
Nightmare Of Flesh - The 1st Artificial Hybrid (Moved to a New Link)

Since the first versions of the Cultivation Planet of Hyol, there has not been a single Hybrid. That is, a person made of different species. Hundreds of Millions of years more than a trillions years have passed and no Hybrid. At least, not up until 10 millenia ago have gone by, in the version of this planet, and a baby is bathed in the blood of its mother it ate its way out of. Tia Nobunaga is the Union of a Gnome and an Elf. So, she is born into stardom. Even though her birth father hates her as much he loved his now departed wife. Her birth also not only heralds that miracles are possible but it also abolishes slavery, gives birth to new creative possibilities in what paths that species evolution might hold and lessens the tensions between the Human Continent, the Underdeep and the Beast Continent. Besides, granting power levels to these new sets of people called Hybrids too. Jump into the pages to see the life of this 1st Artificial Hybrid with a creator who is a Pixie. A Pixie with mastery over her Personal Laws granted to her by her impressive intellect and Pixie bloodline, which helped the creation, its creator and the experimental couple to make history. However, before we begin the story of the creation, we will first delve into the one of its creator. Kazu Nini, founder of The New Universe, CEO of The Underground Noble Antipathy Party and the Genius Pixie... ...Enjoy this world of cultivation.

Yua_Iter · Fantasy
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186 Chs

Prologue 38 (Part 1) Organs Delivered and Mako Nini Again (2)

 Kazu Nini waited until it was close to midnight before she got attended to.

 The Floating Televisions seldom held her attention but when she remembered her upcoming match, she began kneading her Ko-jin inside her core as much as she could. She saw the pictures of the Mineral Stones flash in her mind, but she would rather die than rise because of the pompous pri- people.

 Kneading over and over, her number flashed on the screen in he middle of a detective show where a Dark Elf was being used to power up a plant and the perpetrators were caught. She had feeling it was caused by the nobles and that the truth might never come to light. And the Dark Elf was one of many victims. The CEO's of that company, however, were caught.

 The Pixie was even about to shut her senses and cultivate in full, when she heard her number.

 Standing up, she reached the counter were there was a package tied up in a big bag.

 "I would advise you to out in a SpaceBox."

 The Ogre spoke and then pressed a button that showed the next number on the screen. Kazu Nini would have loved to make more connections, but she was tired and had to cultivate. She reached into her SpaceBox and dropped the package inside before stepping out.

She turned on the recording feature of her Telewatch and let it drink in all the rich sights before and after she had stepped into the tube leading to the lower level. Making her way around, she found Loveth 2,4,5,1,7,9.'s compound and pressed a knob on the wooden, hedge gate. The woman appeared instantly and Kazi Nini saw a slight frenzy to her eyes that she might have imagined.

 However, the woman gulped visibly and her arms were shaking.

 "If I had this delivered to you everyday, would you join New Universe?" Snatching it back, the Examiner almost pounced on her. The reaction so violent that Kazu Nini felt a twinge of fear.

 "You have guessed what I am?"

 "That day I asked you to help, I thought I saw a tombstone on roof."

 "It is as you think."

 "So, yes or no?"

 "This is your return of a favor." Her hand twitched and Kazu Nini handed it to her.

 "But yes or no?"

 Her eyes were glued on the package, "if you don't have a gag reflex then come in now. Or stay outside and wait for half an hour."

 Kazu Nini considered the options and chose to stay outside. And she had been right to guess that the house had NoiseDampeners and NostrilDampeners because she could not hear anything

 "Come in."

 The Pixie crossed a simple garden that had flowers glowing in eerie light. There were some that hung over as if wilted but their flowers shone a hazy purple. Some were green and looked as though they were bubbling. She looked away and opened the doors of the house.

 Clothes were on the couch or on the ground, dishes were in the sink and she heard the sound of animals hidden in various corners.

 "Surprised," Loveth 2,4,5,1,7,9. said as she flourished her arms. She further shrugged. "No one visits me anyway."

 Kazu Nini fashioned a stool of glass and sat down.

 Loveth 2,4,5,1,7,9. stared back at her.

 "I'm waiting."

 "Did you… resurrect?"

 "Technically… yes."

 "How so?"

 "You seem very curious about my kind."

 "If you are to become one of me, I would like to know."

 "With my kind, time or chance is a big factor. But with me… the help of Potent Artefacts, made it possible to… come back."

 "What was your life like before?"

 "Have not yet come to terms with it, so I cannot speak." She looked away, "but I was not glorious, or outstanding or great."

 "I know Pixies have greater Mental Energy, but not getting into terms with it is a bit… funny."

 "Is this a part of the interview?"

 "1, we are building bonds, 2 This concerns you so I believe it to be important. And 3, let me ask the questions."

 The silence dragged on.

 "Before cultivation, a Zombie is mindless. It just wants to feed. And most are born without minds, like me."

 "That would mean that those without minds stumble across cultivation like Epic Beasts."

 She laughed, "yes. But those with minds learn to look for how to gain and cultivate towards having a spirit."

 "Interesting. So, you are saying, that you became a cultivator with your teeth?"

 Her face fell flat.

 "Pardon me," Kazu Nini erased her smile. "Go on."

