
Nightmare Of Flesh - The 1st Artificial Hybrid (Moved to a New Link)

Since the first versions of the Cultivation Planet of Hyol, there has not been a single Hybrid. That is, a person made of different species. Hundreds of Millions of years more than a trillions years have passed and no Hybrid. At least, not up until 10 millenia ago have gone by, in the version of this planet, and a baby is bathed in the blood of its mother it ate its way out of. Tia Nobunaga is the Union of a Gnome and an Elf. So, she is born into stardom. Even though her birth father hates her as much he loved his now departed wife. Her birth also not only heralds that miracles are possible but it also abolishes slavery, gives birth to new creative possibilities in what paths that species evolution might hold and lessens the tensions between the Human Continent, the Underdeep and the Beast Continent. Besides, granting power levels to these new sets of people called Hybrids too. Jump into the pages to see the life of this 1st Artificial Hybrid with a creator who is a Pixie. A Pixie with mastery over her Personal Laws granted to her by her impressive intellect and Pixie bloodline, which helped the creation, its creator and the experimental couple to make history. However, before we begin the story of the creation, we will first delve into the one of its creator. Kazu Nini, founder of The New Universe, CEO of The Underground Noble Antipathy Party and the Genius Pixie... ...Enjoy this world of cultivation.

Yua_Iter · Fantasy
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186 Chs

Prologue 48 (Part 2) Sweet Victory and Hopeful Recovery

Kazu Nini could barely hold herself up at this point, crouched over Uniah Gramanos, it was an effort and a half to turn around but she did it.

Loveth finally found her voice.

"And the winner is –"

The Royal Nobles began sending waves of Transferred Speech to the Zombie's ears.

A house in a city where she would never need to work again for the rest of her life.

The costs and prices of her cultivation taken care off until she dies.

The betterment of a profession, any she wanted.

The I heritance of a Noble.

Becoming a Noble.


Waves and eaves of Transferred Speech got into Loveth ears and proclaiming Kazu Nini as the winner became painfully difficult.

Until, the Headmaster did it himself.

"Kazu Nini wins." His voice cleared the murmurs of the crowd and any Speech that was being Transferred. "Her stales and Kazu Nini's would be restated."

He glared at The Noble seating area until all fell quiet. Sparing his last glance of anger at the Z.

"The 1st from Uniah Gramanos."

"1. Kowtow to Uniah Gramanos and proclaim her Majesty. A list of things to say to her every time you see her, Kazu Nini, would be given to you. Then, all your followers both home and abroad must swear fealty to their family for a 100 years, their generations 4 times included."

"This is null and inactive. Kazu Nini and her generation are free of humiliation."

"1st Condition given by Kazu Nini."

"1, 100 PhysiqueStabilizers, 100 SpaceStabilizers, 100 Epic Beast Feed, 100 Artificial Raw Ores, 100 Space Boxes Hyur and 100 Advertisements of the New Universe."

"These will be supplied effective immediately."

The Headmaster waited until a cart was dragged by one of the chained beings. Humans, Pixies and Epic Beasts were wrapped in chains as they did the bidding of a man in dark sunglasses and a fully closed trench coat.

In their outstretched hands was a table they carried. And the table had 5 SpaceBoxes.

The Headmaster opened each ine, carefully examining their contents and then shot the Nobles another glare before continuing his speech.

"Condition 2 said by Uniah Gramanos."

"New Universe members will submit at all times to Uniah Gramanos, following her whenever thy see her to speak loudly of her eloquence and beauty and eternal reign."

"This is now null and would not happen. No New Universe member is to submit at all to the Royals, the Nobles or the Royal Nobles."

It was getting obvious that the Headmaster was biased. But what could they say or do, no one dared to speak up to him.

He had his own reputation.

"Number 2 From Kazu Nini."

"2. To finish up the story about the day of conflict regarding Mako Nini against the Nobles. And with this challenge – in contestant Kazu Nini's own words – the Royal Cat would cease her pestering.

"Firstly, I would personally endeavor to find recordings of that day for herself. And Secondly, they did not agree if this was a command ot a sugges-"

"Suggestion, sir." Kazu Nini was now being supported on a seat. Her fans had carried her on their shoulders. "It was just a suggestion"

He felt like she had a scheme in mind but should she be playing with the fire that is nobles?

He sighed.

"The 3rd condition of the battle from Uniah Gramanos."

"Tell me your name and that of your aunt, honestly. Then, outside of school grounds – if attacked – you cannot receive help from school staff, extending to all your members."

"This is redundant and null as well. Outside of school grounds, she may be protected – if a staff or fellow colleague happens to be passing by and witness a cry for help"

He eyed the nobles once more abd continued.

"Condition 3 from Kazu Nini."

"Kazu Nini and Uniah Gramanos, to be given the same amount of resources for breaking through to the next stage of cultivation."

"However, even though condition 3 has already been given out, it was reinstated to be active once more."

The Headmaster waited again for 10 SpaceBoxes to be brought out.

"Condition 4: 2 conditions of the winner has to be met by the loser without denial or delay!"

