
Nightmare Of Flesh - The 1st Artificial Hybrid (Moved to a New Link)

Since the first versions of the Cultivation Planet of Hyol, there has not been a single Hybrid. That is, a person made of different species. Hundreds of Millions of years more than a trillions years have passed and no Hybrid. At least, not up until 10 millenia ago have gone by, in the version of this planet, and a baby is bathed in the blood of its mother it ate its way out of. Tia Nobunaga is the Union of a Gnome and an Elf. So, she is born into stardom. Even though her birth father hates her as much he loved his now departed wife. Her birth also not only heralds that miracles are possible but it also abolishes slavery, gives birth to new creative possibilities in what paths that species evolution might hold and lessens the tensions between the Human Continent, the Underdeep and the Beast Continent. Besides, granting power levels to these new sets of people called Hybrids too. Jump into the pages to see the life of this 1st Artificial Hybrid with a creator who is a Pixie. A Pixie with mastery over her Personal Laws granted to her by her impressive intellect and Pixie bloodline, which helped the creation, its creator and the experimental couple to make history. However, before we begin the story of the creation, we will first delve into the one of its creator. Kazu Nini, founder of The New Universe, CEO of The Underground Noble Antipathy Party and the Genius Pixie... ...Enjoy this world of cultivation.

Yua_Iter · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
186 Chs

Prologue 53 (Part 3) Joining Her People (2).

"Bring them all out!"

Uniah Gramanos's xlaw passed through someone's heart and she slapped off anothers head with her free hand.

"Rout everyone!"

In the background her minions helped themselves.


Her Nominal Blur Speed and her wrath meant that none that caught her sights escaped.

Huddled in the Spirit Realm by Jagonu Nanhor, the New Universe staff watched on with hate.

Where was Kazu Nini, had she still not recovered?



On an upraised stage was what looked to be a circular stone, thick and tall.

"OH MY!!!"

Out of it lights shone which then grew, twisted and warped to finally reveal ejected participants who screamed and emerged in shock.


The Principal, however, seemed not to notice and had been talking for minutes. And outside of the terrified expressions from those who were ejected out, the curious late comers had already started to believe that they had mossed their chance already.

One student raised her hand at some point. The other students were asking what the participants had experienced inside.

"Sir," one girl finally frustrated enough to voice her question. "Can you please let us know if we are going to enter the inheritance grounds at all."

"Of course. Now where was I? Yes, Back in the day..."

This left her confused. And so, hours trickled on. 4 hours and going...

"Excuse me, we have been waiting an entire day."

"I know, sincerely i do. It's just that, to be honest, i am making a gamble."

But still, some believed and stayed. After a few more hours the numbers of late comers had increased, surprisingly. But the principal had made no move to open up the inheritance grounds.

In fact, at this moment, in 13 more minutes it would be midnight. And that was when, Kazu Nini stumbled into the hall and his eyes lit up before a pulse of Ko-jin caught everyone's attention.

"Now let me state the rules again."

"After a month, if there Is anyone without any points, they will be kicked out. Today is the final day that it will be open and its final day is in 5 months, a few weeks yo the end of the 2nd semester.

"Points will be given and the positions will be determined according to the points gotten. I will share an alloy which will be put into your Identification Cards."

"1. Points are given based on duration stayed."

"2. Points are given based on items found."

"3. Enemies defeated will give you points that will be communicated to you through Speech Transfer."

"4. Points will also be given based on easter eggs or inheritance found."

The Principal removed the cover over the large stone on the upraised stage.

It revealed a thick circular stone with 5 cardboards, one on each corner, if it were a square. All the cardboards seemed to have inscriptions on them and had no trouble staying on the circular surface even though the one at the edges were sticking out. The one in the center almost sat there smugly.

They all had different colors.

"Lower left and Upper Right are called IllusionBoards."

"Lower right and top left are FormationBoards. In the center is a TransferBoard, while the stone itself is called a DestinationGate."

"The TransferBoard will open the portal and keep you staying on track while the Destination Gate will make sure you arrive at the correct place, it has also kept the portal open for so long."

"The FormationBoard will keep the Inheritance Ground working at maximum capacity as well as creating and maintaining everything from space to air and correct allocation of points in there."

"The IllusionBoard, though, will keep things interesting."

Clapping his hands, the FormationBoards started glowing in light from the inscriptions on its surface that began rearrange themselves as if they were sentient.

Then, the IllusionBoard had its imscriptions joining one another until its surface was a mix of reflective and opaque.

Following, the TransferBoard activated and its own inscriptions twisted, until it formed a slow vortex which grew to show itself over the other 4 Boards.

And like a domino effect, the velocity of the vortex increased until it resembled a rickety fan, noisy but working.

Finally, the DestinationGate gave a soft glow which koved in oace with the spinning vortex before both finally dimmed and slowed down respectively.

"The Inheritance Ground was first created by the founder of the school and is meant for good findings. Its purpose is to help the students grow and learn how to act when out there in the world of cultivation."

"The Inheritance Grounds has no other schools attending, neither does it have natural formed veins. It is not the Looting Grounds. Most of what you see in here would be artificial."

He had said all that was important and swept his gaze over them, giving Kazu Nini and imperceptible nod, before gesturing the to move forward.

She chose to enter last.

When she reached out to drop her I.D, he noticed her hands were shaking.

"You need rest."

"I know."

"Maybe I'll sleep off in the Inheritance Grounds."

He chuckled.

"Good luck."

She stepped towards the vortex and she felt like the space between her and the vortex kept on stretching until it carries her along.

It was a weird feeling of beng pulled but standing at the same time.

Like when you did not want to do something but your friend was pushing you to do. But this felt more intense.

Anyways, she eas pulled until she felt like the back of her head was touching her heels and then suddenly...



