
Nightmarish Heroes

"Death wasn't the end"

TheOperator · Fantasy
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14 Chs

The Forest

Ren followed Blask traveled across the forest, he saw multiple beasts minding their own business around him. "So what're we going to do?"

"Hunting these several wild beasts, we're going to gather some materials." Blask summoned his black dark sword. The sword emitted some sort of dark energy, Ren found it kind of cool and strange, he first thought it as a simple dark mana but this dark energy was the same as dark matter which Ren didn't understand. These dark energy were mysterious, in physical cosmology and astronomy dark energy was a matter that surrounded the entire universe, it was also called as dark matter. It contained a lot of negative preassure that has a chance to create supernova, or even big bang...

Ren suddenly realized something in front of Blask, there's a big green snake staring at him. Ren never seen a beast like this before, neither do Blask, but Ren was kind of interested on why it was staring still at him. The snake snapped at Ren, Ren resisted by fighting the snake with brute force, he took a stance and fight it with his fists punching it, Blask remembered how Ren actually fight some bandits with brute force, and Ren used his own unique techniques. But even though Ren doesn't have mana, his brute force create energy that could be seen by normal people, but it was different from mana, nobody knew about these because this was forbidden and should be unknown by most people of this world, some people who have created these enormous power and energy were trying to hide it from the world, these were cosmic energy.

('Cosmic energy, was same as mana, it existed on every living being, you could suck them out from this universe, but it was nearly impossible to achieve, even if someone has already achieved it, it would be a lot harder to use it. The difference between cosmic energy and mana or 'lifesource', cosmic energy doesn't have different element, they were a one element, cosmic.')

The snake snaped at Ren, its wide mouth with two fangs that it hides on its mouth opened and closed in a second, the snake wasn't so big like in prehistoric era, it were 2 meters tall, green body and red eyes. Its tongue still going back and fourth through its mouth.

Ren who's punching the snake with brute force, felt he was increasing in abilities, he saw himself using cosmic energy to enhance himself, as Ren keep punching the snake, another snake also appeared behind the first snake, with the same color, eyes, fangs, mouth, size, and everything was the same.

"Twin snakes?" Ren as he punched the snake with no end. "They're not twins, Ren try using brown magic, I'll cover you. Concentrate, feel like its your only choice, use it and full your mind with solid thoughts, then change the earth using your mind." Ren calmed down a bit even though Blask sentence didn't make any sense, but he trusted him, he does as what Blask told.

Blask has to dodge the snakes' attack, he cannot evade or Ren would get the impact. Sometimes Blask would get hit right on his hands, Blask could kill them but he has to wait patiently, giving Ren a chance, Blask don't know how, he felt he was getting weaker. Ren was absorbing mana surround him, he thought that it was not that hard, he full his mind with solid thought, he doesn't think anything that doesn't exists, hallucinations or phantom... He thought of controlling the earth that would be possible for him, just a moment from now.

As Blask kept getting hit by some sort of poison, Ren suddenly make a big wall using the earth. Seeing he's clear Blask fell down, sit and crossed his legs "Hate those poisons, it doesn't really effective for me, but still.... I hate it, it made me itchy. Oh, just variated your magic, you already controled the earth, bend it." Blask was sitting at the floor, Ren again bend the earth, he change the wall, it broke off and turned to spikes that flew toward the snake, the snake groaned, both snake slithered toward Ren, one to the right side of him, one to the left side.

Ren and Blask both realized that it was only a snake, with two heads. An amphisbaena. A mythical snake, middle size and not so well-known, it was actually a hard opponent for adventurers, and it doesn't worth it, amphisbaena's poison doesn't really that great, the only thing that expensive is their fangs and eyes, for research.

The amphisbaena wrap Ren out, crushing him mercilessly, Ren struggles and wiggles to release himself. Blask was annoyed with this snake, he grab his dark sword and slice them, with one slice, it becomes a two snakes, but both of them don't have tails. The snake struggles as it can't move properly, and it was losing a lot of blood. Blask end their suffering by piercing the earth with his sword, Ren saw the sword absorb an energy he doesn't knew, but he knew it kills the snake.

Blask's sword absorb the snake's souls.

"Now enlighten a bit?" Blask easily felt his poison weakened, Ren felt his body aching everywhere as he woke up. "Ye.... Prob-ably"

"If you wanna know, my friend opened his manapool without using his surroundings. It all came out from mindsets." As Blask talk, Ren was focusing his brain, concentrating and meditating.

"Let's get to the next element, blue mana, you could use wind as the object. Blue is the opposite of brown. Blue means light, no heavy feelings, no hard feelings, relax... Well, try it." Ren has already know how it felt on having a magic in his hands and how to get it. So this one wouldn't be harder, it shouldn't.

Ren easily learned the blue magic, it was not that hard, even if he could gain and use blue mana now, he still couldn't use it. Spell was much easier than the normal magics, spell is used to throw a big amount of mana to the enemy, with a lot of damage. Normal magics, was as its name, normal, but it was harder than the spell. The spell only need an enchanted words, movements, and the flow of mana. For normal magic, you need mind control, feel the surroundings, fuse yourself with the objects, and this time Ren has to fuse himself with the wind, this gave him advantages to move faster.

"Blue magic was one of the powerful magics, if you fuse the blue magic with the red one, you could make [Thunderclap] it was a spell" A giant big lightning that move as fast as a speed of light, it create a crater in the forest, the forest was burning, the sound of the lightning was deafening. Ren got inspired by the crater the lightning made, he just felt like using it to destroy a tribe.


Ren success to concentrate, fused himself with the wind, this gave him advantages to move like a wild wind. Blask was busy put out the fire at the forest

"Blue was the simpliest magic, you could variated your magics by yourself, you're a genius at magics." Blask put out the last big flame and continued their adventure.

Blask and Ren went run out of time to search for the materials, they have to move faster, that was why Blask told Ren to learn blue magic, now that they could run faster than normal humans, they could reach the nearest villages and towns. But still this doesn't prevent them to meet bandits.

Blask try his best to not help Ren fighted the bandits, even though Ren got mana exhaustion, he trained himself to absorb mana silmutaneosly. The bandits got a little bit confused and at the same time nervous on how Ren's durability was far from normal people they met. The bandits also mastered some magics, advanced magics. Usually the leaders would be around master tier magician. They're good at leading, they're good at cooperating, but they were not so smart.

Their journey went on well, they collect fruits, hunted by beasts, taking mateials. They didn't realized that they were collecting a high quality materials that could be sold with high prices.