
Nightmare Of Flesh - The 1st Artificial Hybrid (Moved to a New Link)

Since the first versions of the Cultivation Planet of Hyol, there has not been a single Hybrid. That is, a person made of different species. Hundreds of Millions of years more than a trillions years have passed and no Hybrid. At least, not up until 10 millenia ago have gone by, in the version of this planet, and a baby is bathed in the blood of its mother it ate its way out of. Tia Nobunaga is the Union of a Gnome and an Elf. So, she is born into stardom. Even though her birth father hates her as much he loved his now departed wife. Her birth also not only heralds that miracles are possible but it also abolishes slavery, gives birth to new creative possibilities in what paths that species evolution might hold and lessens the tensions between the Human Continent, the Underdeep and the Beast Continent. Besides, granting power levels to these new sets of people called Hybrids too. Jump into the pages to see the life of this 1st Artificial Hybrid with a creator who is a Pixie. A Pixie with mastery over her Personal Laws granted to her by her impressive intellect and Pixie bloodline, which helped the creation, its creator and the experimental couple to make history. However, before we begin the story of the creation, we will first delve into the one of its creator. Kazu Nini, founder of The New Universe, CEO of The Underground Noble Antipathy Party and the Genius Pixie... ...Enjoy this world of cultivation.

Yua_Iter · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
186 Chs

Prologue 52 (Part 2) How Badly Do You Want It? (11)



Passing the 1st Run Means you can use Ko-jin *internally* for one of the tracks.



You can rest until fully healed before you begin.



Ko-jin can be used externally.


4 you can rest fully before you begin



Ko-jin can be used *internally*


State can be returned to as optimal, but Ko-jin cannot be used actively, both externally or externally.

Number 6 sounded tempting, but number 5 was not so bad and number 1 looked interesting.

She could not tell wat she was going to do Next. So, Gramanos Amalganom touched number...

...actually she withdrew her hand and faced the next membrane before slipping into it.

The Royal Sphinx branch family member then found herself in an arena of hard cement ground. She could see that just beyond her views were all the nobles who watched her. All of them were quite and some had surprised faces but none spoke.

She could see the image of Uniah Gramanos...

...seconds before a large blur landed before her face and blotted out her view.

100 meters at least, a Jaguar Sphinx appeared and stretched its night black wings. The Epic Class 2 Beast was relatively her match. On a normal day, she could tale


She already came up with a plan and wanted to begin smiling at how easy this last one might be but her recent experience made her steel her eyes as she felt a nauseating sickness well up in her stomach, caused by the RestrictionTribulationPotion.

She took a deep breath and allowed her mind to get used to p-


She had not even dodged as a paw the height of her entire body slapped her to the ground and she bounced mid air. Landing on her feet, and taking deep breaths, she steeled her mind and ignored her dislocated shoulder.


She saw a pounced and dived to the sude so that only her abdomen was caught in passing. The ground cracked but healed. However, there was a liquid that seeped out which she did not notice at first.


It's tail flickered and left a red line across her face while her body flew a great distance. Then, while in the air, the creature appeared to be slapping down its paws.


Gramanos Amalganom had caught the falling claws, and timing herself till she slapped the back of her feet against them, she had been well struck but the damage eas not fatal. Plus, she was not under its form.


Its teeth narrowly missed her, and just the sound of its closing jaws were like bombs going off.

In all of these encounters, Gramanos Amalganom was being attacked in areas outside of her legs.

And each time, she would narrowly avoid damage so that while it hit, she would still be mobile enough to survive.

It took a while for Uniah Gramanos to understand it but when she did, she snorted.

"She is going to use her body repairing itself to pacify the effects of the RestrictionTribulationPotion. Then, she plans to take it down using internal attacks.

Her eyes lit up.

"Maybe i will get to see the Self Hypnosis again"

The Royal Sphinx finally truly smiled since Kazu Nini.

One time, Gramanos Amalganom had landed on the floor, but slipped off it to see that the cracks allwoed oil to seep through the ground. However, having landed on her hands that were now fixed, the Class 2 Epic Beast now had time to barrel her into a wall 500 meters away.

She coughed up blood but saw the state of her legs and balanced on both her front paws.

When it neared she sprung herself up like a jump, after pushing against the floor in agile quickness.

Other times she used an arm to scrape past fatal injuries.

It was almost as if she wanted to not harm it.

Jolhenge Fanipurom thought she was simply scared and trying not to agitate it further or she was trying to find a one-hit k.o. But Jolhenge Fanifara assumed she wanted to be in a condition to lay out all her frustrations upon it.

