
Nightmare Of Flesh - The 1st Artificial Hybrid (Moved to a New Link)

Since the first versions of the Cultivation Planet of Hyol, there has not been a single Hybrid. That is, a person made of different species. Hundreds of Millions of years more than a trillions years have passed and no Hybrid. At least, not up until 10 millenia ago have gone by, in the version of this planet, and a baby is bathed in the blood of its mother it ate its way out of. Tia Nobunaga is the Union of a Gnome and an Elf. So, she is born into stardom. Even though her birth father hates her as much he loved his now departed wife. Her birth also not only heralds that miracles are possible but it also abolishes slavery, gives birth to new creative possibilities in what paths that species evolution might hold and lessens the tensions between the Human Continent, the Underdeep and the Beast Continent. Besides, granting power levels to these new sets of people called Hybrids too. Jump into the pages to see the life of this 1st Artificial Hybrid with a creator who is a Pixie. A Pixie with mastery over her Personal Laws granted to her by her impressive intellect and Pixie bloodline, which helped the creation, its creator and the experimental couple to make history. However, before we begin the story of the creation, we will first delve into the one of its creator. Kazu Nini, founder of The New Universe, CEO of The Underground Noble Antipathy Party and the Genius Pixie... ...Enjoy this world of cultivation.

Yua_Iter · Fantasy
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186 Chs

Prologue 62 (Part 3) Another Confrontation: Nobles Vs Commoners! (4)

"*Engulfment Absolution!*"

The air froze as if everything was being summoned by a level of authority that they could not even comprehend because of heir meagre existences.

Ko-jin stopped, the air stopped and even Iskrin Olinim coild not longer move.

Now, Isimaila Fginja and Ninomorua screamed at him.


Everything under 500 kg was irresistibly pulled towards the maw of the Lindworm lile it were a whirlpool that suddenly showed up in the middle of the ocean, and having come with no warning whatsoever.


A hurricane in reverse was storming about and The Wraith watched in horror as he clawed at the floor, his skull not daring to turn back.


When his skeleton was yanked away, it revealed a Spirit that hovered about the air before the complete aet of bones joined the rest of its parts in the maw of the Epic Beast.

Now though, even the Spirit was being pulled and it squirmed in the air until it stuck its claws a tenth of the way into the arena barriers.

However, that was not enough and its spectral form was thrown backward lile the rebound of a spring.

Silence suddenly filled the arena but Iskrin Olinum did not move and neither did Isimaila Fginja or Ninomorua.

The Goblin had fainted!

Iskrin Olinum had won.

But the Nobles were not clapping because he looked very embarrassing as he was curled up on the ground and shivering.

"Isimaila Fginja," Bu Tuanwei's voice wole Iskrin Olinum up and the Spirit floated to its usual height in wobbly flight, "is considered to have lost because she fainted."

"Next Match!"

Kazu Nini looked at the Arena and her muscles did not move one bit.

The Goblin was not someone she believed had ever taken cultivation seriously so the results were not too surprising.

Always, the Nobles were ahead at the moment.

"2 Points to Uniah Gramanos and her team!"

"Zlai Dfon Versus Rashta Micko!"

The fairy looked at the Shapeshifter and knew that if she did not win this match, it might be difficult for Kazu Nini. [1]

So, she rolled her shoulders and squatted in such a manner that her head was stuck between her legs like she was hiding it.

"You want me to go first."

"Get it over with."

Rashta Micko eyed her then shrugged.

"Your funeral."

He then brought out what looked like a dvd and placed it on the ground.

Then, he pressed a button on it and then his forms began flickering as usual.

Boy, bird, rat, elderly.

Then it changed

Boy, Bird, Rat.

Air exploded about him and the ground thrummed a little

The final transformation of the elderly wavered over his face as though it were a projection in a class presentation.

However this was not it as he now called on what he had gained in the Inheritance Grounds.

The silent boiling of water could be heard as the ground behind the Shapeshifter became goey, realising 3 bubbles that were vertically in the pattern of a zig-zag.

"*Bubble Fist, 1st Enclosure*"


Each explosion, drew him closer as it temporarily expanded his physique by 1 meter. And on the final one he added Perfect Explosive Speed.


Shockwaves in perfect rings lined up as he threw forth a punch with all hit might.


Air tore and the ground beneath them both scattered but something was weird.

Like, that was not the sound he expected to hear after he had approached with an arrogant and fierce grin because he had approached and attacked the Fairy.

But he, like everyone else was surprised even though his had had passed through her.

On the spot where Zlai Dfon had been a moment before stood a small but thick tree of 3 meters with forcefully upraised roots 3/4th of the way in the air.

