
Nightmare Of Flesh - The 1st Artificial Hybrid (Moved to a New Link)

Since the first versions of the Cultivation Planet of Hyol, there has not been a single Hybrid. That is, a person made of different species. Hundreds of Millions of years more than a trillions years have passed and no Hybrid. At least, not up until 10 millenia ago have gone by, in the version of this planet, and a baby is bathed in the blood of its mother it ate its way out of. Tia Nobunaga is the Union of a Gnome and an Elf. So, she is born into stardom. Even though her birth father hates her as much he loved his now departed wife. Her birth also not only heralds that miracles are possible but it also abolishes slavery, gives birth to new creative possibilities in what paths that species evolution might hold and lessens the tensions between the Human Continent, the Underdeep and the Beast Continent. Besides, granting power levels to these new sets of people called Hybrids too. Jump into the pages to see the life of this 1st Artificial Hybrid with a creator who is a Pixie. A Pixie with mastery over her Personal Laws granted to her by her impressive intellect and Pixie bloodline, which helped the creation, its creator and the experimental couple to make history. However, before we begin the story of the creation, we will first delve into the one of its creator. Kazu Nini, founder of The New Universe, CEO of The Underground Noble Antipathy Party and the Genius Pixie... ...Enjoy this world of cultivation.

Yua_Iter · Fantasy
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186 Chs

Prologue 38 (Part 3) Motivation and Mako Nini Again (4)

 On her bed, Kazu Nini began kneading the Ko-jin her core and she did that for several hours until she felt like she was having a major stomach ache. Knowing that was bad to feel as a cultivator, she went into her SpaceBox and pulled out glass pieces that she had.

 Kazu Nini stretched her Mental Energy across their surfaces and placed the unneeded ones back into the SpaceBox. Seeing that she had increased her Mental Energy after Uniah Gramanos's fight, she wanted to get every possible advantage.

So, after a tug of will and visualization, she now had 110 pieces, meaning 9 times reinforced. She wanted to do 2 more before the battle but that would have to wait. She inspected her stomach to feel that the pain only felt a like a distant memory to her now. Which meant she would try it again.


 "Orders, sir?"

 "Attack without restraint."

 The Gnome crouched in front of he door to the tube. 15 meters separated him from his employer but the CEO did not feel safe.

 Jason Haon felt a pang of regret when he remembered a show about 18 years ago. He remembered as a man and a woman stood against a sea of people.

 And how the sea was pushed back.

 In fact, if certain people did not step in through underhanded methods the Nobles would never admit, their kind would have been kicked out of this nation.

 He waved his hand, and the next second his partner was there.

 Her hair reached her calves and she had on blue jean shorts stopping halfway down her thigh. Her blue shirt was tied above her abdomen and her scarlet ponytail hair complemented his shirt. Like him all her nails were black and her high heels were tall, adding to her already impressive height.

 Jillia Haon went around to his back and began rubbing his shoulder.

 "What do we do now?"

 "Well, if a Tiger thinks a Dragonling is without its parents, then it would act fearless."

 "You want to involve him?"

 "No choice," he sighed as he began reaching for a contact on his Tlkewatch.

 "I thought you were avoiding him."

 "I would rather."

 The call connected.

 "Hello, Royal Ancestor Jullion. I want to ask f-"

 "Insolent child! Foolish thing! What is this I am seeing about you trafficking people on the news?!"

 "It was a slip up in my part. I really d-"

 "Careless, insolent and foolish. I knew it was a mistake letting your mother marry your father! Do not call me until you solve this issue!"

 Jason Haon started at his Telewatch and began running the plans of faint possibilities for his win in an inevitable conflict.


 Kazu Nini had been thinking to take the MemoryBalls now that her head hurt from trying out something new with her Mental Energy on her glass. Her belly ached from kneading it until she had almost vomited and her body shivered from the workouts. Should she finish this first? She anted to know what was going on. She wanted to know the events that led to that situation, she wanted to know why exactly they had lost. Was there someone to hate specifically. Was here help she did not know she could reach out to? Kazu Nini took a breath but still could not shake off the gloominess since that day.

 Funny thing was, Uniah Gramanos was only one of them. So, even though her defeat would give Kazu Nini momentary satisfaction, it would do nothing in the grander scheme of things. She would have to hit where it hurts. Break their system to an extent where hey would fear her name.

