
Nightmare Of Flesh - The 1st Artificial Hybrid (Moved to a New Link)

Since the first versions of the Cultivation Planet of Hyol, there has not been a single Hybrid. That is, a person made of different species. Hundreds of Millions of years more than a trillions years have passed and no Hybrid. At least, not up until 10 millenia ago have gone by, in the version of this planet, and a baby is bathed in the blood of its mother it ate its way out of. Tia Nobunaga is the Union of a Gnome and an Elf. So, she is born into stardom. Even though her birth father hates her as much he loved his now departed wife. Her birth also not only heralds that miracles are possible but it also abolishes slavery, gives birth to new creative possibilities in what paths that species evolution might hold and lessens the tensions between the Human Continent, the Underdeep and the Beast Continent. Besides, granting power levels to these new sets of people called Hybrids too. Jump into the pages to see the life of this 1st Artificial Hybrid with a creator who is a Pixie. A Pixie with mastery over her Personal Laws granted to her by her impressive intellect and Pixie bloodline, which helped the creation, its creator and the experimental couple to make history. However, before we begin the story of the creation, we will first delve into the one of its creator. Kazu Nini, founder of The New Universe, CEO of The Underground Noble Antipathy Party and the Genius Pixie... ...Enjoy this world of cultivation.

Yua_Iter · Fantasy
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186 Chs

Prologue 62(Part 1)Another Confrontation: Nobles Vs Commoners! (2)

Kazu Nini and hers stood against Uniah Gramanos and theirs.

"I hope you are doing alright?," Uniah Gramanos added a pleasant smile to the Pixie. "I don't want any excuses on your end for not going all out."

"I've been waiting for the Looting Grounds which means I need to shove aside any distractions."

The Royal Noble laughed as she looked at Kazu Nini from past her nose.

"What were the conditions again?"

"Yes, I remember being given the right to pick 2 extra conditions."

"Speak, I am waiting."

"The 1st from Uniah Gramanos was her Majesty to be proclaimed, a plethora of titles and honorifications be mentioned every time she was seen by me. All my people goth home and abroad too had to sweat the fealty to the Gramanos family for 100 years, outside of 4 generations bound in servitude."

The Royal Noble cat did not respond as Kazu Nini had spoken frankly.

My 1st request was that i be given 100 PhysiqueStabilizers, 100 SpaceStabilizers, 100 Epic Beast Feed, 100 Artificial Raw Ores, 100 Space Boxes full of Hyur and 100 Advertisements of the New Universe from the Royal Nobles.


"I have been given the Mineral Stones, I have been told about he Eoic Beast feed but I did not hear anything about about the SpaceBoxes full of Hyur or the Advertisements."

Uniah Gramanos frowned and then someone ran forward with a box. The Gnome seemed to have emrged from the Giant's beard and was carried someone in its... mouth. Although the chest looked to be at least 4 times its size, it did it with kittle difficulty and Kazu Nini was internally surprised.

She was never going to ask Lowe Hagpe about it. The Pixie then nodded to the Royal Nobles and continued

"Condition 2 by Uniah Gramanos was that

New Universe members will submit at all times to the Royal Noble. They would alo leave whatever they do every time they see her to speak loudly of her eloquence and beauty and eternal reign."

"This was considered null and ineffective as she had lost the lst match."

"My 2nd condition was that she finish up the story about the day of conflict regarding Mako Nini against the Nobles. And with this challenge, the Royal Cat would cease her pestering."

"In the Inheritance Grounds, me and mine were attacked and terribly pestered before." Kazu Nini then chuckled. "But, of course, that was after I arrived."

The crowd inhald all together and Uniah Gramanos's frown was unmistakable but she smiled it off.

"Well, i did not pester *you*."

Kazu Nini too smiled it off.

"The 3rd condition from Uniah Gramanos: 'Tell me your name and that of your aunt, honestly. Then, outside of school grounds – if attacked – you cannot receive help from school staff, extending to all your members."

"However, this was cancelled since i won the last match." She smiled and paused, staring at the Royal Noble who matchd her expression without backing down.

"Condition 3 from myself, Kazu Nini;

"Kazu Nini and Uniah Gramanos, to be given the same amount of resources for breaking through to the next stage of cultivation."1

"I also would like everyone to remember that i won, again. So, I had the chance of picking two more conditions."


She actually shouted to her people and they shouted back.

"Where was I? Oh, yes."

"Firstly, A similar event would take place before the next inheritance ground opening, or the Looting Grounds to be exact. Which is this event and the New Universe stars will be invloved in the fight this time."

