
Nightmare Of Flesh - The 1st Artificial Hybrid (Moved to a New Link)

Since the first versions of the Cultivation Planet of Hyol, there has not been a single Hybrid. That is, a person made of different species. Hundreds of Millions of years more than a trillions years have passed and no Hybrid. At least, not up until 10 millenia ago have gone by, in the version of this planet, and a baby is bathed in the blood of its mother it ate its way out of. Tia Nobunaga is the Union of a Gnome and an Elf. So, she is born into stardom. Even though her birth father hates her as much he loved his now departed wife. Her birth also not only heralds that miracles are possible but it also abolishes slavery, gives birth to new creative possibilities in what paths that species evolution might hold and lessens the tensions between the Human Continent, the Underdeep and the Beast Continent. Besides, granting power levels to these new sets of people called Hybrids too. Jump into the pages to see the life of this 1st Artificial Hybrid with a creator who is a Pixie. A Pixie with mastery over her Personal Laws granted to her by her impressive intellect and Pixie bloodline, which helped the creation, its creator and the experimental couple to make history. However, before we begin the story of the creation, we will first delve into the one of its creator. Kazu Nini, founder of The New Universe, CEO of The Underground Noble Antipathy Party and the Genius Pixie... ...Enjoy this world of cultivation.

Yua_Iter · Fantasy
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186 Chs

Prologue 33 (Part 3) The Lost Beast, Ninomorua and Meeting The Nobles (2).

 The walk was long, neither side running because they had silently deemed it unworthy. But the crowd was unexpected. Maybe Iskrin Olinum and Haron Javan were used to it because they were nobles.

 On the Spirit's part, an as someone who had lived two lives so far, she saw the nature of beasts as the same. Even the self-righteous people of her continent who looked down on human beings. She had not lived as far back as close to 5,000 years ago when the fight had happened between the people of this continent and the ones of that one, but she had experienced human behavior. First hand. No, this was her second life now. So, Second hand.

 Thus, this was already ignored before her mind had begun perceiving it - when they had not even seen traces of Uniah Gramanos's minions today.

 But for Zlai Dfon – apart from her countless admirers – it was still semi new. Last year, they were nobodies. Outside of flirting and cat calls, which she had never bothered to offer any trace of attention, she had never really felt like the center of attention till now.

 She kept on adjusting her hair and staring at the ground. Funny enough, it drew the unfocused eyes of the boys even more to her side. The Fairy had even heard 'cute' at some intervals and shrunk her head in or reminded herself to take low and steady steps each time her hearing decided to allow her get more shy.

 Plus, she had been avoiding Haron Javan's gaze. However, whenever he tried to approach, Kazu Nini or Jagonu Nanhor did not hide their intention of literally blocking his path.

 The Goblin however, was having a blast and could not help become fixated everything but the one happening inside her circle.

 Isimaila Fginja had raised her head to the sky as though a pillow were wrapped around her neck. She had noticed from the trickles of the people who acted as though they just wanted to fill space by standing around, those who had wanted to hang out with their friends and others who unreservedly spoke and pointed towards them.

 Occasionally, she even shifted her poses, each one more natural than the last.

 Kazu Nini, however, knew that her words had hit them like a storm of which its individual droplets of heavy precipitation were tsunamis. Maybe the people here had done some homework and had seen the fight from her last school. Outside of the New Members of course, maybe that was what had surprised them. It could have also been that some of these people where those who had lived through oppression from the nobles in their countries.

 She was a beacon of hope to some.

 Coupled with her looks that might only be slightly inferior to the Fairy – and this was not just her opinion – she knew that she alone had quite the fanbase. Now, she understood why Jinja Kaliope had been worried at her silence.

 But, to be honest, the highest reason for the crowd was that New Universe was taking strides alongside the Nobles. She would not even be surprised that by the time they got into the area, the exterior would be crowded like a bee's nest.