 Uniah Gramanos was nothing to her.

 Too insignificant for her too use as nothing else but motivation.

 A stepping stone.

 A fart to be done with.

 A phlegm to spit out.

 A dirt to scrub.

 She was lying on her back and staring at the ceiling.

 How could she be a curse?

 How could she be a mistake?

 She frowned.

 The nobles are the curse.

 The Nobles are the infection.

 The Nobles are the parasite.

 This is the fault of the nobles.

 How dare they push parents and aunty to such a corner?

 How dare they?!!

 Closing her eyes, she saw the image of her father being ripped apart. Mental Energy was vivid and descriptive when you wanted to imagine things.

 Kazu Nini could imagine holding on to his pride as he was being chained by his hands and feet.

 She could imagine him being stretched until...


 Blood, organs, bones and her mother cursing her while the crowd clapped and laughed and cheered.

 Taking a shuddering breath, the young Pixie began her cultivation process again.


The battle on the 499th Underground floor had no suspense as a good amount of bones and blood lay about. The shocking thing to the onlookers was that, this person had the uniform of their organization. So, was this an issue of payment. Their employer could be a pain, but he never did not pay them. What was happening exactly?

 However, all their questions stayed in their head as they quivered from their scalps to their soles.

 Now steeping into the transparent tube, she took off the disguise after the doors were about to open to the final floor.

 And a Gnome's terrifying teeth - their strong point - was up in her face as soon as the tube opened up. It's irregular indentation storing power within the as if the little mouth was expertly hiding a apoplectic volcano within it. However, suddenly, It did find a rotating disk of glass stuck between there, before it was split into two and the man behind the desk lazily took his head up.

 He had hair to back and a face that Mako Nini would have termed pretty if she had not planned to end him. His nails were colored black like his trench coat and some of his nails were longer than others as if fixed. His bright red shirt and trousers glimmered with precious stones like his navy blue shoes.

 "At last, we meet."

 "I let you know on several occasions that I would rather it al end quickly."

 "So, not open for negotiation?"

 Ruby Red Ko-jin poured from her body like a ferocious tide and he kicked off the floor backwards.

 He himself had Garner Red Ko-jin which meant that they were in the same Trilogy. But after the 1st Trilogy, gaps grew wider and wider. For instance, between he and her was an enter Stage. In actuality, she was at least 1,000 times more powerful than he.

 Being a Sprite had its quirks however.

 A girl flickered into existence and Mako Nini now knew what specie he was.

 "I wish her cultivation realm was shortened by a whole stage," if it were that easy he would have been the deity of his world. "For the duration of his conflict."

 Mako Nini felt her strength drop. It was like an athlete about to run suddenly had 100 kg strapped to not only his feet but his hands. But this was his limit as she knew it took quite some time before another wish can be cast.

 However against hr expectations the girl flickered again.

 "I wish her cultivation stage is dropped by one whole level for the duration of this battle."

 Gritting his teeth, Jason Haon knew he had to take such a risk even though he could recover his wishes after maybe like a century. Mako Nini opened and closed her fists feeling as though she know had 500kg weights on her limbs.

 However, she reached out to him in almost an instant with a palm striking against him in silent fury. Slapping his chest with all her might, he fell back like he had been shot out of a cannon ball, his body imprinting its silhouette into the wall with cracks that spread from the point of impact.


And against her expectations once more Jillia Haon flickered in and out of her vision once more.

"I wish her physical prowess were no longer a threat to me!"

Mako Nini's heart fluttered as she knew she should have shut his mouth. But Sprites should have more of a duration between their wishes.

 Maybe it was one of his wishes. Anyways, with a thought, she spread out her Ko-jin against the walls of he room until all the surroundings had a Ruby Red glow to them. Well, now it was down to Garner Red. Her Personal Law began working itself as Jason Haon picked himself out of he wall and unto his feet. Balancing his unsteady step, he spat out blood.

 "How do you want to do this?"

 Her Personal Law was done detecting things. And the only things she could not get a read on where his finger nails. So, the same disk of glass that had split open the Gnome bodyguard into two halves cut his wrists clean off and isolated the dismembered hand in a ball.


 She watched him squeal like a butchered pig and figured that she had made the right decision.