Her feet suddenly stopped and she coughed out air before almost choking on seawater.

"*Glass Skin*"

It was almost effortless, Glass was beneath a layer of mental energy and she pushed it around her body until the glass beneath became a Glass Orb.

She was happy that she managed to getting halfway into reaching Divine Early 10. She estimated that she would reach Level 10 inside the Inheritance Grounds.

Anyways, now she had a packet of air she could breathe inside what seemed to be an ocean.

Gargantuan shadows lurked beneath when she focused her eyesight and placed glass that magnified her vision before her eyes.

Anyways, up, up, up..... up, up ,up there, there was sunlight. So she shot towards the layer that would introduce her to air by using Perfect Explosive Speed within the Glass Orb.

Suddenly, her vision was clouded and she was being dragged back down. Scrunching her brow, she willed the surface of the Glass Orb to be razor sharp. Then, she twirled it, shredding whatever Epic Beast had thought to disturb her.

Shooting back up with Explosive Speed in its Perfect state, she only got enough time to allow her create 20 other glass orbs.

2 formed into 10 meter tall predatory heads, 7 for sharpened hands which were proportional to he heads, 7 for legs in the same fashion and 3 for tails and 3 for boost thrusters.

When she was dragged down, she saw it was 15 meter Epic Serpent Beast. One of the Predatory heads she had formed with glass swallowed half of it and left blood in the waters.

A school of Piranha came next, covering her vision until, she noticed they were directing her down, too.

A flicker of the 3 glass tails and more blood was in these waters. Kazu Nini instantly began moving began moving upwards because she thought it wise to stay near oxygen.

Sharks came in next and she used the 6 arms dissect them.

First they came in doubles

Then, triple.

Then quadruple.

Then, quintuple.

Then, sextuple.

Then s-.

Kazu Nini's constructed arms of glass did not rest for a full hour. And just when they came in sets of 50 which she finished off, there was a total minute where she was speeding to the surface.

Something knocked itself into the Glass Orb that held her.

Frowning at how she hard to manage the oxygen left in the Glass Orb, she held her breath.

The 1st 5 minutes, she noticed scales as she turned, then she tried to grab it with her hands but she missed. So, she bit at it with one of the 3 Predatory heads, gutting its abnormally large 5 meter tall body.

The next 5 minutes, she wanted to reach the surface but another one came, no 2 came and she saw the face clearly. It was what resembled an eel and if she got out of her Glass Orb she would be roasted to ashes.

Well, ejected from the Inheritance Grounds.

The next 5 minutes and understood that she had about 2 more breaths before all the oxygen in the Glass Orb.

Either way, she dealt with them and because of their speed and agility, she could tell these were at least Mid Epic Beasts or Late Epic Beasts. Either way, the Early Epic Beasts from before would only serve as a toothpick in the mouth of these ones.

The next 5 minutes and looked around to see more coming in.

She whipped all 6 arms around, mising at least 60 percent of them.

The blood attempted to cloud her vision, but she used Perfect Explosive Speed to distance herself.

The next 5 minutes and she watching what looked to be an army of eels chasing against her like a legions of fireflies to a light bulb.

Then just when she suddenly stopped, they swarmed in to her position and she simply placed the predatory mouth open and before her ater merging its two other duplicates unto itself. And now that it was about 50 meters tall, it clamped on most of them remaining.

The remaining 10% separated themselves and came from different directions but she intercepted all of them after a good 30 mintues.

Then she took of the breaths left for her in the Glass Orb and she sped upwards once more.

This time, 5 seconds from the surface, she watched an Eel, a Piranha and a Shark arc themselves and come before her front to push her back into the depths.

Why did they all plan to choke her?

She had a feeling there was more to it but she did not waste her spare mental energy thinking too.

She fused the heads once more to make the 50 meter face and launched it against the 15 meter tall Piranha after she attached one of the 3 tails behind her.

Then, Kazu Nini merged the 6 hands together with another tail acting as the binding point and sent it towards the 15 meter tall Eel.

Lastly, she did the same with the legs and allowed them target the 15 meter tall shark.


The bite mist


The hands clapped not the eel but empty water.


The legs clenched not the shark but empty water.

And just when the Pirahna thought it was free, the face suddenly broke its form and stretched after it like needles. Even though it swam under, through, between, above, below and beside, it eventually got caught and became skewered fish.

Giving that her attention allowed the shark to come come close as she was half an hour into her 2nd breath.

The Shark had opened its jaws, hoping to at least bite open the case that covered the girl Pixie.


Legs clapped on its folding and squeezing and squishing and wringing it till it was a marsh of gore and bloods

The Eel seemed to have understood its condition and then it swarm towards her instead of away.


That was not the eel that she had just slapped to paste but a crocodile that was beside her.

Anyways, water began filling into her glass orb and while she had to care for getting a new one, it was a stationary target.

While it planned to drown her, the Head, Arms and tails of glass would find this one fun.

One punch and it did not let go, which reminded her of a crocodiles tough skin.

So she tried agan and again till her Glass Orb was full of water. Then, she got tired and bent the glass orb to simply remove itself from her and cut off its head by encircling the neck and shouting till her glass cut it free.

Finally, the glass thrusters shot her out of the water were she gasped in air and floated on its body.

Gritting her teeth and getting ashamed because the cracking of her Glass Or had made her panic for a millisecond and waste the final breath she had in the Glass Orb.

The Pixie quickly formed a new Glass Orb with multiple layers. Then she made 20 more Glass Orbs that would simply foat around he ocean surface that she could cal to herself easily.

And just when she finished, the world grew dark.


The 'sun' in this world was suddenly blocked.

Squinting against it, she noticed the outline of something with wings and a tail.

Mutations! Class 2 Epic Beasts!