 Finally, half an hour later, they saw a curtain of light that showed brick buildings on the other side. Connecting where they were and where the curtain of light was, was a bridge that grew a stick up to the height of her head in response to their approach. The stick that grew out had its end bulb out to became that of a camera lens of about 50 Centimeters. Then a light poured out of it that seemed to scan the entire bridge and even under it. Lastly, the light focused its range of illumination on them.

 "Students, what is the occasion?" It paused, "You there, your student card."

 Maybe Isimaila Fginja was still basking in the attention brought by the crowd that could not get across the bridge because they had not been authorized to, but she had to fumble into her pockets before pulling it out.

 "Head Teacher asked us to arrive," Haron Javan replied. "Please confirm."

 "....... confirmed. Have a pleasant stay."

 They walked through the screen of light, evoking gasps from the Goblin and the Fairy. Outside had brick houses showing to anyone who gazed upon the screen of light, but inside…

 Brick, Thatched, Mansion, Duplexes, Bungalows and Semi-Detached all had compounds that were at least 20 meters in diameter each. Epic Beasts frolicked by chasing butterflies, themselves or air while their screeched, barked or roared. But that was nothing compared to the purity of energy here, which meant that there was more than at least 3 Heavenly Veins, if not other variations.

 If they were to cultivate here nonstop for 1 year, they could get to Divine Early Level 10 in half a year. And Divine Medium Level 5 by the end of the time frame.

 Kazu Nini had left her Telewatch recording events, like she had told her people to. So, she was not surprised by their reactions on the group chat.

 "Are they students? Why do they have on the same uniform?"

 "Woah, never been here before."

 "Is this still in school, looks… heavenly."

 "It actually has more than one vein in here."

 "True, the higher levels even have more than this."

 "Higher levels?"

 "See that tall building over there? It connects several levels and is more than a few hundred Kilometers in height."

 "If not a few thousand."


 "I can vouch on that. Actually, been to the Admin Block before. But would still pick Madame Zlai Dfon over it, though."

 "I would go for Kazu Nini but I think she has someone."

 "With her beauty, how won't she have someone beside her."

 "Well, she might be single."

 "Exactly, plus she might be waiting for Mr. Right."

 "Hah! And you would be this Mr. Right? HAHA!"

 "Hey, boy toys, what Epic Beast is that?"

 "What one are y-"

 Kazu Nini's brows twitched at the comments and went back to the silent atmosphere of the group. She saw Haron Javan sneaking glances at Zlai Dfon who was trying to look at anywhere but him. Jagonu Nanhor was doing a good job of keeping them separated as she constantly monitored her pace so she was left to stare ahead indifferently. At this point, if Haron Javan actually wanted to speak to her, he would have to take a full circle around the group. But Jagonu Nanhor was the purest version of his race, and if they never hid their feeling, then it meant that she would do a similar action.

 Plus, girls valued their friends and he would not want to get the Fairy's comrade angry at him that he already had.

 Iskrin Olinum was staring daggers at the green and white body of Troll that his friend was in as they approached the tallest building and stepped into it. The building, turned out to be a projection of light. And although from outside, they truly looked as though to have stepped into the construction, in actuality they arrived before a large platform that was a circular disk. And this circular disk was surrounded by a tube with open spaces for doors. Like a hovercraft, it rose to the skies that looked normal. Except that, after the clouds here was land.

 After the land however, was a large piece of more… land.

 This one though, had a different feeling. As if the first had fresh air because of roughly 10 Heavenly Veins, then this one easily had 100. If a Regular were in this level right now, they might choke themselves if they took a breath too deep. In fact, their innards would ache because of the freshness that their system was not used to or could handle.

 Some might even burst.

 But the most absurd part was that each compound – each tenant – had their own atmospheric zone.

 Like, in the 1st Level, it was a dome ceiling with clouds that sometimes betrayed the fact of which it had no true sun but only a light that imitated the heavenly body at generally timed intervals. But in this level, even though there was a light that poured from the dome itself, it was in shifting colors. And each color poured to a respective compound. And each respective compound had their own atmospheric zone. Complete with day, night and seasonal systems.