 "Now, those that cultivate without minds can't place a finger on their hunger, but they hone heir instincts until it becomes like a mind to them."


 "Yeah, that is actually impressive. But let's skip all of this, you need to cultivate and I need to sleep."

 "Wait, this sleeping thing is it a part of it, too?"

 "After being… you know… 6 feet under. You gain an attachment to resting. Especially after all the events of life. Imagine a state of mind of complete and entire rest without a single worry."

 "But what can you achieve in that state?"

 It's like, no wants or needs. Just blissful rest. Her face lit up and Kazu Nini could only imagine it.

 "I het from that, that you could also begin cultivation like an object that becomes a Potent Artefact simply due to its passage of time and the company of Elements about it such as Ko-jin and many others."

 "Yes, correct." She smiled at Kazu Nini, one of those unrestrained ones that preceded an innocent giggle. "Yeah, so, before the 2nd Trilogy that deals with the mind I was a bunch of practiced and trained instincts through trial and error."

 Kazu Nini was still trying to wrap her head around that.

 "But before the end of the 3rd Trilogy, organs are… absorbed… to sustain ours."

 "You have not surpassed that?"

 "Understand how difficult it is to reach the 3rd Trilogy for someone like me who was bundle of instincts?"

 Kazu Nini imagined a pet who had been trained to respond to certain stimuli suddenly get a brain and she now understood.

 "So, you are undecided because your cultivation helps you regain a life you once lost and you want to protect that at all costs?"


 "…did my video scare you into realizing how far I might be willing to take the New Universe?"

 "Roger!" [1]

 Kazu Nini sighed, "I thought you brought me in to tell me you wanted to join and give me conditions. You just wanted me to sympathize with you."

 "The 6th Trilogy helps with that."

 Kazu Nini scrunched her brows.

 How would the 6th Trilogy help you make decisions? Loveth 2,4,5,1,7,9. was simply unafraid to just making jest of her. Unless…

 "So, you need cultivation resources until you hit the 6th Trilogy?"

 "Part of it yes," she then frowned. "Thing is with our kind it is more complicated than that

 You see…


 Mako Nini stood on the roof top, one side holding her captive business man and the other having a Coach Driver she had just planted new memories into. Sending the man off, she placed him back on his seat and dropped the carriage back on ground after enshrouding it in glass. No noise in her actions and no people on the street, Mako Nini turned to the man beneath her and then back to he building.

 The CEO of Illjako Enterprises, a.k.a The Infamous Noble Ones, was inside that building

 She had waited ling for his day and she would have her vengeance.

 No, it was not vengeance, it was just a lesson which would let the Nobles remember to treat the Nini family with respect.

 Tapping her Telewatch again, Illjako Enterpries stood tall and majestic in her background as she received information she had asked for.

 "He does have backing, it was as you guessed."

 "How far does his backing go?"

 "Several generations of his ancestors. Plus, these people usually have connections through the light and dark world."

 Mako Nini was not going to stop, either way. Maybe this was a retaliation for what had transpired 18 years ago.

 "You remember your role as angels?"

 "Yeah, yeah."

 "I will play my part too, no worries."

 "Good to have your pledge."

 "When will we be seeing you next?"

 "I'll contact you when I will be."

 With that, she prepared herself for a decent fight.


 "Was that the condition or was that just her fear?" Loveth 2,4,5,1,7,9. had kept on going in circles and it soured her mood because of wasted time.

 Kazu Nini hated to be so insistent, but maybe this was where Mental Energy had its advantages. She remembered when she hated cultivation and just wanted to be corned about her dolls.

 But understanding a bit of her past had made her realize how much she wanted the nobles be crushed. It was probably the major factor into pushing the Examiner further from her.

 Walking back during night time, she saw couples, singles and friends dot her surroundings with her peripheral vision. The place lacked beauty relative to where she had just been, so it was easy for her to stay focused on things like planning when to go through more MemoryBalls or cultivate or…

 She began typing into her Telewatch as she erected a hemisphere of glass about her body. So that, even if she bumped into someone or something, it would not hurt her.


 X_XNiniThePixieXDTM: Here are the pictures we need. One is of me, the second of me with him and the last of us shaking hands. Whichever can help, whatever can help, whoever can help… everything. I want EVERYTHING on the table for this.

 Rich-Elf-BeyxxX (Shafa Rinmon): Slime pumpkin should be able to work with this.

 Dj_Shifter_No1st_ (Elric Yjob): Slime pumpkin XD.

 xxSlimeTimexx (Naro Meena):What is wrong with Slime Pumpkin?

 UnrivaledDragon (Belthion Ijima): DKM HAHA!

 xxSlimeTimexx (Naro Meena): Whatever. Boss I'll be able to work with it.

 X_XNiniThePixieXDTM: Good, send me updates!

 Now looking ahead and away from the Telewatch's screen, she realized some people had been swearing at her. She laughed and released he dome of glass about her body. The people behind her looked as if they were ready for a fight and she stopped to take a look at them.

 Maybe she needed to blow off some steam.


Play on words with the last few chapters.

Pet names… the analogy of pets…

If you don't get the joke don't worry about it

… I still … (cough) love (cough) you…