
Nightmare Of Flesh - The 1st Artificial Hybrid (Moved to a New Link)

Since the first versions of the Cultivation Planet of Hyol, there has not been a single Hybrid. That is, a person made of different species. Hundreds of Millions of years more than a trillions years have passed and no Hybrid. At least, not up until 10 millenia ago have gone by, in the version of this planet, and a baby is bathed in the blood of its mother it ate its way out of. Tia Nobunaga is the Union of a Gnome and an Elf. So, she is born into stardom. Even though her birth father hates her as much he loved his now departed wife. Her birth also not only heralds that miracles are possible but it also abolishes slavery, gives birth to new creative possibilities in what paths that species evolution might hold and lessens the tensions between the Human Continent, the Underdeep and the Beast Continent. Besides, granting power levels to these new sets of people called Hybrids too. Jump into the pages to see the life of this 1st Artificial Hybrid with a creator who is a Pixie. A Pixie with mastery over her Personal Laws granted to her by her impressive intellect and Pixie bloodline, which helped the creation, its creator and the experimental couple to make history. However, before we begin the story of the creation, we will first delve into the one of its creator. Kazu Nini, founder of The New Universe, CEO of The Underground Noble Antipathy Party and the Genius Pixie... ...Enjoy this world of cultivation.

Yua_Iter · Fantasy
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186 Chs

Prologue 49 (Part 3) How Badly Do You Want It? (3)


Gramanos Amalganom stood outside the track – covered in blood, and sticky goo which had kept thorns safely in her feet – in disbelief.

Her body shook from the loss of blood as her system was still feeling nauseous from the forced feeling of having her cultivation drastically reduced, courtesy of the the RestrictionTribulationPotions.

Her vision shool and she closed her eyes to clear her head before walking through a screen. Before she had passed through, all she saw was the track of the Thorn Vault and the empty bleachers. But after crossing over, she saw another track. This one spanned as far as she could see, and she surprisingly thought it was a normal track at first. But when she looked again, she saw fine lines hanging in the air that sharply reflected light.


The Sphinx then approached a pedestal that held another RestrictionTribulationPotion. The vial of glass has a Navy Blue color emerging from it, along with a divine aura.

Before she drank it down, she noticed something written underneath it.



Passing the 1st Run Means you can use Ko-jin *internally* for one of the tracks.

Try not to get caught – Haha!

Gramanos Amalganon had to be doubly sure she saw what she did, because she enjoyed staying alive.

The 1st part was an instruction but the 2nd….

So, the Sphinx stared hard at the words longer than she normally would have then glanced at the drink in her paw. She then prepared her mind to the incoming wave of nausea approaching and gulped it away as her cultivation jumped from Divine Early Level 6 to Divine Medium Level 1.

Shaking her head from the slapp of a ringing sound and blinking her eyes till tears involuntarily came down, Gramanos Amalganom stood before the screen separating her from the next track and then finally walked in. And as she did, the floor began rolling forward like a movator. The speed was at a stable 40 miles per hour.

One of the threads seemed to be hanging before her after she had been moved for 10 meters and she tentatively let out a claw and placed it before the thread.

With no soundz her claw was cleanly cut in half like butter and hot knife.

GhostThreads – Based off silk but as invincible as it was invisible

Ducking rather smartly, she saw that this track of 500 meters had GhostThreads in every 3 meters which was not much of a threat. But she had a feeling that this was just the beginning. So, she calmly evaded them by sidestepping, bending at her waist, twisting her torso, rolling he neck, ducking or jumping.

167 GhostThreads later, the movator transferred her to another one after she gad completed 500 meters on it. This new movator rolled at 60 Miles per hour and had GhostThreads every 2.75 metres.

At this moment, she was still calm and was doing things with painful ease. That way, 182 GhostThreads cut at nothing but air.

The next track moved at 120 miles per hour and the GhostThreads were now at every 2.5 meters.

She wondered how many more tracks they were and idly dodged. In fact she was not adding a pose after each of her movements because the RestrictiomTribulationPotioms she had ingested made her feel like doing that will make her puke. 200 GhostThreads came and went.

The next track was 200 miles per hour and had the sinister Silk Potent Artefacts for every 2 meters.

The Sphinx now began taking it more seriously and threw her eyes about to make sure she did not get a entire limb severed off.

Down, up, side, up and down, she moved with unhurried urgency until her body forced her to retch out what she had for breakfast.

And without thinking too much, dhe had to roll in it or get her neck lopped off. Then, on standing up, she had jumped up too quickly so that she would not miss the next GhostThread. But that quick motion sent a wave of pan following dizziness that made her throw herself on her back yo avoid a GhostThread which shaved off her hair and even her eyelashes.