 The buildings here were more diverse. Where instead of mostly residential constructions, there were others. Just like the one she had used with Loveth 2,4,5,1,7,9. The last time they had both been here. [1.]

 Zlai Dfon's mouth could fit an egg in it, so Kazu Nini angled the camera of her Telewatch mischievously. And Iskrin Olinum sneered and muttered 'commoners' under his breath, prompting Haron Javan to act as if he bumped into his noble friend to successfully make him almost fall before speaking to the Fairy in deep hopes that she would respond.

 "Do you like it?"

 Jagonu Nanhor who was passive, unlike the Goblin, slid her eyes to the Spirit who continued even when he got no response.

 "I could get you a place here."

 Her head involuntarily swiveled to him and the Goblin was about to ask him for one too but what came out of her mouth – to cover up her blunder - was a question, instead.

 "How, not even you nobles have as much influence."

 "Especially not in Kyniandrial, Chilkt State University."

 He was so happy that she had finally spoken to him, as he had not even heard the Goblin's curiosity. Literally. "Well, if you apply for a job on campus, I can handle the rest."

 Not too far off, a building looked like a rubix cube and had portions of it twisting and rotating.

 The Ghoul followed her eyesight after she had lingered on his, unintentionally. Both their hearts sped up and he too had to look away. "Every time it does that, it means that a person in that building is using transportation that is relatively similar to an elevator from the Human Continent."

 Another building looked like a perfect ellipse before a horn escaped it apex point and the bulging sides unfurled to reveal something that looked like an eye with bat wings on bot sides.

 "The middle part looks oval and opaque on this side. But it is transparent on the other."

 She wanted to speak as she saw the building fly and disappear into the horizon, but she remembered they were on different sides. So, she feigned a cough.

 "That one that looks like a person standing is a drilling machine. Each of its legs help its balance but people are where the eyes are. The tail has the actual drill and the hands keep the excess sand out."


 Kazu Nini had watched the exchange as it went on with an impassive face and she contacted the Examiner.

 Just in case.

 "Hey what gives him the right to hit on my fantasy?"

 "This may be the group chat, but be careful with your words."

 "Well, I'm New Universe."

 "Yeah, he should fight with his fists against us."

 Kazu Nini mentally took note of the person who had spoken 2nd before leaving the group chat to contact Loveth 2,4,5,1,7,9.

 X_XNiniThePixieXDTM: Hello, my friend.

 \Tomb>2,4,5,1,7,9,Loveth<Stone (Loveth Staff): < p>

 No reply yet. Not even when the platform stopped and they had disembarked to feel their Ko-jin veins pulsing in excitement to the energy that was in this space, and she saw a lot more buildings than she had last time, as they were venturing deeper. Isimaila Fginja'a head was darting around as if she was afraid that she would miss anything if she looked longer than 3 seconds.

 X_XNiniThePixieXDTM: I know this is impromptu but I need your company, right now.

 \Tomb>2,4,5,1,7,9,Loveth<Stone (Loveth Staff). < p>

 Kazu Nini left the screen on this chat on and then kept herself on high alert

 When Jagonu Nanhor sent a pulse of conflicting emotions to the Goblin that was awestruck as none of the contained atmospheric zones spilled even a drop of their airs to the surroundings, Isimaila Fginja's head snapped to the platform, before a hint of panic that she covered with another question.

 "Where are we going, exactly?"

 "Don't worry, even if I planned to harm you, I would never do the same to your beautiful friend."

 Iskrin Olinum imitated retching before standing back up from bending over and then regarding his friend. "I do not know what you are doing, but you know Uniah Gramanos would not be happy."

 Haron Javan did not shift his head or his eyes but he asked a question that made the Wraith keep quiet and find a way to stand at the very back.

 "Is that a threat?"

 Kazu Nini had noticed what was happening and Jagonu Nnahor scrunched her brows because she did not feel the Ghouls emotions to be in a mess when he spoke.

 He was either honest or painfully good at lying.


Prologue 24 (Part 2)