
Nightmare Of Flesh - The 1st Artificial Hybrid (Moved to a New Link)

Since the first versions of the Cultivation Planet of Hyol, there has not been a single Hybrid. That is, a person made of different species. Hundreds of Millions of years more than a trillions years have passed and no Hybrid. At least, not up until 10 millenia ago have gone by, in the version of this planet, and a baby is bathed in the blood of its mother it ate its way out of. Tia Nobunaga is the Union of a Gnome and an Elf. So, she is born into stardom. Even though her birth father hates her as much he loved his now departed wife. Her birth also not only heralds that miracles are possible but it also abolishes slavery, gives birth to new creative possibilities in what paths that species evolution might hold and lessens the tensions between the Human Continent, the Underdeep and the Beast Continent. Besides, granting power levels to these new sets of people called Hybrids too. Jump into the pages to see the life of this 1st Artificial Hybrid with a creator who is a Pixie. A Pixie with mastery over her Personal Laws granted to her by her impressive intellect and Pixie bloodline, which helped the creation, its creator and the experimental couple to make history. However, before we begin the story of the creation, we will first delve into the one of its creator. Kazu Nini, founder of The New Universe, CEO of The Underground Noble Antipathy Party and the Genius Pixie... ...Enjoy this world of cultivation.

Yua_Iter · Fantasy
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186 Chs

Prologue 50 (Part 2) How Badly Do You Want It? (5)

10 seconds of scrambling brought her to its open teeth. But, when she was sire that she had touched them, they began to close. She had 3 seconds to get this done.

1 second…

She lost the Dolphin she had clung to then grabbed another one while struggling to pull herself over its lips.

2 Seconds…

She was almost halfway as she was perched on its lips and might be bitten into 2. Gramanos Amalganom was finally able to get it over the lips of the Sperm Whale when she began investing full effort into vaulting over. Now that she had something to hold on to that was outside the Sperm Whale's jaws all she had to do was lift herself across.

3 seconds…

Well, she had tried, even though she had gone so far. She imagined Josh Haon Illjako sighing in disappointment. Either way, she flailed about like a fish out of water and one of the Dolphins being dragged in was a suitable platform to Kick off.


The closing of the Sperm Whales lips let out a shockwave at this proximity. But with one claw on it, she slid down its slippery body with her claw. Biting heavily into the Dolphin that he had clung to with the othr hand, she felt a surge of energy enter her system. However, she had to deal with acid entering in. So, it was 60 percent healing and 40 percent damage.

This was not enough, she had to make the Damage less than 25 before it would be effective. Anyways, that was always her plan. She waited until the Sperm Whale opened its mouth again, then she used that chance to allow gravity help her slide down its body as she let go of her paw stuck into it.


Stabbing in again, she felt the mouth snap shut and just that action dislocated her shoulder. She snarled, regrettably letting acid in, then proceeded to fix it. But…

Wham! Wham! Wham! Wham! Wham! Wha…

The Dolphins!

She lost herself in that moment and began throwing out attacks towards them until she felt the Sperm Whales' body oushing her aeay, meaning that it was openeing.

Stull, she had to deal with these things first.

Wham! Wham! Wham! Wham! Wham! Wha…

So, after pulling herself in a random direction for a ling time, she found herself at the wall of the pool. Gramanos Amalganom was not naïve to believe that she was on the other side. So, she quickly waited for the tide of acide to hit her after…


Kicking off when she saw a school of Dolphins reaching her, the Sphinx had seen the goal of her plans, so these Dolphins will merely be her stepping stone.

She slipped into their midst by sleekly evading the first with slapping it to the side in a near miss, and then pushed off the second, with her feet. The third had come at her head on and she clawed at it from underneath its snout as she rolled back, so that it passed her without further damage.

Like that she used them to boost herself forward and she knew they were coming back around. So, she could only wait for the Sperm Whale's lips to open again.

And when it did, she crawled on her fours on the underside of the Sperm Whale's jaw as some of the Dolphins smashed into her. Coincidentally, her left shoulder was snapped back into place which would have long happened if she did not have to drink a RestrictionTribulationPotion before each new trial. Anyways…


Her bone clicked back into place and she was thrown back by the Sperm Whale snapping its mouth shut.

Gritting her teeth, she kicked off the walls again as the underbelly of it's body reached her when its mouth was open. Then crawling down, she found the gills and finally hopped into it.

Gramanos Amalganom then paused; whales don't have gills.

This meant that what she thought was the underside had been the top. As if confirming her suspicion, the whole body moved and she clung to the edge of the blowhole. She could tell it knew exactly where she was, even before it began making manoeuvres to throw her off.

