
Nightmare Of Flesh - The 1st Artificial Hybrid (Moved to a New Link)

Since the first versions of the Cultivation Planet of Hyol, there has not been a single Hybrid. That is, a person made of different species. Hundreds of Millions of years more than a trillions years have passed and no Hybrid. At least, not up until 10 millenia ago have gone by, in the version of this planet, and a baby is bathed in the blood of its mother it ate its way out of. Tia Nobunaga is the Union of a Gnome and an Elf. So, she is born into stardom. Even though her birth father hates her as much he loved his now departed wife. Her birth also not only heralds that miracles are possible but it also abolishes slavery, gives birth to new creative possibilities in what paths that species evolution might hold and lessens the tensions between the Human Continent, the Underdeep and the Beast Continent. Besides, granting power levels to these new sets of people called Hybrids too. Jump into the pages to see the life of this 1st Artificial Hybrid with a creator who is a Pixie. A Pixie with mastery over her Personal Laws granted to her by her impressive intellect and Pixie bloodline, which helped the creation, its creator and the experimental couple to make history. However, before we begin the story of the creation, we will first delve into the one of its creator. Kazu Nini, founder of The New Universe, CEO of The Underground Noble Antipathy Party and the Genius Pixie... ...Enjoy this world of cultivation.

Yua_Iter · Fantasy
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186 Chs

Prologue 43 (Part 2) Illjako and Gramanos (7)

The maids were up and about when he had the house in his sights and he smiled in anticipation of what was to come. Idly, he asked himself if he should let her do all the work or if he should even try at all. Well, his ancestor would definitely be happy. Although, this month, he had been avoiding the older Sprite's calls. He would only pick up when he was sure things were right.

Illjako Enterprises should be hitting an all time high with the bonding of both families, his ancestor would grant him more access to information and resources. And, he would get time to start a whole other level of plans. Idly, he imagined what life for the commoners would be like when both of them held bonds inseparable. Bonds of oath.

He shivered as the vehicle came to a stop. Jillia Haon smiled, both of their subtle body languages like that were things they used to communicate to each other over decades. When both of her feet were on the ground, she clasped his arm tighter and she giggled. Returning her dazzling smile, Jason Haon idly rubbed his hand on her hair from the top of her head to the small of her back as he reached the mansion. On the way, the guards had been bowing at the waist and he was shocked the first time before chuckling and getting ready for the encounter as he also noticed the curtains had been drawn on all the windows.

Jason Haon met low lights after opening up the doors manually. It struck him as odd, having to touch the surface of the door, before it flashed open. And his vision met candles lined up in a row. Theses burning waxes that poured a beautiful blend of scents into the air trailed upstairs and he rolled his shoulders.

*What would she be thinking?* Gramanos Amalganom


It was the last week that she had to finish up the assignment. Right now, she was hanging off expectations and worry. Of course everything would be wonderful if she won.

But that was if she won.


Sighing, the Sphinx wondered on what would become of her. She had been given a direct command and failing might reduce her status. A very delicate status she had built by carefully doing nothing or moving pieces around that helped her gain the best of every moment.

Maybe she should just forget the whole thing. The gamble this time around was big. Winning meant she might become part of the main branch and losing was saying that she would rather enjoy being on the branch for the rest of her life.

...was she only nervous because of the repercussions to her name? She has never really thought of changing status before Jason Haon Illjako came around though.

This was a necessary sacrifice.


A lot of scenes played in the CEO of Illjako Enterprises' head. If he was rejected by the Queen Mother, it was set that he would be skimmed alive. His ideas were a bit eccentric in all honesty. He imagined his Ancestor's fury and he shivered in expectation, only realizing it afterwards.

However, everything was gamble.

 The Sprite himself wished that he had been straightforward from the beginning.

Some part of him imagined her waiting to ruin his life with a pitch fork.

He further saw an angry mob and something told him that the commoners would be the angry mob.

... Jason Haon swallowed up his thoughts as he arrived before a door.


Gramanos Amalganom could sense his presence long before he came. A part of her was wondering why he di not just reach this part of the house already.

Every minute lost Was every minute she could lose this chance.

The stakes he had suggested were beyond belief.

They were the Gramanos.

And honestly, they were one of many thousand Nobles, Royals and Royal Nobles who thought to become better in regards to who they were and who they wanted to be.

So, what would make this work?

Did he have other plans outside of this?

Imagine if he used her for just a night and then ran away.

She shivered.

It was not the first time that she had thought of this.

And one hand, she would remain a branch member with all her current privileges...

...but if this worked, her life could be flipped over night like twilight and dawn.

When she saw the look in his eyes, she was surprised how her heart sped up.