Rolling back and landing in her knees, her body was carried past another GhostThread as she was already crouching. Then, slowly but surely, she rose to full height as she bent lower, then tolled forward only to retch again and wisely pace herself to avoid any more surprises.

250 GhostThreads were passed and her heartbeat was a bit mor stressed than before.

The floor now carried her at 350 miles per hours, air tearing at her ears and sending her hair flying. Funny enough, if she were in optimal state, she could literally do this in her sleep. But with GhostThreads hanging every 1.75 meters, Gramanos Amalganom swayed, twisted, bent, jumped, side stepped and rolled whenever necessary.

Plus, now it was 2 pairs of threads and she had only found out after half her hand had been cut through.

Alarm spiked in her chest but it would be devastating if she lost her focus here as her body healed her slower than usual, while the pain only made her situation worse.

Still, 286 GhostThreads later, she was done although her hand was still not fully healed. In fact, she thought her bone might have been touched before she flipped in a manner that slid her hand out the other way while her boyd moved forward in a manner that also avoided the paired GhostThread positioned for her knees.

She glimpsed 3 GhostThreads for every 1.5 meters but that was not what made this intimidating. It was more of the fact that the ground at her feet was now sliding her at 500 miles per hour.

Each set of GhostThreads were forming different types of triangles she jumped, into, above, under or around.

333 of this GhostThreads meant that although she had about 100 lines of blood about her body, she was panting hard but with her lips shut and only a sheen of sweat.

Her cursed luck, though, had her pukr just as she was beginning to be hurled at 1,000 miles per hour. So, she lost 3 fingers, the tip of her nose, and a slice of her belly as the 8th track started.

1.25 meters of 4 GhostThreads making quadrilaterals, Gramanos Amalganom bit her tongue to clear her mind and avoided squares, trapeziums, parallelograms and rectangles. And at first each of these shapes were of equal length and breath but eventually, it became unequal. Meaning that, it cost her 5 sets of fleshly sprayed Sphinx blood where she added 2 more fingers to her lost digits, a portion of her scalp, a slice of shoulder, a knee cap and her pinky toe.


Anyways, after a total of 400 GhostThreads of 4 groups, she was unto the next. The RestrictionTribulationPotion's effects were finally calming down, so her dodging could be easier.

But the next track – the 9th – was 2,000 mph and had GhostThreads for every 1 meter.

Aside frm the number of GhostThreads for each interval being irregular, the sinister Potent Artefacts now fancied themselves in intricate Prisms. For only the 1st half, though. And for the next, they became structures like houses and cars and benches, even figurines of monsters with exaggerated teeth and wings.

500 GhostThreads laters and her entire body had her gleaming brilliant red. And while none cut through her, she most had cut a into.

She saw one more track and after a flare of fear that turned into anger, she braced herself and began wandering what commoner nation she would cause a civil war in just to redirect her anger.

If she was done.

She steeled her gaze.

*When* she was done.

The 5,000 miles per hour seemed intimidating to everyone watching it and even the Royal Nobles who had been kept quite by Uniah Gramanos's foul mood started showing expressions of surprise as the GhostThreads did not only form historical monuments, statues and gargantuan monoliths but they began moving at sme point.

Jump, duck, spin, roll back, roll forwards.

10 cuts

Cartwheel, front flip, somersault, lie flat on the ground, handstand, jump to her feet with her hands.

20 cuts.

Spin on the spot, bend her torso, squat to her knees on the ground, twist her chest, forward dive, jump and curl her legs in.

15 cuts.


…And when she stumbled past a screen that felt like a membrane, she had lost her hair, 2 of her ears, most of her nose, a breast, a wrist, half her remaining hand, a calf, a large chunk of hip and an eye.

Gramanos Amalganom allowed her self a few breaths on the floor before picking herself up as she grit her teeth in pain and proceeded to the next pedestal.



Passing the 1st Run Means you can use Ko-jin *internally* for one of the tracks.



You can rest until fully healed before you begin.


Swim in you suit, peace – haha!

The seconds allowance made her head swivel to the top of the fake sky above her head where she saw a countdown.

It was a good thing that she had not yet used Ko-jin though, and she was torn.

What was the next trial and should she use up her ability to heal her wounds now.

Considering this, she realised that the Next RestrictionTribulationPotion would launch her back into the Cultivation Trilogy she was used to. So, maybe she would allow herself to heal now.

She then walked to the next membrane and saw a pool underneath.

Her mind got an impression of acid from the bubbles and steam rising over it. Plus, there might be EpicBeasts in there. So, she crossed her legs and sat down to heal.