Anyways it took several minutes and a slightly more annoyed Jaguar Sphinx to finally used greater speed to ram into her.

However, it was also pushed away and slammed its back against a wall before its rolled to its feet, fangs in a thirsty smile.

"*Self Hypnotic Art: Consciousness Pyramid Model.*"

It roared and it flexed its wings for he first time, instantly appearing before her, claws outstretched as if sensing the beginning of an actual fight.

"Super Conscious- 100% Active and Passive Reflex"

She folded her self like she had a hinge joint at her waist and timed the trailing claws that passed above her head. Next, she jumped forward and had not forgotten to allow her own claws rake its underbelly.

"Pre Conscious - 100% Muscle Memory

The creature roared and once more appeared before her. The glee on its face almost as if it enjoyed pain as much as pleasure. She slaped the back of its paw away after she spun on her left foot so that her right was out of the way. Then rolled forward and landed a solid uppercut to its jaw.

"Conscious - 100% Do Not Ise External Ko-Jin techniques such as sand manipulation or any such allowance of Ko-Jin to escape beyond internal body.

The hit was not enough to rattle its brain, so the creature jist randomly made rapid claps in the air space below its lips


"Unconscious - 100% Opponent Termination."

She had stopped the last strike by flexing her muscles in the mid air incr she got into a sort of spread eagle position. Then, she she usd that as a ramp and employed Thought Speed to knock it heavily on the jaw, forcing it to tale several steps back.

"Sub Conscious - 100% Adapt, Sleepwalk and Sleeprun."

As she stood there, she began walking like a zombie with her head drooping, after picking a random direction as she was not fully conscious. It was as though she were a helpless puppet on strings.

And as clumsy as her steps looked, the audience were as excited as Uniah Gramanos who kept open her eyes so that she would not miss a single thing!

After taking several steps, her sleep-walking form turned around as her senses noticed the Jaguar Sphinx with pure rage in its eyes. But how could it catch her?

Thought Speed was one of the fundamental types of speeds in the 2nd Trilogy.

There were Three Stages to Mastery Of Mind Speed.

The first Was Will Speed

This was speed based on your will. So, in a class between opponents this was fickle, depending on who fought whom.

The second was Thought Speed.

This was in essence allowing your thoughts and your body move in sync. It sounded easy but the training was terribly difficult. Some practitioners had torn their muscles and given up because of trying to catch up to their thoughts

The last was Empathy Speed.

Amalganom Gramanos never took this seriously because she was a Sphinx and sphinx naturally had abundant Mental Energy. Usually, those who who were intelligent disregarded emotion and that was because they found it to be a hindrance.

...Anyways, back to the battle...


The Sphinx thought Gramanos Amalaganom was there a moment ago, but it was wrong!

Droopped in the air as if to carry her own weight was stress, she had climbed atop its body as its paw had been descending, then delivered a corkscrew kick after using it's ear as a vault to be positioned directly above it.


The sound coming from its head was enough to let the audience know that she would soon finish this.

But after delivering that kick she landed on its temple and then dashed to its ear again. Next, she used it as hinge again and landed on her elbow this time.

When blood sprouted from that spot, she went primal abd ate æ much as she could, refilling her energy until the creature began thrashing around and wailing.

When it got up again, it staggered and she appeared there to jit the lower side of its jaw, where she then crawled to the eye and ate into it.

Between her insidious decision and it clawing its oen eyes, the creature soon slumped. But Gramanos Amalganom did not let it go and made sure she was bursting at the serms with energy before she left it through its rib.

Standing there, covered in gore, she stood listless until 2 Sphinx dropped this time.


Gramanos Amalgamom had only something tha looked like a sports bra and bum shorts when she was done with the 9th. Panting heavily, remembering to eat her meals had helped her recover a lot easier. However, the TribulationRetsrictionPotion still made it sort of unfair when a Class 3 Epic Beast appeared.

The difference between a Class 1st and Class 2nd was mutation. For instance several heads, or hands or wings or even internal organs.

Outside of an constitution difference, of course. Because within the first trilogy an Epic Beast has 2 tribulation. That is not counting the one for when it begins cultivation.

Then in the 2nd Trilogy they have 3.

And each tribulation boosts their abilities by not a small margin.

Either ways, the difference this new one and the last one is that it could wield abilities. And as a Sphinx, that was sand. In fact, depending in its leve of this stage, it could also possibly have the same Self-Hypnosis art she was using