Gramanos Amalganom was at the very end of a large bed. Purple petals were scattered were there were not candles. The candles formed a simple pattern of a heart ay the foot of the bed. A floating basket had an aphrodisiac suffusing the air in invisible quantities.

Adult objects were displayed on a glass table to the left and costumes were on the other.

He had to make sure he was not just seeing things when he noticed the Earthen Fairy in her bikini. I mean, her open and her books did not even ruin anything... but was she going to be a part of this too?

And on the wall, erotic videos played one after the other, their sounds reduced to the lowest volumes so that whoever was interested would have to intently and purposefully want to.

"What would happen after?"

"...after?" He arced his brow and a smile played across his lips. "Does that mean you don't mind?"

She did not answer.

He rubbed his hand together and Jilla Haon tossed her trench coat to the ground. The female Sprite then took off her suppression bra and what came out left the other girls in shock but just as she was about to proceed, her master and companion held out his arm.

The young CEO then turned to the Earthen Fairy and he watched her perk up after he waited till her eyes returned to him. "Now, read the conditions."

The Earthen Fairy heart sped up as she locked gazes with him. However, the blush already yo to her neck got worse when she snatched her papers in realization of what he meant.

"Gramanos Amalganom seeks to know how far you would take this. And if it suites her interests, then..."

Jillia Haon had plenty time to observe the clips on the wall. She had long grabbed her asset on the right by her teeth and was using her fingers on the one on her left.

The Earthen Fairy snapped back to it. "...she would know how things would proceed."

Jason Haon had stated his terms without flinching over the past month. He had made bold claims until the Royal Noble was beginning to wonder if he actually deserved her nephew. But another important factor was time.

The Sprite had made it clear that he felt no rush.

But on the other side of this situation, if things worked out, forget just her status skyrocketing she would be kin to a Gramanos.

A main line Gramanos descendant!

Still, the Sprite knew it was burrowed power. So, he would never let himself feel too complacent with it.

"I've said all that i need to."

"Could you..." The Earthen Fairy sneaked a glance at his companion before her blush impossibly got brighter. "Could you repeat yourself so i can have it down and legalized... formally?"

"I really do like the power but I don't want restrictions. I really do like the changes but i want my business unscathed as far as Ambassadors and rights go. I want it to stay Illjako Enterprises. I want the different offspring to have their own inheritances. Whatever is Gramanos would stay that way and so will Illjako."

He purposely took off his own trench coat slowly.

Gramanos Amalganom had been watching Jillia Haon for the longest time and did not know if it was the Aphrodisiac that had moved her but at some point, she walked up to the girl and licked her right cheek.

After a period of writing to childishly ignore what she was seeing, the Earthen Fairy rose her eyes back to the Sprite. "So that's all?"

"Generally... Yes."

He had purposely oiled his kin today until it glimmered. Outside of his face, Jason Haon Illjako looked as though he was literally dripping wet.

The eyes of the Earthen Fairy followed his centerline until they stopped at his waist and widened. And when the legal practitioner finally gained her wits, she saw Alamaganom Gramanos swapping tongues with Jillia Haon.

Her head buzzed and he gulped, trying to arrange her papers in a frenzy. "It se..it seems that. The-there can be an agre-agreement on bo-both sides. Tha-thank you for your time."

The Fairy had thought to run but his arm had caught her to hold her from leaving. Her pathetic efforts to escape helped her to dangle in the air as her wings beat and Jason Haom Illjako's hands rested on the waist line of his trousers but his eyes where on the Royal Noble.

And her eyes were on his while her fingers where elsewhere, just like Jilla Haon's. Although they were both making circles and patterns on each other's bodies, they had been letting out sounds that were now audible.

Throwing the legal practitioner on the bed, the Sphinx and his companions finally switched from circles to invasion and Jason Haon Illjako was there to clasp both of their rear rumps in his hands.


The settings of the old Cultivation Haven Terrain were at the max and her Suite was slowly reaching there to match it. It had been another day the Pixie had gone through forms, done exercises, practiced her new ideas and pushed her cultivation one step farther.

Kazu Nini was bustling with happiness. She had only the final 10 Mineral Stones left while the rest would be arriving with the Practice Bot. And it meant that she could dive up her regimen with an actual combat simulation and her cultivation. The EquilibriumPotions might end up arriving at the very final week of the month, but she could not be shaken from this all time high

The Pixie had felt the progress within her body and planned to use the Practice Bot in full when she moved to the New Cultivation Haven. One month left till the match in the Arena and she had also began grasping the principle between the new patterns to which she had to circulate her Ko-jin for her new forma and her new set of moves.

She would pay them back for Mako Nini and she would do it in grand style.