
Nightmare Of Flesh - The 1st Artificial Hybrid (Moved to a New Link)

Since the first versions of the Cultivation Planet of Hyol, there has not been a single Hybrid. That is, a person made of different species. Hundreds of Millions of years more than a trillions years have passed and no Hybrid. At least, not up until 10 millenia ago have gone by, in the version of this planet, and a baby is bathed in the blood of its mother it ate its way out of. Tia Nobunaga is the Union of a Gnome and an Elf. So, she is born into stardom. Even though her birth father hates her as much he loved his now departed wife. Her birth also not only heralds that miracles are possible but it also abolishes slavery, gives birth to new creative possibilities in what paths that species evolution might hold and lessens the tensions between the Human Continent, the Underdeep and the Beast Continent. Besides, granting power levels to these new sets of people called Hybrids too. Jump into the pages to see the life of this 1st Artificial Hybrid with a creator who is a Pixie. A Pixie with mastery over her Personal Laws granted to her by her impressive intellect and Pixie bloodline, which helped the creation, its creator and the experimental couple to make history. However, before we begin the story of the creation, we will first delve into the one of its creator. Kazu Nini, founder of The New Universe, CEO of The Underground Noble Antipathy Party and the Genius Pixie... ...Enjoy this world of cultivation.

Yua_Iter · Fantasy
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186 Chs

Prologue 40 (part 3) Resources Restored and Cultivation in Earnest.

The Pixie Secretary behind the table raised her noise, almost instantly dying off the rest. The flying creatures, seated ones, crouching ones and talking ones all turned to hear what was to be said.

"Greeting all, welcome to Nini Auction we have quite a few objects and Potent Artefacts we are willing to do away w-"

"So, you staying?"

"Of course."

There are exactly 60 Cavity Bracelets of which have Mineral Stones mainly, a Body Weight Suit a

Practice Bot and EquilibriumPotions. Someone whistled.

"They might be bastards but they know how to deliver." The secretary laughed before going on. "Let us begin with all haste, please."

"First up is a Mineral Stone of Natural Grade, starting price is-" her words caught when she remembered to exploit them.

"100,000 Bronze Hyur!"


Kazu Nini watched all the Mineral Stones whittle away before the EquilibriumPotions were showcased.

"So, we all know that during cultivation it is possible to get a back lash or a foundation that is not stable enough if levels are hastily progressed. Well, these bad boys can help you with any such issues."

Then, the EquilibriumPotions were unveiled. "150,000 starting price!"



Kazu Nini could barely wait to begin using her items. But just as she was to leave, she heard something that made both her and the Headmaster frown.

"So, what she is supposed to have started preparing for her match with the Noble?"

"A noble and a royal."

"Yeah, and this is supposed to help her."

"Can't wait really."

True, the last time Mako Nini, Talok Nini And Eshyl Jknignah Nini gor involved, states and cities were freed from the tyrannical rule of the Nobles."

"Those people were heroes."

"*ARE* heroes."

"2 heroes and 1 Martyr."

They were silent a while before they spoke next and this was where her attention was caught. What they said next spiked alarms in her system.

"I think… Though these are rumors… I think The Gramanos Family and Illjako's are going to be bonded."

"Even in the safety of Kyniandrial, Chilkt State University, there are some names you should not casually drop."

"Or worse, to talk about."

"I know but… Do you think the timing of Illjako Enterprises and the issue with their building dropping from the sky is related to this?"

"It might be coincidence."

"Please, let us change the topic."

Kazu Nini used Explosive Step to reach who was speaking because she was going to yank him by the collar and ask for answers. But before her feet had moved forward, she found herself facing the ground and in a hold that rendered her immobile.

"These people believe in you, do not fight them."

"I was only going to ask questions."

"With an Explosive Step? Though not yet at the Perfect stage I do believe you should be calm when you do so."

She wanted nothing more than to shove him away but Kazu Nini felt like an at under a mountain.

"Fine, I'll tone it down."

"Not now," the Elf sighed. "I can imagine what it means for a Pixie to loose her cool with all the mental energy hey have. Not just the potential danger, but the emotional damage."

She considered attacking him at close range but her mind made her understand how many permutations of possibilities where she would end in failure

"Injured people injure others."

Jagonu Nanhor drifted to her mind but she had not actually hurt the Spirit and the image soon blurred away.

The Elf keep her in his hold then flexed his will and the floor welcomed them into its abyssal depths as though a trap door had actually opened after lying in wait. "The perpetrator on Illjako Enterprises, was it truly Mako Nini?"

"Could be."

Between his answer and their rapid descent, she was almost starting to panic.

"I think it was her."

"Funny train of thought while you fall."

"Did she… survive?"

He did not answer for a while but caught himself. "The last of her battles I watched would suggest that 100 of him could not touch her."