It sailed In patterns so that she would be destabilised but the inner off its body was softer than the outer. Meaning that clinging to it was easier and would enrage it he more. Thus, she held on to dear life as she pushes deeper and deeper into it.

Ater squirming and clawing in the walls that she could no longer differentiate, or her direction, she could no longer tell, she entered some chamber.

Slick in body juices, and injuries over her person, the only acid on her would be what was left from the ocean.

In fact, from the way things looked, she might be blown out into the air soon. Suddenly she rammed into a wall and the Sperm Whale's body stopped. Then, she was hit again, but this time her body flew back.

There was either a wall that moved or another Sperm Whale that this one had agitated.

So long for her plans of waiting here to heal, which meant that she only had one option.

Biting into its body, she clawed and bit and scratched and packed, clung and gnawed and reached and hung.

Of course it was now 100 healing, but amidst the rocking of its body, the other Sperm Whale smashing against it and the chamber she was in that was being filled with blood, Gramanos Amalganaom needed to get out.

Plus, acid began filling this chamber and stinging her paw.


However, when she was reaching back up to leave through the space she had come from, the Sphinx was yanked into the sky amidst blood and acid.

She saw herself reaching the clouds, spinning end on end. And for a moment, when she reached them, all eas peaceaful and normal if you did not cojnt that the skies were pink, then she fell and she saw the two Sperm Whales butting heads. One had blood from its blow hole which she had caused. Meaning that, her only chance was the other.


Only dislocating a few bones, she cursed the RestrictionTribulationPotion then allowed herself use her teeth to pull her wrist back into place. Herr forearm too hurt from oulling the limb up, but she also meeded to fix the shoulder of the other arm. So…


She fixed her right knee and left ankle before she could see that she had been sent away from the Sperm Whales from the collisions of heir battle.

She even saw a school of Dolphins reaching her at top speed as she used the Divine boards to tell where she was.

She sighed and headed back to the Sperm Whales which helped her get rid of the anxious Dolphins. However, she would have to wait till their battle eas done. So, cunningly, she swam around them until she fixed herself in a convenient angle of the next pool behind her. Far away, but behind still.

When both Cetaceans went into the water to continue their battle, she then followed in which prevented the Dolphins from following. In she swam until her arms began to pain her, then one Sperm Whale opened its mouth, pulling her in. And just when she eas to be swallowed, the other did the same.

The Sphinx was caught between both Cetacean mammals and she witness teeth less than an inch of her before they birthed shockwaves before her face. She would have enjoyed being sent to the other, but that other decided to close its mouth too.


She found herself on a back and picked a direction for 10 minutes. In between knowing when to let go so that she would get no more dislocations, she reached a tail and turned back in anger. But following the middle of it, 10 minutes later, she found a new Blowhole.

The Sphinx enjoyed her meal and then got blown into the sky again. Luckily, the Sperm Whall had been so anxious that she reached the border of he next pool.


Clambering up after fixing her bones again, she groaned and stood before the final pool of acid.

She was going to jump, but she needed to feel fresh.

If she had seen Sperm Whales here, what would she see next? What differentiated Class 1st Epic Beasts and Class 2nd Epic Beasts were mutations. So, she might be in for a treat.

She felt her bones regaining strength like he rest of her body and sat on the diving board. The skies slowly changed from the tint of pale pink to a shade of darke red. The Sphinx eyed the skies and did not move.

Even Uniah Gramanos was intrigued on what she wanted to do when the skies flashed plasma that condensed into the shape of what seemed to be a Megalodon and a Flying Fish.

The Sphinx thought to drop to the water to avoid it but gravity seemed to unfairly pull her up to the air space so that the plasma in the form of mutant fish struck her dead on.

The only saving grace was that the actual creature, not the one sent from the skies, missed her because the plasma attack had sent her blasting into the boil of acidic pool.

Like a torpedo, she fell deep into the water and remembered never to do that again. Anyways, the MegalodonFlyingFish Class 2nd Epic Beast dove back into the water and caused a depression which scattered the acidic waters making everything turbulent.

Without thinking, Gramanos Amalgan had dove deeper until she saw a cone head. Then she saw about 100 faces.

No, not faces, tentacles.

She coughed in shock as she realised she was looking at what was probably a squid and an octopus Class 2nd Epic Beast. On a normal day, tangling with it here as no problem, but she had shackles ok hr cultivation.

So, instead of running, she dove at it. Except that going back up was useless, maybe she should stand against it.