"Secondly, Condition 3 and 4 will apply once again."

The Royal Nobles still did not realise why Kazu Nini had slowly spet out everything that had once been said before. So, she gave the Royal Noble cat a clue.

"I want to ask if you want to add more conditions?"

Uniah Gramanos snorted, "commoners are never satisfied but that is understandable because hey never do actually have enough. Please let me know what you propose."

Uniah Gramanos had not still seen it.

"Well, I want o give you options."

"Your dreams don't have the qualifications to give me anything."

She laughed and wondered if she should mae a mess of he Royal Noble Cat but this fight was bigger than her or her desires.

"Okay then let me state my desires."

"I will ask you to pick between 1 more condition and the Referee to pick 1 also before the match begins or winner gets 2 after the match ends."

Uniah Gramanos was going to soeak, then everything clicked.

This Pixie!

It turned out that Kazu Nini's 4th condition was that people on *her* side could join in the fight.

Meaning that, if Uniah Gramanos began the match, Haron Javan, Iskrin Olinum and Rashta Micko would not be joined her at all.

It would be 4 of them against!

But something was not right; why would her enemy suggest a way out for her?

It could not be pity

It could not be arrogance.

Extreme confidence!

It was extreme confidence and the fact that it would make her look fair in the eyes of her people.

She wanted to use Uniah Gramanos as a stepping stone to get more fans!

Outside of that, how could Uniah Gramanos go on like this and allow her pick 2 more choices.

...if she won.

The Royal Noble Cat remembered how her soon to be fellow wife had used Self Hypnosis and it had awoken something inside of her.

This battle and the consequent unfoldings she had planned would be a sacrfice for her future!

Steeling her eyes she looked back at the Pixie.

"The 1st of course, i need to have more followers so that your fall is all he more juicy."

The Pixie laughed, "what is your pick, then?"

"I want me and my henchmen to fight together as one."

At the sound of 'my henchmen' Iskrin Olinum kowtowed. This action was not merely out of sentimentality.

At the sound of 'fight together' Haron Javan kowtowed deeply.

And at the sound of 'as one' Rashta Micko's forehead was now bleeding from banging in on the ground.

Kazu Nini smiled and said. "I am happy you could join us, really."

"Mine is that, i want a match of 3 strikes for each person; during each strike one can only defend passively. The Nobles will go first."

Isimaila Fginja and Zlai Dfon wanted to protest but they did not want to break her momentum. So, they slowly blinked instead of shrinking their eyes or saying anything out.

Kazu Nini needed the strong on her side!

"Let's get this over with."

Walking away, Uniah Gramanos started walking towards the Arena when Bo Tianwei appeared before her.


In her territories, he would have been killed and his direct family would have joined him.

"Any Weapons?"

She held his eye but he did not seem afraid at all. Slowly and deliberately Uniah Gramanos then showed her SoaceBox to him and he nodded without also using his eyes to check the contents.

When she walked away, he seemex to disappear.

"Will he suffer for that?"

"We are in Chilkt."

"What does that mean?"

Im the bkeachers, some commoners were talking.

"Chilkt is one of the very rare places where even Royals and Nobles do not dare be careless."

"Watch your words, you could die for that."

"I know, but it's true."

Back on the opem field, Kazu Nini began walking towards the Arena too when she was approached.

"Any weapons?"

Kazu Nini opened her SpaceBox and Bu Tianwei looked inside, nodded then disappeared again.

Once Kazu Nininand her ilk passed through, the sounds from outside got muffled like they were underwater.

Bu Tianwei stood in the middle of the Arena, at the 500 meters point. Then he raised his hands up, fingers straight to the sky.

"3 points is what the Team leaders start with, while their subs will start with 1. So, both your sides should choose your leaders."

The Lesser Nobles all bowed in unison and Uniah Gramanos did not even need to check if she was made leader or not.

The New Universe's Stars all took a step back and folded their arms behind their backs.

"That was my condition. Now, for the rules of the match"

"Each consecutive battles will have an additional point to the winner. Also, each battle outside of the Team Leaders will be decided with a lucky draw!"

Jagonu Nanhor frowned because she had long wanted to pummel Iskrin Olinum. Her almost transparent face was a scowl.

Iskrin Olinum was rejoicing inside but he kept a clear expression.

Zlai Dfon was scared because she assumed that Haron Javan had let her win.

Haron Javan was heartbroken.

Rashta Micko had always wanted to repay Isimaila Fginja for his defeat last time. So he hissed and snarled as his body moved from one form to the next.

Isimaila Fginja just hoped she did not have to fight Haron Javan.