
Nightmare Of Flesh - The 1st Artificial Hybrid (Moved to a New Link)

Since the first versions of the Cultivation Planet of Hyol, there has not been a single Hybrid. That is, a person made of different species. Hundreds of Millions of years more than a trillions years have passed and no Hybrid. At least, not up until 10 millenia ago have gone by, in the version of this planet, and a baby is bathed in the blood of its mother it ate its way out of. Tia Nobunaga is the Union of a Gnome and an Elf. So, she is born into stardom. Even though her birth father hates her as much he loved his now departed wife. Her birth also not only heralds that miracles are possible but it also abolishes slavery, gives birth to new creative possibilities in what paths that species evolution might hold and lessens the tensions between the Human Continent, the Underdeep and the Beast Continent. Besides, granting power levels to these new sets of people called Hybrids too. Jump into the pages to see the life of this 1st Artificial Hybrid with a creator who is a Pixie. A Pixie with mastery over her Personal Laws granted to her by her impressive intellect and Pixie bloodline, which helped the creation, its creator and the experimental couple to make history. However, before we begin the story of the creation, we will first delve into the one of its creator. Kazu Nini, founder of The New Universe, CEO of The Underground Noble Antipathy Party and the Genius Pixie... ...Enjoy this world of cultivation.

Yua_Iter · Fantasy
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186 Chs

Prologue 47 (Part 3) Kazu Nini and Uniah Gramanos (11)




Kazu Nini zipped about while her Mud-Minion kept the Dragon at bay. Then suddenly, -


-Kazu Nini landed herself 10 meters away from Uniah Gramanos and the Royal Noble instantly recalled all her 80 minions to merge with the Statue behind herself.

"*General Of Sand, One With Your Kin; 81 Have Been Birthed, 81 can now Begin!*"

Before Uniah Gramanos is a 225 meter tall construct of a Sphinx. Wings, paws, claws, teeth and glare leaving as deep an impression as it's terrifying presence.

Most commoners were wondering how Kazu Nini stood without nary a fear. But what she did next surprised them. Because,even though she paused as though building a technique, she ran away the next.

Her supporters stood up in their seats and the Royal Nobles began laughing and calling her names.

"This is how it should have always been."

Malice dripped through Uniah Gramanos' voice as she regarded her enemy who could no longer proactively attack.

"It's a pity that they believe you."

In the arena, Kazu Nini was able to avoid attacks but now the claws and teeth and wings were either cutting at her clothing or her hair.

Also, now that the Mud-minion was holding down the Dragon, it was slamming it on the ground by swingin its tail around. However, the sly serpentine creature angled its body and struck at Kazu Nini who was in the air and focusing on evading the new Sand Construct.


Before the constructs nails could land though, another creature of solid Glass escaped Kazu Nini's fingers.

*9 Revolutions Of The 9th Amphiptere!*"

The Draconic Creature that escaped her hands were at least 150 meters long. It resembled a wyrm but had wings. And as it erupted into being, it pushed back the construct by a step before they began brawling as vengeful beasts.

1st Revolution of Kazu Nini's technique and both beasts are holding their own. The Mud-Minion is focusing more on the Dragon mow that Kazu Nini can rest for a while.

The 2nd Revolution and both of hem seem to be on par although the Amphiptere seems to be gaining confidence and is attacking more frequently.

The 3rd Revolution and the Construct begins taking steps back at intervals. Its body begins steaming and small pieces are being blasted off its body

The 4th revolution comes and its body begins begins loosing noticeable chunks as its continually being driven back.

5th Revolution…

6th Revolution…

7th Revolution…

8th Revolution…

9th Revolution…

…And at the end of this one, its body is blasted to bits. Uniah Gramanos is not affected though as she had been on guard so that Pixie would not catch her unaware. And she wanted to dash over and begun a brutal brawl but she remembered that it would be better to break Kazu Nini's spirit because of the commoners viewing the match.

So, as Kazu Nini's technique slips back into her hands and Uniah Gramanos's construct pieces itself back together, the Royal Noble summons a statue behind herself.

"*Inner Sand of Mine, Make The Punishment Divine!*"

The Sphinx eyes the Pixie like a ruler looking at a subject. And the Pixie sweats buckets as she crouches with her fingers facing the other.

"*General Of Sand, Belch Forth Your Kin; Call Forth Your Likeness And Dispose Of The Vermin!*"

Uniah Gramanos stull doesn't move, as though about to order a judgement on an incarcerated criminal. And Kazu Nini doesn't still move, as if waiting for her own technique to be ready.

"*Inner Sand of Mine, Make The Punishment Divine!*"

"*General Of Sand, Belch Forth Your Kin; Call Forth Your Likeness And Dispose Of The Vermin!*"

The sheer volume of 161 extra constructs flew about the air, purposely avoiding the Pixie as though trying to show its might. Their eyes crossed and Uniah Gramanos could not wait to crush her.

"*General Of Sand, One With Your Kin; 243 Have Been Birthed, 243 can now Begin!*"

Behind Uniah Gramanos, 275 meter construct rose. It did not have much space to love about the arena but reaching the Pixie would be of no issue to it.

