
Nightmare Of Flesh - The 1st Artificial Hybrid (Moved to a New Link)

Since the first versions of the Cultivation Planet of Hyol, there has not been a single Hybrid. That is, a person made of different species. Hundreds of Millions of years more than a trillions years have passed and no Hybrid. At least, not up until 10 millenia ago have gone by, in the version of this planet, and a baby is bathed in the blood of its mother it ate its way out of. Tia Nobunaga is the Union of a Gnome and an Elf. So, she is born into stardom. Even though her birth father hates her as much he loved his now departed wife. Her birth also not only heralds that miracles are possible but it also abolishes slavery, gives birth to new creative possibilities in what paths that species evolution might hold and lessens the tensions between the Human Continent, the Underdeep and the Beast Continent. Besides, granting power levels to these new sets of people called Hybrids too. Jump into the pages to see the life of this 1st Artificial Hybrid with a creator who is a Pixie. A Pixie with mastery over her Personal Laws granted to her by her impressive intellect and Pixie bloodline, which helped the creation, its creator and the experimental couple to make history. However, before we begin the story of the creation, we will first delve into the one of its creator. Kazu Nini, founder of The New Universe, CEO of The Underground Noble Antipathy Party and the Genius Pixie... ...Enjoy this world of cultivation.

Yua_Iter · Fantasy
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186 Chs

Prologue 61 (Part 1) Update (2)

Amalganom Gramanos cut off her care for the event and now stared solely at the door.

"It's just for now."

Amalgamom Gramanos would not believe that Uniah Gramanos actually wanted to be friends with her.

"What do you mean?"

The younger Sphinx rolled her eyes and signalled one of her guards.

It was a Centaur with a spear in one hand, a quiver dull of arrows by his waits and a bow strung to his back. His human half was covered with something which looked like fitted chainmail while his horse half was decked with heavy cavalry armor.

The guard then stood before them both.

"I can make you stop being bothered."

She suggested to Amalgamom Gramanos who was eyed her with a flat stare.

The girl raised a brow and then stretched out an arm that was soon filled with a cup of prey blood.

"Your party." The Royal Noble from the Main family branch then shrugged and turned her expression elsewhere after waving the centaur off.

At some point, Gramanos Amalganom began wishing she had spoken to her fellow wife when she saw a familiar face.


Most of the cities' roads were packed full to the brim with people and more people; both up and down and between. If you asked Jason Hoan Illjako, he only thought he should do what he had to do first.

One hour went by before he could reach the institution.

The Cyber Web Village was an institution that funded the biggest platform on the Telewatch. Skynet was one of its creations along with SkyGallery and SkyMuseum.

On arrival, the people were not sure how to greet him as he might be marrying two Royal Nobles from the main branch!

Not everyone could do this!

Even if Gramanos Amalganom was not finally selected he had still managed to worm his way into the Gramanos family.

The Gramanos!

So, once he entered information and orders had been passed out. People were marched outside, carpets were rolled and caterers were called.

They thought they would need to wait on his whim, but he was simply checking on Jillia Haon Illjako.

"How are you?"

"Do you care?"

"How did you know?"

"No one can act that way and lie about being my J-"

"It seems you do not like our agreement."

"No, I do. Please."

"Good, keep in touch."

Ending the call Jason Haon Illjako stepped out from his carriage and saw what he would have called impressive if he was not used to living the life that he did. Boredom clouded his features as he grabbed one of the people standing on a queue.

"Get me your boss."

Minutes later, he was taken to a room after Photoporting and a short walk. [1]

The room changed to metallic black furniture, white windows, a yellow ceiling and brown floors after a rather round elf fiddled with a part of the wall. This was after they had walked through a curtain of light which probably Photoported them elsewhere.

"Forgive my caution, your royal Highness, but i would assume you like your secrets well kept."

Jason Haon Illjako did not even bother to look at him.

Outside of caterers handling refreshments and drink, no one else was there, apart from Jason Haon Illjako and the elf he did not care to remember his name.

Also, the servers of food and drink had been blindfolded an with ear clogs. So that, numbers would be raised if hey were needed.

The CEO of Cyber Web Village raised a few numbers in quick suggestion and drinks followed plates of food which were professionally as were curtly served.

The Fat Elf smiled from cheek to cheek as his knees trebled under the table.

"I have heard of you."

"It is our honour to have such a privilege given to us. Your magnanimity is as large as the heavens and may your life be as long."

Jason Haon Illjako rested his back on his chair and stared at the ceiling.

Soon, it was displaying a slideshow of wallpapers; dragons captures, Wyrms rode through a tain of lightening, a war between Gnomes and Orcs and Trolls and Ogres and Cyclops and many more.

His eyes finally fell to the man.

"I want to become a part of your company."

The man almost collapsed and he kowtowed as tears fell out.

"Please, this is all i have please. I don't have any-"


The man whimpered lile a child.

"You said something about secrecy, right?"


"So why would others know if I am a part of it."

