
Nightmarish Heroes

"Death wasn't the end"

TheOperator · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Roulander Kingdom

'Just get there... Fast... I hate waiting, you know that.... And I don't want to wait long at Roulander Kingdom.... I hate politics... I don't clearly understand it either." The second man dissappeared even before the first man could noticed he was gone.

'Wha-What... So we're going there??? We're definitely doomed."


It was dawn already, with its orange light the sun shine upon the scorched house, Ren was sitting on top of the scorched house, it was all black, some of them burned to a crisp, the roof was gone, put aside doors, even some walls lost some part.

Blask get back from the auction, just finding that what he was doing was just to waste time, but at least Ren opened his red manapool...

Ren jumped from the scorched house, actually he fell from the house. The scorched house fell along him. He fell with a thud before he rolled and stand, running from the falling house parts and furnitures.

In the end, Blask wasn't furious at all... But he had to pay for the house, and it took some of his auction's results. Blask went toward the forest with Ren. He just can't wait for it. Ren was just following him, he was still thinking about his nightmare he had that time.

It was quite a confusing nightmare, it felt so realistic, even the phantom could make an effect on him. The phantom made him realized his purpose on this world, and it also bold it. What the phantom had told him was all true and fact, but he tried to reject it.

The phantom was trying to help him, he told him, Blask was using him, and the phantom was trying to prevent it. What Ren needs to do, is to discover how to contact him again, once more.

The first thing that came to his head was dreaming, sleeping. Or maybe passed out and he would get the vision of the phantom. The second thing that came to his head was meditating. The last thing that came to his head was using Blask, he would use him to make Ren gain a vision of this phantom with his high level magics and intelligence, or probably summoned the phantom, but that would be risky and dangerous.

But well, vengeance was vengeance, vengeance must be fulfilled, and it needs sacrifice. Vengeance erased person's rational brain, broke their psycologic thoughts, and make them lose humanity. Vengeance was unending hatred that must be fulfilled, if not, it would take something else that wasn't even related to the vengeance itself. They would do anything to fulfill their will, satisfied itself, and the rage would be born.

Some people could stopped their rage, some of them couldn't. They would blow with anger. Rage was different from vengeance, vengeance must be fulfilled and it needs whatever it takes to fulfill it, cause it can't make it without hatred and rage. Rage was the fuel, the vengeance generated rage, multiple it and blow itself.

And Ren chose vengeance, the phantom would probably contact him again later if he chose vengeance, it could be the only way... And he hope it was the best way also....


It took half a day to arrived at the place, it was the gate to Roulander Kingdom. The man and Lily went closer to the Kingdom, Jicks can't get closer for its large size, it could easily get spotted. They left Jicks with Hog, Hog was told to guard Jicks for some time, he hesitated but he was forced to. The man went to put some of his belongings to Hog while Lily went to the Kingdom, telling him to take care of it, and gave him some food, Hog simply laugh as he happily ripped a giant deer the man gave to him.

Lily was looking at the guards, counting them all, about 30 or more guards were guarding the entrance.

The man was talking about politics or some sort, Lily was just listening to him, but she didn't know anything about politics, she doesn't care either.

"You sure its okay to leave Jicks behind? Alone with Hog?" Lily asked while still scouting from behind the trees. The man continued to talks, "No... He is a good boy, he could take care of itself." The man nodded and looked back once more. With normal eyes, there would be nothing to be seen, but the man saw some traps far back from there, he could saw Jicks swallowing another wild boar.

The traps were deadly, it was like landmines, but it actually chopped the person that step on it, pulling it down the earth. Some were just a crushing trap, it would crush the person with some metal plates

Lily went alongside the man towards the gate, where the guards stopped them.

Roulander Kingdom was the strongest human Kingdom in the history, it was famous for its military power, not just from mages or knight, but also from their weapons and their unique big, giant, indestructible wall.

"What's your business here?" The guards pointed their arrows, swords and spears. They wear heavy armour, the armours emitted a big amount of mana.

"Really?? You still asked me for that? I wanted to meet Kay... Is she still here?" The man answered. The guards went silent for awhile before they started talking again, calmer this time.

"Would you let me your id and name, sir?" The man simply nodded, "No." The guard looked at the man with confused eyes. The guards steadied their weapons and prepare to attack, 28 knights, 8 archers and 4 mages all waiting for orders.

"I don't know sir... I can't fullfil your request...."


Meanwhile, at the deep forest of Gaia, a forest that the human named because of its indestructible tree, and a myth that below those trees were a sleeping giant, or should I said Titan, she was called Gaia, the Titan of forest.

Giants and titans were d ifferent, but in the same time they were also the same, they had massive size, powerful bodies, can't reproduced, and had feelings. The giants and titans were a one species, Titan species. But throughout time, human started calling some titans, giants. They called giants from their physical body, the giants couldn't be called as elementals, they were just a normal living being, like a human, but gigantic. Titans on the other hand were elementals, they were build and made of some ecosystems or biomes like forest, sea, ocean, and many more. Titans absorb mana from their biomes, water, fire, forest, and earth. Gaia was a Titan of forest, and she was quite famous, she was from Greek Mythology.