Stull, she waited. She wanted Uniah Gramnos to feel despair.

To feel useless.

Completely worthless.

To Beg.

So, she waited still.

The Pixie scoffed and closed her eyes as if expecting a grim ending.

"*9 Revolutions Of The 9th Amphiptere!*"

"Hah, you've used that one before."

Uniah Gramanos waited till the Mud-Minion had just finished attacking her Dragon of sand. Then, she called it to her side to protect her like a coil. The Mud-Minion then stood in front of its owner in a defensive stance.

"Go on, I won't stop you."

She could not wait to see the despair on her opponents face.

1st Revolution…

The Sphinx Construct did not have a single scratch.

2nd Revolution…

The same result.

3rd Revolution…

The difference from the last was not much.

4th Revolution…

A mark was left in its chest.

5th Revolution…

The closing marck spread to its upper limbs

6th Revolution

The closing mark spread to its lower limbs.

7th Revolution…

The closing mark reached the creatures head.

8th Revolution…

The shockwaves rom Kazu Nini's attack shot over and under the Sand Construct but the Dragon coiled around the Sphinx blocked her from the shockwaves like an impenetrable scarf.

So far, Uniah Gramanos had been watching Kazu Nini very closely. She had started seeing signs of the Pixies' sadness.

On the 9th Revolution however, when Kazu Nini's Majestic Amphiptere was about to change from state of Gas to state of Plasma, when Kazu Nini swung both hands forward.

And the Mud-Minion encapsulated the Amphiptere until it was completely covered and its mere presence was at least quadrupled.


The Sand construct was blasted to bits and even the Dragon coiling around the Sphinx was blown away like dust in the wind.

And, the Sphinx Construct suddenly cannot reassemble itself as though being hindered. So, Uniah Gramanos grumbles to herself for not taking the initiative as the Dragon goes to attack the seemingly defenseless Kazu Nini but the scraps of Mud-Minion particles that are not stopping the Sand construct from gathering together to form a wall that blocks the dragon advance. And the Dragon crashes into it so hard that it burst into an avalanche of sand.


As Uniah Gramanos noticed the Mud-Minion that was once a wall, now stomping on her from above, she jumps back as she covers her chest blocks Kazu Nini's flying kick.

The Pixie kicks off the blocked chest and pounces on her once more as the Dragon reassembled itself and begins fighting with the Mid-Minion in the background.

Uniah Gramanos claws at her face and the Pixie side steps the attack, approaching with an elbow that she blocked with her own which she swung up. But it had been with a jump. So, the knee aims for Kazu Nini's face but the Pixie uses her free hands to push herself way.


At that distance, Kazu Nini deployed Perfect Explosive Speed to smack Uniah Gramanos at the wall of the DamageRoom, which should have been impossible.

Was this her Personal Law?


Then, she meets Uniah Gramanos with a punch to the gut that cracks a rib and makes her get stuck halfway into the DamagRoom. The Royal Noble still does not have time to react as she does not understand her Kazu Nini is faster than her.


The next punch is on her check and makes her turn in the floor like she was a cylinder.


Kazu Nini is about to land a foot on her face but –

*"Adults of Sand, From Within Rampage; Those Without, Ruffle The Cage!"*

- Meant that, Uniah Gramanos's skin was covered in fine needles that took the outline of a winter fur trench coat.

So, Kazu Nini hurt her opponent as much as she was hurt. Where she had blood, Uniah Gramanos's face was in the floor.

However, she did not relent.


Uppercut into the air, barrage of punches where she met Uniah Gramanos, drop kick that hurled the body downwards.


Barrage of punches and kicks before her body dropped to the ground.


2nd set of punch and kick barrage.


Final drop kick.



The kick to the face has Uniah Gramanos spinning like a top as she slides away.

The Royal Noble notices that her Sphinx Construct is coming back together and she then smiles but she notices the lack of expression in her opponents face.

"*9 Revolutions Of The 9th Amphiptere!*"

Now covered in the Mud-Minion, the colossal techniques are relatively equal. In the mean time, Kazu Nini looks at Uniah Gramanos with a smile and the Royal Noble jumps back, putting the full length of the Dragon between themselves.

However, Kazu Nini jumps towards it fists outstretched.


The Pixie brok through a tooth, passed through its inners, exited out the tail and punched Uniah Gramonos in the nose.

Now bleeding and sweating, it is now her who is still standing. The Royal Noble gets back on her feet.

Now, she could finally start to see the attacks coming so she should be able to block them.




Now, it was more of a stale mate. Kazu Nini still got in most hits, but Uniah Gramanos was dodging 5 out of 11.




Then, when she was suddenly grabbed she forgot one tactic the Pixie had used before because she was so focused on defending and dodging.

So, she landed right between her sand construct and Kazu Nini's Amphiptere, when the technique was beginning to glow white.


Uniah Gramanos lay on the floor in a smoking heap and she stood up with both blood and flesh burnt atop her person.

Now, Kazu Nini knew they would both deploy their final techniques, no words needed to be said about it.