
Chapter 1 : Apocalypse

Humans even though consider themselves as upright and good, th

Yes all went to shit and the world has entered apocalypse. Of all the possible ending scientist, researchers and world leaders expected, whether it was meteor disaster bringing the all life on earth to extinction or rapid rise of carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide bringing cancer and decreases leading to extinction or a nuclear war between countries leading to a world war or an out break of some zombie virus which as always end product as you guessed it extinction, and no one on earth expected this kind of plot twist in this crazy drama/action/thriller/comedy/horror/ another 50 or 60 genre movie we call life. On 5th October 2028 at 12:33 am all life on earth experienced a strange phenomena known as Dream walk. Every single species from human to animals fell into a deep sleep in middle of whatever they were doing. It didn't matter whether they were driving or eating or working it didn't matter. And all hell broke loose. aircraft dropped from the sky like rain, cars trucks crashed into one another and run over these sleeping people on the payment and shops. When I think about it they truly were the lucky ones. They didn't have to go through all shit others had to go through. millions died that day. one half of the planet was hit the hardest as it was day time at that side.

On the other hand people who are alive experienced their first dream walk. Every being who fell a sleep were swept into a world now termed nightmare realm where the nightmare of all the people of the world melded into a world similar to earth except the world was full of danger and scarey creatures. Those who awakened from their slumber and survived their nightmare and lived another day are called Dream Walker.