
Nightmare Of Flesh - The 1st Artificial Hybrid (Moved to a New Link)

Since the first versions of the Cultivation Planet of Hyol, there has not been a single Hybrid. That is, a person made of different species. Hundreds of Millions of years more than a trillions years have passed and no Hybrid. At least, not up until 10 millenia ago have gone by, in the version of this planet, and a baby is bathed in the blood of its mother it ate its way out of. Tia Nobunaga is the Union of a Gnome and an Elf. So, she is born into stardom. Even though her birth father hates her as much he loved his now departed wife. Her birth also not only heralds that miracles are possible but it also abolishes slavery, gives birth to new creative possibilities in what paths that species evolution might hold and lessens the tensions between the Human Continent, the Underdeep and the Beast Continent. Besides, granting power levels to these new sets of people called Hybrids too. Jump into the pages to see the life of this 1st Artificial Hybrid with a creator who is a Pixie. A Pixie with mastery over her Personal Laws granted to her by her impressive intellect and Pixie bloodline, which helped the creation, its creator and the experimental couple to make history. However, before we begin the story of the creation, we will first delve into the one of its creator. Kazu Nini, founder of The New Universe, CEO of The Underground Noble Antipathy Party and the Genius Pixie... ...Enjoy this world of cultivation.

Yua_Iter · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
186 Chs

Prologue 54 (Part 3) Joining Her People (5).

Kazu Nini's heart skipped a beat as she donned a scowl. Keeping a low altitude she used Explosive Speed to blaze to the distance.

Where was Jagohu Nanhor?


Where was Isimaila Fginja?


Were was Zlai Dfon?


Where was Henrique Viva?


Where was Kirian Kranimora?


Frowning even deeper, she realised she should have told them to wait for her before telling the to leave. Well, it would not hurt to check.




The Glass Orb speed past in the the dense foliage, the glasses she used for, Glass Network expanded their limits of heir reach and spread further.


Blazing past, she caught sight of Iskrin Onilum and Haron Javan who where are different directions, with at least 50 meters apart.


She remembered Jagonu Nanhor hated Iskrin Olinum. So, she banked a sharp right and zoomed in on his area.

The Pixie locked the Wraith's hands, legs and neck with a cuff for each one and slammed it so hard against the ground so hard that it passed out.

The Wraith's falcon head woke up in a dazed expression, the lack of oxygen to its head made it scowl.

But its frown was nowhere near Kazu Nini's and it's eyes widened in shock when reality sunk in.

"I do-"

She interruption it with a punch, backed with Explosive Enhancement.

"I heard."

"Wh-what are you talking about. Let me go this inst-"

She punched it again with extreme confidence it would soon tell as se could not forget it running away when it faced off against Jagonu Nanhor.

"I heard."

It nodded.


"We w-we just ne-needed points."


"So, w-we targeted New Universe people." It forced a smile from a bloodied beak. "But no one died, right. No h-harm done"

She threw another punch.

"Did any of my staff get hurt?"

"N-no none of th-them were found."

Se arced a brow and raised her arm as it could be lying because of fear.

"I'm telling the truth! I really am!"

She paused her arm – was he being honest?

Kazu Nini then decided to punch it either way and then it slipped away into the Spirit Realm in flight.

Standing up, she was about to find

Haron Javan when the air quivered and he screamed, jumping back into the Physical Realm.

However, it was now stuck between its grip and something tugging on it from the other side.

"Please! Please! Anything you want!"

"So, you want me to NOT let you go?"

"Yes, yes, I can do anything."

"Tell me Uniah's Plans."

"She muttered something. Something about Self Hypnosis. I don't know if she said Resonance or Pyramid of Consciousness. All I know is that she said in the next fight she would use it to trash you to a pulp."

Kazu Nini nodded and was going o let him go but she could milk him for more information. So she let him go but caught his hands when it was all that was in the Physical Plane.

"Anything else?"

"I think Haron Javan has designs in Zlai Dfon."


"He said he likes her and he want a life together!"

Kazu Nini laughed and then slapped his face. "Tell me something useful."

"Give me good information, and you wont regret it."

His eyes steeled before he replied her in the manner she had spoken to him.

"Get me completely out and you wont regret it."

She felt the oher side tugging at him with renewed vigour so, she pulled back.

And when she was almost done yanking him free, she was hauled until he was almost gone.

Kazu Nini laughed and used Explosive Enhancement. And although it took an entire minute, he was eventually pulled loose, crashing through the Glass Orb that had hidden them both from sight.

"Start talking."

"Okay, so I overheard the Nobles once. And they said something interesting."