"Condition 4 was agreed on by both contestants. So, what are your 2 requests, winner?"

Kazu Nini glanced towards the Nobles, Royals and Royal Nobles.

She thought of asking for The whereabouts of Mako Nini but that would make her intentions too obvious.

She also wanted to find out what exactly had happened, but she did not want Josh Haon Illjako to feel any sort of satisfaction.

She let out a breath.

"A similar event would take place before the next inheritance ground opening."

The New Universe cheered to show the support of the decision but many thought it unwise to drag herself through so much uncertainty.

"Amd the New Universe would be involved this time."

The crowd went quiet until she finished.

"But just the New Universe stars."

Now, the claps and wooing reignited.

"2nd. Condition 3 and 4 will apply once again."

With that, she allowed herself to rest. They were screaming in glee until they realised that she was out cold.

The Headmaster said a few words and space was torn open. A Fairy of Wood, beautiful of complexion and fair in stature, grabbed her before disappearing.

The crowd went into an uproar at that but the Headmaster shushed then with a single word.

"Silence!" He looked around until he watched he shock in everyone's eyes. "Now, Chilkt State University can prepare itself for the opening of the inheritance grounds. Rest up, eat well and condition your minds for the trip. Everyone disperse. Jolhenge Fanipurom and Jolhenge Fanifara I would like a word."

The Royal Nobles already had Uniah Gramanos on their seating area. She was on a Stretcher that floated and was being attended to.

"You said we still win from this?"

"Leave it to me." Josh Haon Illjako left after that, his afterimage becoming nothingness after a long time.

He did not even wait to tender to Uniah Gramanod. But knowing the girls' temper maybe it was better to let her escort handle her. She watched them gingerly carry her into the entourage she came with as the Royals and Nobles were falling over themselves to please her even though she were unconscious.

"The Pixie cheated."

"No, Royal Noble Lady Uniah Gramanos must have just began the technique. To have been roused from her own hypnosis is something that even learned Sphinxes find terribly difficult."

"Yes, indeed. To master self hypnosis is no easy task and she is not even 20 yet."

"She is quite impressive."

"Spoken marvelously, did you see how she…"

The voices trailed away as Gramanos Amalganom watched them leave. And finally, she set her eyes on the followers of today's victor.

She knew higher glory awaited her, she just hoped Jason Haon Illjako would keep his word. Down below she glanced the Headmaster speaking with Jolhenge Fanipurom and Jolhenge Fanifara. She was wondering if she should intervene but she knew that there was a reason why the Nobles, Royals and eve Royal Nobles had neer attacked this school. So, she spun what looked like a cardboard whose body was decorated in symbols and the edges framed in wood into the air.

As it turned in the air, the writings on the Cardboard came alive and squirmed to the center then a low ripping sound was heard and a portal opened up. She hen stepped into it.

She did not miss the headmaster's voice before she left.

"Don't forget to advertise for her."

Far away, Isimaila Fginja called her Lindworm and picked up her colleagues.

They flew to where Kazu Nini was being kept. The place was always crowded and it reminded the 5 of them that there were Regulars in school too.

When they got down, they asked to see the Pixie and they would have been turned down but the doctor who had attended to them last time waved them through.

The Goblin, the Spirit, the Fairy, the Vampire and the Werewolf got into a room where Kazu Nini lay on the bed.

"When a cultivator Thoroughly expends their energy, they usually fall into a state like this for several days."

"So, she is perfectly alright?"

"Yes, but she might not make it for the Inheritance event."

The Goblin frowned. "Then, I will stay with her."

"No, we will need to hold things in her place and make sure that the morale sje has just gained is not dimmed."

"I did not say we, I said I."

"Look, we need this. If we get stronger we boost her name and spread influence. Help her by helping yourself."

Isimaila Fginja stared at the Spirit and did not know how to reply.

"Don't worry she is in safe hands."

The doctor spoke up and they turned to him. Jagonu Nanhor had already planned to leave her kin here, anyway. So, she eas not worried. But he'll have to get food for a few days.

"Will Potent Artefacts help?" The Wood Fairy asked because she knew that without Kazu Nini problems might erupt in the Inheritance Grounds from the nobles and their followers.

The Doctor sighed. "The body needs rest, and tine to recover. There have been cases of cultivators who run mad or pass out."

He looked at them in the eye.

"The technique she used seemed to strain her body. The way it shook and the were here eyes looked… I would not be surprised if she were not standing up for a month."

They drew in a quick breath the Zlai Dfin suddenly laughed.

"Hey, this is Kazu Nini we are talking about. Don't worry, it will be alright."

She began walking to the door as she whistled.

The Vampire and The Werewolf did not know what to say but they were surprised with the 180 in the Wood Fairy's attitude. So, it was the Goblin who spoke up.

"This is an opportunity that if she misses it might slow her down for their next match."

"She has braved abduction, and repeatedly conquered those above her. She has stood before a Royal Nobles and no backed down. And he victory of this match means that at least 100,000 beings in Jhoklon Will not have their freedom taken from them.

Zlain Dfin shrugged and continued.

"I don't know about you but I am sire she will not only make it but she will come out on top."