


*knock* *knock* *knock*


"Lord Fairnse, may I enter?" The voice behind the large oak door sounded hesitant.


"Come in, Iles" The man said, slightly irritated that somebody had disturbed him. "And make this quick, you're disturbing my break," The man said, his voice laced with annoyance.


The butler hurriedly entered the room, the door closing behind him without the slightest sound. He prostrated himself on the ground, mentally cursing the other servants for pushing the task onto him.


"Hurry up." 


The butler, not daring to dally any longer lest he his life be at risk, hastily replied, "We have discovered the whereabouts of Lynia, Your Lordship." 


The eyes of the irritated man instantly widened. 

"Is the source reliable?"

"Yes, we believe so, my Lord. A traveling merchant claims to have seen her in a small village to the east of Farmus."


"I see…" A malevolent grin spread across Fairnse's face. "Lynia, that bitch, daring to escape from me, I'll be sure to have a lot of fun with her once she returns to me."


"Dispatch someone to retrieve that blasted Otherworlder, and make sure she returns to me UNSCATHED. Do you understand?" The man stared down the groveling butler, like a human looking at an ant.


"Ye-Yes Lord Fairnse" The butler got up and hurried out of the door, closing it with a light "click". 


The man resumed his activities. Staring at the rising sun, no longer casting a red light across the city of Farmus that was spread out before him.


"You will return to me once more, slave. It seems that I was too light on you before, do not worry, I will treat you much, much "better" than before." The man's expressionless face broke his facade and he broke into a frenzied laugh. "So, so much better."


Unfortunately, he was too late.


A group of soldiers raced through the plains, their horses kicking up dirt behind them as they sped straight to a nameless village. They adorned high quality leather armor, with fine threads that connected each piece of fabric; a Rare Grade set that was filled with enchantments that boosted their durability, defense and speed.


Needless to say, the small group was strong.This small group was very much overkill for the capture of a single, powerless woman. However, she is an Otherworlder, albeit a "powerless" one. So such precautions were necessary.


However, what they saw shocked them. They were supposed to have arrived at a village, a community of primitive people who barely knew how to mold metal. 


The village had been apparently replaced by a round plot of land. The surface was smooth, as though the entire village had been cleanly cut off and removed. There was not a single trace of any greenlife in the vicinity, not to mention buildings.


There was only one person, no, it was a boy. He was on the ground kneeling, his head staring at the ground, as though in a trance. Looking at the spot he was looking at, the leader of the squad could only shake his head in pity. 


It was a cluster of bloodied cloth, dyed a dark red from what he assumed to be was blood. Surrounding the cloth was an even larger pool of dried blood. It looked like something straight out of a horror story,  blood was splattered everywhere haphazardly with no pattern, as though a monster had ravenously consumed something with no regard for their surroundings.


The boy wasn't faring much better, his rags a deep-red color, and based off of his hazy look, it seemed what was the source of the blood was his family member - or at least somebody close to him.


Right as the squad leader signaled for the rest to subdue the boy, he turned. He stared at them with cold eyes, a white void that seemed so lifeless. Dried tears could be seen on his cheeks,  making a mark on his face.


"Notice. The Host's mentality is destabilizing. Executing recovery sequence… successful."


And just like that, my mind cleared. Like I just had a good night's sleep, my mind felt refreshed, as though that traumatic experience…never happened. The anguish I had just felt was gone. The grief that tormented me as I lamented my Mother's death… all of it, gone. My emotions were gone, just like that.


*Notice. Alternative sources of Magicules discovered. Proceeding with Recovery."


Before I could think closely on my current situation, the damned voice sounded in my head once more. My head snapped to an unnatural position, staring straight at a small group of people that were nearing me.


My body, still out of my control, stood up slowly. Raising its arm  and my clenched fist opening into an open palm menacingly, I could feel magicules channeling into my palm. 


It was the familiar sensation of the conversion of Nihility Energy. However, it was also different, it wasn't the same rampaging and randomly combining magicules I was used to. No, it was controlled, as though it was being put through a funnel instead of just pouring all of the magicules in at once, maximizing its efficiency.


A near-transparent black mist erupted from the center of my palm, my body did the unthinkable: it combined magicules with the Nihility Energy. The newly created Nihilicules were denser, easier to manipulate and its destructive properties were greatly diluted.It condensed the Nihilicules into a liquid state like I'd unconsciously done before, albeit much larger in both volume and density.


In an instant, the liquid Nihilicules shot at the incoming humans, splitting and attacking them all at once. The humans didn't even have time to react, the liquid Nihilicules instantly killing them, dying in some spectacular ways. Hearts bursting from the inside, blood oozing out of the pores of some humans' bodies, and in many other ways that somehow didn't even disturb me.


My body walked towards their corpses, as though it hadn't just just slaughtered a group of people. I knew what it was going to do, but for some reason I wasn't as nearly appalled as before. I wasn't sure if it was because I didn't know these people… or something changed within me.


My mouth opens, revealing its canine teeth once more, preparing to sink into the corpses of these people.


This was just the beginning of the Adventure.


Day 1 (22 days after reincarnation)


Name :Lucian

Race: Demonoid

Skills :

Unique Skill : Nihility

Unique Skill: Covalent

Unique Skill: Source

Extra Skill: Predator's Eyes (All of Creation, Predation, Appraisal Eye, Thought Acceleration, Coercion)

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I'm trying to lay a foundation for the future so please bear with me here.

the webnovel barely covered aristocracies and any other nation besides the few main ones except for their names and a brief description, so I'll be mainly making up most of them.


Takaiecreators' thoughts