He looked left and right, then spread out his senses to make ure no one heard.

"Apparently, Jagonu Nanhor has history with the and they plan on using that history to end her."

Kaxu Nini's expression slightly dropped.

"What do you mean?"

"All I know is that Uniah Gramanos's losses means nothing to the Nobles as she is already the heir to her mother's throne. In fact, her losing would also allow your minds to be relaxed for when Jagonu Nanhor will be attacked."

Kazu Nini could not know if he was lying, but the story was either farfetched or he was really good with his expressions.

"Any details on the attack plan?"

"They said one of the people she holds dear will be used. They also said it will be someone, everybody knows well."


"I don't know."

She paused in silence, then knocked him out before sending him far in a Glass Orb and hen dumping his body.

The air around her rippled and the realms intersected till the Spirit Realm lay open like a door ajar.

Kazu Nini turned around o see who had been pulling at Iskrin Olinum. However, her expression broke from her pensive scowl into a friendly and relaxed smile.

"Where were you for the past month and a week?"

Isimaila Fginja had jumped and hugged her, the Goblin's legs wrapped around her own hips.

She did not even answer Jagonu Nanhor as Zlai Dfon came from the back.

Henrique Viva and Kirian Kranimora bowed at the waist from a distance.

She remembered the boy who got Isimaila Fginja's panties in a bunch and nodded to him. The rest were her people… No, not all of the but she saw at least 100 familiar faces.

"I apologize for not being there."

"No, we should have known and waited. The Inheritance Grounds was open for a month."

"Uniah Gramanos and ber ilk were there, I did not want to lose the upper hand."

Kazu Nini took a breath. "Perceived strength can be as effective as actual strength but you could hae framed it in a way that it is what I myself wanted. My Ambassador would take proper incentive next time."

She felt tears on her shirt and rubbed the goblins head. Then, she remembered what Jagonu Nanhor just said.

"Wait, you just said a Month and a Week?"


"Wow," I must have been there linger than I thought.

"No, it was random. We each found ourselves at different times."

Isimaila Fginja's crush walled up to them and extended a hand that she took.

When her Ambassador and her Public Relations Manager finally let her go, she saw the faces that believed in her and ones that curiously drank in all that she was.

"Sorry for he delay, was really caught up between recovering and getting stronger."

One of them stood up and bowed.

"No worries, we still love you."

She laughed and waved.

"Okay, so how many of us were talen out?"

Well, we are close to 600 or 700 as forst years and now there is barely over 150 of is left. So that's…"

"About 550 or 450" she finished for the Pixie girl. "Well, we can go hunting soon. But before that, I need to cross over."

She let the aura of her cultivation shoe that she was at the mid oont between Divine Early Level 9 and 10.

"No problem," Jagonu Nanhor spole with confidence. "However, you should not rely too much on Mineral Stones for advancement because it makes you think of it as a crutch."

"My Counsellor doing her job."

The crowd laughed and Kazu Nini crossed her legs in meditation.

From Divine Early Level 1-9 it was all about allowing your Ko-jin tendrils repeatedly become gas, liquid then solid respectively from 1-3, 4-6 and 7-9. And, it was also about growing your Ko-jin core by molding it.

Looking at the her inner self, she saw the Ko-jin Tendrils about and through her organs, her bones and her flesh. Now, she had to develop the area where her Meridians would come from.

Meridian were the path were other forms of energy could be used. For example, Uniah Gramanos had meridians for her Mental Energy. Meaning that Ko-jjn could boost her metal energy and mix with it effortlessly, creating a synergy that was greater than the um of its two paths.

And when it came to Mental Energy, it usually had to do with the head. So, Kazu Nini knew where it was supposed to be. However, she did not know how she was supposed to do it.

…but that was until she remembered that her Aunt had given her a book about cultivation when she had just recovered from her first tribulation.

She slapped her forehead, then called the Pixie who had spoken to her earlier.

"Do you know about where the Meridian House for the Pixies are located."

She tilted her head then lit up.

"It is probably where h 3rd eye is."

"No, that should be where the Law Core is."

"The Law Core?" Her expression grew pensive then she shook her head to indifference and even a bit of honor. "Mandate Cerebrum is the name of our Law Core but it might indeed be where the 3rd eye is, I am only not sure where it is."

"I think it is in the soul!"

One Goblin said with extreme confidence.

"Well, a soul is thought emotion and will, where do you think it is then?"

The Pixie before her snapped back.

"Hey, I'm only trying to help."

"More like trying to confuse her."


The scene became rowdy and Kazu Nini went from each person's mouth after signalling Jagonu Nanhor to stand down and not quiet them.