His hand was also inside of it and green sap would quickly covered where his hand was if he had not snatched it back.

Jumping back repeatedly, his transformations resumes back to normal.

Human, Bird, Rat, Elderly.

Then, he pressed another Button on the CloneReplayer.

Human, Bird, Rat, Elderly.


Human, Bird, Rat.


Human, Bird.

Now the projections of the Rat and Elderly Transformations flickered above his face continuously as he took his stance and the ground behind him stretched a few more meters to release 6 bubbles vertically in a zig-zag.

"*Bubble Fist, 2nd Enclosure!*"


Physique Increase 3 times!


Perfect Explosive Speed!


The ground cracked and he was up to his elbow in the tree, air scattered and its branches flailed about… It had branch's now?

He pulled back quickly and retreated consecutively, his face faintly solemn and his breathing now audible.

Pressing a button again, his body shook and then his hair whipped about as his transformations began dropping as pressure around him grew until the floors cracked for 10 meters.

Human, Bird, Rat, Elderly.


Human, Bird, Rat.


Human, Bird.



His other transformations played before everyone's eyes not too far from his person and he stood to throw a punch.

9 bubble rose behind him.

POP!!! POP!!! POP!!! POP!!! POP!!! POP!!! POP!!! POP!!! POP!!!

9 Meters larger, Rashta Micko used Perfect Explosive Speed as power coursed through his veins like aggressive worms.





A section of the now 4 meter tall and 6 meter wide tree had an entire section hanging off.

But Rashta Micko was not done.

"*Potent Artefact Resonance.*"

He then clawed the body of the tree with his other hand too.

"*Reverse Transformations*"


The tree – Zlai Dfon - had popped into a piece of paper. Everyone staring was outwardly shocked and even Jagonu Nanhor was squeezing her face.


But that paper had violently wriggled until it popped into a stone. The Spirit let out a sigh of relief like the New Universe.


The stone too refused to give up and popped into a fly.


The fly shook until it became a pen.



















When a grasshopper emerged as a 10 by 10 meter tree, Rashta Mick hastily fell backwards.


He stood there panting and his body shook but he knew he had to make do with what was left in his system. So, he pressed a button while doing something to himself.

"*Shifted Tissue*"

His hair strands fell out of him like rain until he resembled a Yeti. The they slurped back into themselves and fanned out to become brown feather's that shaded themselves until they became that of old tree wood. Also, every time light touched them, they became blueish, so it was quite a beautiful sight and this was before the feathers covered his entire form like he were serpentine.

"*Shifted Systems*"

Next, his claws grew out and a singular horn emerged from his forehead as his teeth became flat like buck teeth but heir ends were sharp as they protruded from what seemed to be melted flesh and beak.

"*Shifted Bone*"

Finally, his lower back stretched out until he was looking like a centaur, jist seconds before his wings burst out to dwarf him several time over, making some of the commoners stare in amazement.

"*Potent Artefact Resonance*"

He was truly beautiful and if Zlai Dfon was not used to knowing that her own face was a work of art to say the least, she would have been enamored.

"*Shifter's Endowment*"

Plus, she had to even the score and she rolled her shoulders as she brought out a Potent Artefact that made the air add 100 Kilograms to its original weightlessness.

Rashta Micko, in his strongest form now stood 9 meters larger as he braced himself, remembering her fight with Haron Javan.

"*Space Origami: Forme Premiere!*"

10 meters around, with Rashta Micko in the center of it all, Space Solidified until its outlines clearly formed a square.

Then, partition lines drew themselves made the square look like it had 10 equal parts.

When the opposite outer most 2 Segments folded, Rashta Micko faced a pressure of 110 kilograms, 2 more segments and the pressure climbed by another 10 times.

8 more times and the pressure reached 200 kilograms, now the Shapeshifter's eyes scrunched as space finalised into the shape of a fairy which erupted into pressure of 400 kilograms!

Zlao Dfon too was impressed but she knew his indifference would not last long.

She dropped her arms and the pressure returned to only 100 kilograms.

Then she lifted her hands again, with her palms grabbing towards him.

"*Space Origami: Forme Deuxieme!*"

The square this time was 100 meters tall and blank until it was evenly split into 100 parts.

Each fold increased the weight of space in that area by 10 times, and this fold at opposite corners happened happened 50 times.

600 kilograms when it had folded its last. And this was before Space blossomed into a picture of frozen fairies flying above a forest of trees which magnified the pressure to 1,200 kilograms.

Rashta Micko had a straight face but injuries burst from about his body that now lightly shook in tandem with his breath.

The Faury smiled and looked at him for her final attack.

"*Space Origami: Forme Troisieme*"


Rules are in Prologue 62 (Part 1)