"No, but i understand you want to absorb my company into Illjako Enterprises. That is- That is- Tha-"

"Don't make me repeat myself, I said i wanted to be a part of your company!"

The man blinked and raised his head.

"Thank you for your generousity and forgive me for asking. But... You want to be part of the Board Of Directors?"

"Something like that, but I don't want it to be known. Secrecy, right?"

The man kowtowed again.

"Thank You, Thank You."

Frankly speaking, this could not have happened on the Human Continent, but this continent was spilt into areas owned by the Royals and Nobles and Royal Nobles.

"Don't forget, updates and information is what i like."

Now the elf

So, the elf went down on one knee and wiped his tears, nodding and spewing forth praises until Jason Haon Illjako left from disgust.


Gramanaos Amalganom could not tell if Uniah Gramanos had meant what she said but she was sure the virl wanted o learn techniques from her.

She sighed and did not know how to thank Kazu Nini. Now that her worth had been realised, she knew how to maintain a peaceful marriage.

The Leopard Sphinx now took less hurt at their disparity in status and began eyeing each of those who had greeted her until they looked away after offering a bow at the waist.

When she was done, Jason Haon Illjako stepped in and the crowd surged towards him as if he were a whirlpool in the middle of the atlantic.

Jillia Haon Illjako was on his arm and he greeted people while she collected their contacts and wrote it down for consideration.

Finally, he reached to stand before both of them.

"I am awed by the ethereal feline grace and beauty. I have heard so many of your stories and witnessed your passionate battles. It is my honor to be betrothed to you."

Uniah Gramanos did not know what to say. She had never met the guy before and on a normal day she would not even consider him but she had noticed that he and her potential teacher were pretty close.

So, she smiled at him.

"Same to you."

It sounded coarse and thoughtless but hat alone showed that she was not disinterested in him. In fact, the whole hall bursted into applause.

"I have a request i wish to make of you."

She turned back to him, "speak."

"Can I please borrow her so that your presence remains flawless and we commoners can be alone for a few minutes."

Even Gramanos Amalganom was shocked by this level of humility.

Was there a problem?

"Can I join you?"

"If you wish to be all means, it would greatly elevate my common status."

She eyed him, he was not exactly ugly but she enjoyed sitting.

"Do not stay too long, mother might be coming soon."

Bowing again, he carried Gramanos Amalganom on his other arm and pulled her away until they entered a Chariot pulled by Epic Sea Horse Beasts that floated above the ground in a pool of water that circulated their feet.

"We should win this, i am securing our votes."

"What?" She was tugging at her gown removed the sleeves. Then, she removed the leggings.

He acted as though, he did not notice.

"I just got a skyrocket to our votes."

She kissed him and he had to push her away, Jillia Haon Illjako now opening his clothes.

"Wait you don't get. Like Skyrocket. Cause like, i went to the owner of Skynet."

The Sprite bit his ear before the Sphinx went for his neck.

"I don't care."

They were soon breathless before long and it was a good thing that the Chariot had AudioDampeners, VisualDampeners and NostrilDampeners.


Kazu Nini looked at her inner system and smiled in satisfaction. She was imagining ways she would trample on the Royal Noble Sphinx when she got a message.

Rich-Elf-BeyxxX (Shafa Rinmon): They just brought it up.

X_XNiniThePixieXDTM: They jist brought what up?

Kazu Nini could tell but she needed to be sure.

Rich-Elf-BeyxxX (Shafa Rinmon): My parents, they said that they can not get into some monumental event.

X_XNiniThePixieXDTM: What event is that?

Rich-Elf-BeyxxX (Shafa Rinmon): Check your Skynet.

X_XNiniThePixieXDTM: I never learned to use that thing!

Rich-Elf-BeyxxX (Shafa Rinmon):...

Okay I'll send a picture.

The Elf sent an image to the chat group which showed Uniah Gramanos and 2 other people who had come to spectate their previous match.

It spoke on the union of two families and a Potential new Royal Noble.

Further below, it showed a video of Gramanos Amalganom the person intending to become a Main Branch Gramanos from her original side branch position.

So, it would be a day of 3 celebrations.

Elevation of status for Gramanos Amalgan

Two Families making a Union

And the Union of the 3 people!

Further below, as scenes of Gramanos Amalganom's trial were out to light, it spoke on her childhood and how her heart for ambition and valiancy had dr-

Kazu Nini's mimd was racing in different directions.

Rich-Elf-BeyxxX (Shafa Rinmon): What should I do?

X_XNiniThePixieXDTM: Tell them you have chosen them over me.

Rich-Elf-BeyxxX (Shafa Rinmon): NO!

X_XNiniThePixieXDTM: I don't mean you have *actually* chosen them over me. Just *tell* them that.

Rich-Elf-BeyxxX (Shafa Rinmon): Oh, okay but that would mean...

X_XNiniThePixieXDTM: Yes, i will let everyone know.

Rich-Elf-BeyxxX (Shafa Rinmon): Okay Boss.


Photoporting is teleporting with light