"Yes, but he was the one who came out unscathed."

Her heart was bearing fast now, somehow she felt that they were reaching the end to this darkness.

"Nobles could employ different sort of tricks but… I do hope she won."

The feeling of falling magnified in her mind before she felt as though she was a dog who had been forced through a keyhole. Funny enough she landed on her face while he, on his feet.

She looked up to see a space that was all white.

Looking around, she frowned because she saw no features apart from empty whiteness.

"Why am I here?"

"You were going to forcefully question a guest at my school." He looked around, "I was thinking you need detention."

"You should run a primary school instead."

He looked at her and sighed. "This school has not done an auction since recent years." He sat down on the floor, crossing his legs. "You can guess why."


"Most of those who had prizes disappeared. Or their loves ones were held at ransom."

"So, you think I am not being grateful enough about the auction by wanting to question what I heard?"

"I don't trust your mood. Maybe you would start peacefully but it might not end so."

"I said I was not going to d-"

"Yes, you were going to say that. Think of it as me saving you from losing your supporters."

She scoffed, "if they are not New Universe it means they are here because of our influence. And if they are here because of your influence, it means I am not involved."

"Yes, but you could get them to be."

"This crowd? You only have people hearts when you have value."


"Right now it is more of potential than worth."

He shook his head. "What would happen if you were to peacefully approach them and let them know you were recruiting?"

"I know, taking advantage of the moment. But I have to know." She caught her frizzled until her fists shook. "I HAVE TO KNOW!!!"

"I can help with that, but let it out of your mind. You need to focus on your upcoming match."

She stared at him and hated that she could not just beat him up. She would have learnt a few more things about Mako Nini. Maube Belthion Ijima could torture him. But then again, since she had been kidnapped by Nobles once maybe she should only kidnap people when he plans were more related Did that make her a hypocrite, why even kidnap in the first place. She decided that even if she did torture it would be without the kidnapping. Swallowing her anger, she changed her tone to be more direct.

"So, why am I still here?"

"I need you to calm your state of mind."


"I need you on your A game, a vote of thanks maybe. A promise of victory. You know?" He sighed because he knew that her emotions had been in a mess since meeting he Nobles in his office. "Make them happy or something."

"How long till then"

"When I think you are ready we will go back up."

She dug her nails into her scalp.

He watched her when she screamed and then he reached into his soul space to pull out a punching bag.

Throwing it to her, it hit her and the she was tossed to the ground. She glared at him with her chest rising and falling. Turning to look at the item finally, she realized what it was.

"Maybe internal cultivation has made you unable to release the stress." He shrugged, "try it."

"But this means I will be all sweaty when I am done." She clapped, "I thought the plan was to motivate them."

"Well, you could always record it and promote it so that it is all over Skynet."

"How do you know it will get all over Skynet?"

"Leave that to me."

She picked the item up and was surprised that to make it stand took all her strength. When it was balanced on the ground, she rolled her shoulders. "I can't wait to be your boss."

He laughed. "You have a long time coming, brat!"

"You won't be able to call me that."

She threw a light punch to test it and it felt like hard cement. However, the pain was dull to her fists. She could send 100 more before pain would register at all.

"I mean, if you pay me good I might consider it." The second punch had more power than the first.

"Employee of the year," 5 more punches with the )0⁰intervals between each getting shorter. "Already asking for cash, before you have been employed."

"Hey, I thought you were trying to make me join you"

"Yes, but what if I was pissed off?" Her punch shook the bag. "What if changed my mind?"

"That would make you petty."


"And whimsical."

"I see."

"Don't you feel better now?"

She stopped then hit it one last time.


"Are you ready to go back up?"

"You said something about being able to get them on my side."

"I trust you can handle it."

"Thing is," she threw another punch. "Take for instance, I get all these numbers, what stops them from switching sides if push comes to shove?"

"What do you mean, in the school you will b protected. And they can help spread your name abroad."

"But what about outside school." She hit it till her bones vibrated. "Have you taken into consideration that they could be used to get to me?"

"I checked the system you have made so far," the Elf noticed the prints of her fists on the body of the punching bag. "Why not get more staff?"

"I still have not paid any of them." One of the reasons she kept on hitting the bag was that she barely felt any of the strikes. It seemed that her recent training had good fruits. In fact, with each strike she could see Uniah Gramanos's face on the punching bag. "I have only given them a name to stand under and a reason to fight for their rights."

"Maybe that's all they need."

She sighed and began thinking on who to leave in charge of this division. Belthion Ijima was supposed to be low-key. Maybe she would leave it to Jinja Kaliope and Eric Yjob.

 Speaking of Jinja Kaliope, she had not even spoken to him yet.

Keep calm and write something...