
The King of Eclipse Street

Markus stopped at a run down appliance factory at the end of Eclipse Street. The stroll down the street went without any problems of course. No living soul or otherwise wanted anything to do with Eclipse. Everyone knew the area was territory to a ruthless gang that ran the streets. What most didn't know was that it was much worse than they could even fathom.

" You wait here and I will bring the King out to talk" Markus stated as he walked in through the factory doors.

" Must think he is something special to be called a king" Tyrell muttered unimpressed.

" He is called a king because of this being his domain" Bo stated. " My kind like to use different titles to show the head honcho. Different vampires will use different titles depending on their preference".

" Might be these gang bangers king , but that's about it" Tyrell just shook his head at the arrogance. Bo just shrugged.

" For survival it would be best to learn different etiquette of each species. At the very least you can learn some habits which might help you overall" Bo responded not really caring much he was giving information to a Slayer. If it was his time to go, he lived as good a life as he could expect.

Markus finally came out of the double doors and waved them both inside. " He said you are both welcome to come inside as long as you promise to be civil".

Tyrell nodded " Long as he don't start no shit there won't be no shit. I just want to talk for a few minutes". Bo simply gave a thumbs up as they both followed Markus inside.

The inside of the factory was much different than the outside. It was lined with different couches of comfort. Graffiti art covered the walls with different designs of all kinds. Of course the gang's symbol was predominant throughout. Other symbols were there as well including different arcane sigils which surprised Tyrell. Different television monitors were set around in the giant main room. A pool table was set up with multiple arcade style games set up in one corner . The thing that most caught Tyrell's eyes was a giant throne made of fanged skulls in the far back where someone was sitting.

" The King I presume" Tyrell flatly stated.

" I am King Jocham of the Crimson Rage. Many know me as the Skull Collector" the man said from the throne.

Jocham was a large dark man also with a string of black braids hanging from his head. His face was painted white like a skull with red designs that looked like his eyes were bleeding. He wore a black vest with belts criss crossing this way and that filled with small bones and knives. His boots were heavy military style lined with steel and spikes. Jocham's eyes narrowed more as he fully looked over Tyrell.

" You are quite the interesting specimen, detective. " Jocham continued as a hand ran along one of his braids." We have met before in South Africa. It was during a war raid by a group of terrorist types. It was a short meeting , but I knew you were a powerful warrior".

Tyrell took a few steps closer to get a better look at Jocham. Damn it was one of the so called terrorists or so he thought from his mercenary days. It seemed a lifetime ago now , but it all came flooding back. Jocham wasn't helping the terrorists he was there to feed and was one of the few that were able to escape that evening. " No wonder why I couldn't take your ass down". Jocham simply laughed , but it was that kind that would frighten anyone to their core.

" I hear you are wanting to hunt a most dangerous adversary" the king said as he climbed down from this throne.

Tyrell tossed the helmet to Jocham who caught it with ease in one hyper quick second. Jocham even looked surprised as he studied it. Jocham's eyes darted back and forth between the helmet and Tyrell. Bo nodded with an exaggerated expression on his face to Jocham.

" You felled the terror beast" Jocham handed the helmet back off to Tyrell." He was one of the Dragons finest battle hardened warriors, even their own kind feared and respected. What could I even offer you".

" Information. Any bit of useful information on where I can find them and whoever is associated with these things" Tyrell responded and placed the helmet down. " May not be a skull , but I have no use for this . You can keep it if you want it".

Jocham nodded slowly. " Thank you for the gift. As for your request I will give you anything I have on the dragons. I know one of their facilities was hit recently in the area. Quite the massacre from what I heard. Right out of the city".

" Wait" Tyrell said in a bit of shock" The dragons owned it? I thought they attacked it".

" No. It was a holding facility of theirs and it was hit hard. Whatever was there was valuable I'm sure. Still trying to figure out who decimated the place. I thought for a moment honestly you would have been involved" Jocham said plainly as he put the helmet on to a table . " If not you than something else with great power. Perhaps the elder gods. They have been at odds with the dragons for ages" turning to Markus " Grab the files we have on the Dragons for our guest here".

" Which ones" Markus asked.

" All of them . I have a feeling major changes are incoming and he will play a part in that. The bones told me earlier that someone from the past would show up and cataclysmic shifts would happen that would be favorable for us".

Tyrell stared at Jocham for a moment before speaking " How would this benefit you"?

" The Dragon lords and especially the Queen of them horde everything over all . Their downfall would be a blessing to all in this world. I will gladly help you to see these ends" Jocham seemed more energetic now thinking about such amazing possibilities. " You have my full support".

Tyrell furrowed his brow " Thank you. This doesn't mean you can go rampage either. I will take you down just as quick if you and yours get out of hand". Jocham outstretched his hand and waited a moment as Tyrell finally accepted it realizing he still needed all the help he could get.