Blask and Ren was travelling thorugh the Gaia forest, even though they found themselves lost. They head to where the sun headed, Gaia forest was quite scary, they found it had some mysterious beings, from chimera, giant scorpions, to a strange creature that looked like a rhino with horses legs. Some of them didn't looked interested at Blask and Ren, but some they were quite curious on them. They were nice, they never met humans before, making them naturaly tamed.

"Did you know Nalusa Falaya?" Blask asked as he walked behind Ren.

"No, what's it?" Ren walked straight as he answered.

"A..... pet..." Blask closed his eyes as he concentrates, a dog, with black glitchy skin. Its skin moving uncontrollably like a kid drawing a dog with no patterns.

"This is my dog, umm.... Callop. He's a black dog." Blask looked at the glitchy dog that looked straight at Ren.

"What the heck is this?" Ren literally scared at the dog, the dog stared at Ren with its red eyes, its body got denser until it change to a dog with black fur.

"He... is.... an executioner dog. But well, he was indeed named as a dog of chaos, its hard to explain, but he's kind like a 1 year old baby dog.....to me..." Blask giggled at Ren, Ren still looked at the black dog that changed himself to a normal dog, dobberman.

They continued to walk toward the Gaia forest, Ren tried as hard as he could to keep distance towards Callop.

As soon as they went out from the Gaia forest, they went straight to the West, toward big Kingdom that could be seen from a far, also some fire and a loud crashing explosion could also be heard from a far.

Ren and Blask started running fast to see what kind of war was happening. Blask and Ren could see the gate of Roulander Kingdom was destroyed entirely, like a gate being forcefully crashed by an asteroid.

Ren as soon as he saw the cause of this whole disaster was only a single man, he looked at Blask who's looking calm and allowed him to defend the citizens.

The man who's causing the disaster simply acted with mocking style. Ren felt disgust to the man, he felt anger and spirit. Ren bend the earth and started the fight between him and the unknown man.

The unknown man only used several advanced and high level spell which could be blocked by blocking it with earth or either evading it. The unknown man felt entertained to see a worthy opponent to see his all out fighting style. He cast several swords and use them to deflect or destroy Ren's attack, even the sword could slash the earth in half. Ren was focused on the fight, but he was impressed by the unknown man fighting style. There're no holes at his sword fighting style, no time for his enemies to counter attack him making it hard to defeat him.

Blask helped Ren from a far by summoning a single light sword Blask gave him at his house, which Ren simply used as he saw the unknown man sword fighting style and mimic it. The unknown man realized his opponent used the same fighting style as his, so then he changed his fighting style and Ren also changed his fighting style, the unknown man went furious, realizing his opponent either mocking his fighting his fighting style or stealing his fighting style. The man's fighting style went unpredictable, Ren was forced to block every attack, every single attack that has no holes and prediction, sometime the man would scratch Ren in the leg or arm, before Ren fell to the ground, still concious, but he felt himself weak.

"You are a disgrace dude, and there's a consequence for that, I was hoping you would entertaint me by your impressive fighting style and give you a chance to live, but I guess I changed my mind." The man draw his two sword, ready to slice Ren's head off. Before he felt himself can't move a single bit. At the same time, Blask and a beautiful woman dressed as a princess, Lily went inside the Roulander Kingdom, to see Ren and the unknown man, making the Kingdom even worse from before.

"What did you do to me!!" The man yelled at Blask on top of his lungs, Ren smiled to see his annoying opponent being outsmart by Blask, but it wasn't him actually.

"It wasn't me though... The one you're searching for is beside you..." The unknown man was released by the unknown power, he immediate looked beside him, searching for any clues, everyone at the scene couldn't see anything, neither Lily, not even Ren, only Blask could see him.

At this time, you could see some point of the area went blurry, it formed several glass reflection, the area of the glass reflection looks like a shattering glass. The shattered glass one by one changed it colors, they formed a man, a single man with black dark red blood coat, black long sleeves shirt, dark red hood and black trousers, he wears his hood, hiding his face with dark shadows that was formed from the hood. He wears black gloves, it emitted a lot of mana from it.

"You're skilled at assasinations, I only went to put some of my belongings and you could actually tricked one of my friends... You don't know me, aren't you?" Jack said to the unknown man calmly as he sat at the ground, the man simply stood there in front of Jack, he was either stunned or being held by invisible force as before.

"Blask, this clothes you gave me was great, thanks..." Jack once again said, the unknown man still standing in shock, Ren got surprised to see that Jack, the man sitting not far beside him, was actually the 'friend' of Blask, he thought.

"It was from the dwarves, I gave you 3 years ago, you finnally tried it after 3 years!" Blask crossed his hand as he stood beside Lily. Jack replied with a sneers, "I'm busy..."

"What Kingdom are you from???" Jack's voice then changed to a serious one toward the shocked man....