
Nightmare Of Flesh - The 1st Artificial Hybrid (Moved to a New Link)

Since the first versions of the Cultivation Planet of Hyol, there has not been a single Hybrid. That is, a person made of different species. Hundreds of Millions of years more than a trillions years have passed and no Hybrid. At least, not up until 10 millenia ago have gone by, in the version of this planet, and a baby is bathed in the blood of its mother it ate its way out of. Tia Nobunaga is the Union of a Gnome and an Elf. So, she is born into stardom. Even though her birth father hates her as much he loved his now departed wife. Her birth also not only heralds that miracles are possible but it also abolishes slavery, gives birth to new creative possibilities in what paths that species evolution might hold and lessens the tensions between the Human Continent, the Underdeep and the Beast Continent. Besides, granting power levels to these new sets of people called Hybrids too. Jump into the pages to see the life of this 1st Artificial Hybrid with a creator who is a Pixie. A Pixie with mastery over her Personal Laws granted to her by her impressive intellect and Pixie bloodline, which helped the creation, its creator and the experimental couple to make history. However, before we begin the story of the creation, we will first delve into the one of its creator. Kazu Nini, founder of The New Universe, CEO of The Underground Noble Antipathy Party and the Genius Pixie... ...Enjoy this world of cultivation.

Yua_Iter · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
186 Chs

Prologue 32 (Part 3) Contemplations And Retaliations.

 The young Pixie had signaled Jagonu Nanhor and Zlai Dfon about coming into her room where they shut the door.

 "How do you see this, right now?" Kazu Nini sighed, it had been noble this and noble that. Her relationship had even almost completely suffered because of it. "This sounds like some serious stuff." she wanted to enjoy this cultivation thing, but even her personal time was suffering because of it.

 On the other hand, though, it had motivated her to start the New Universe.

 "Yeah, it sounds bad. I mean usually their cause of entitlement stems from their noble birth. But this time…"

 "She pretty much opened a carnival with an invitation letter saying free food and drinks."

 And Kazu Nini knew, that as long as on side existed the natural opposite would form- light darkness silence noise fire water and so on. She just hoped her university was going to be more than this because she had not had time to make her dolls or spend time with her self.

 "We will need to settle everything in one fell swoop." Kazu Nini who had just squeezed her fist after a scowl grew on her face opened to make her glass float to her face.

 "More than we have already done?"

 The Spirit laughed heartily, "I mean, we only impacted their rankings. And their prestige."

 "Something with enough meaning to keep their horses in check." Kazu Nini stared at herself before dismissing the glass and browsing through ideas.

 "And get more fans."

 The Spirit looked at Zlai Dfon before looking straight.

 "The Inheritance Grounds opening would be a good time."

 Kkazu Nini opened her eyes wide, "yes. Seeing as we won the tournament, she would be eager to get at us."

 "What stakes would we use?"

 "Don't worry about that." The young Pixie said and Jagonu Nanhor grinned. "Just keep up your cultivation zest and progress."

 "You are thinking of another bout?" The Fairy – even though the look of wariness made her cuteness jump by several hundred levels – made Kazu Nini realize that the girl truly detested fighting. And that was alright, I guess everyone had what they liked and did not.

 "You can stay out of it."

 "I think I know why she would rather avoid battle." The Spirit's mood and sudden change of voice made Kazu Nini look at her.

 "What is it?"

 Zlai Dfon turned to look at Jagonu Nanhor and her helpless expression showed that there might be indeed something.

 "The Ghoul has something for her."

 Kazu Nini scrunched her brows as Zlai Dfon squealed and dropped to her bum like an adorable girl who was told she had a crush. "I thought he was saying that to distract her or plant himself as a spy among our circles.

 "Spirits do not lie about their nature." Jagonu Nanhor looked, "in fact their nature warps them until it affects their very form. And so does their name, but that is unimportant for now. I find the whole thing interesting."

 "Shut up."

 She laughed, "look at it this way. You could use him to your own ends."

 "I-I don't like lying to people."

 "Think about the plans and information you could gather."

 Kazu Nini shook her head. "Nobles are annoying but they are not stupid."

 "If he truly does feel that way, I do not see it far from him to publicly denounce himself from them."

 The adorable Fairy scoffed. "What else? Is the sun going to fall from the sky?"

 "No, it would be a perfect blow to her." Kazu Nini smiled mischievously and looked at her Public Relations Manager.

 "You too."

 The young Pixie giggled. "Think about it, but this or not would not affect anything between us." She the changed her tone. "But what if the provocation does not work?"

 "She has been on a losing streak. Thus, the urge to prove herself would be higher."

 "Uniah Gramanos hates me enough to bite into the provocation. The thing is, if we are just dealing with her crew, it would be a steamroller. But what if there are unknown factors?"

 "Are you referring to the friends we met downstairs that night?" [1.]

 "Yes, the older one had a mature air to her. If she decides to help out, not even mentioning her connections in the higher years, but what if she directly intervenes?"

 "Yeah, arrows by day are easier to see. It is the clandestine ones we have to be wary for." The Spirit's mood fell and Zlai Dfon's breath caught, displaying her beauty in hopelessness. Except that her bulging eye sockets made everything not cute.


 Jagonu Nanhor snapped her head to Kazu Nini and bowed from where a waist should be on her body. "Not my intention, this body and this life… I am not exactly used to it."

 Kazu Nini had so many questions to what the girl said but her roommate had made it clear that she would not speak of it. However, she still wanted to try when she heard Zlai Dfon's voice.

 "How do you do that?"

 Even as she rubbed her throat and stood to her feet now, her breathing uneven from the earlier fluster, Jagonu Nanhor saw adoration in the girls' eyes. "It is a part of what I am."

 The Fairy was silent for a while then she perked up. "Oh, like how I can bend space?"

 "I guess."

 "So, what were we saying?" Kazu Nini need to know what her schedule would be like until the Inheritance Grounds opened at the end of the semester because se needed to know what her schedule would be like.

 "There was another one, the middle one."

 "Oh, Cow-head?" [1.]

 Zlai Dfon laughed in a cute way and the mischief in Kazu Nini's eyes would make any male that entered the room to be left mesmerized.

 "Yea, that is another factor." She sighed and saw the time outside that the wee hours of the morning still had some time left to it. "Give me some time, I will come up with a plan."

 "Are you sleepy?"

 She gave a thumbs up.

 Zlai Dfon bowed at the waist. "Honor, working with you."


 The Spirit sent a fluctuation to hers' and then left.

 Kazu Nini was planning on asking her how she did that. But as good as different races could achieve more when they worked together, their differences made each of them unique. Plus, if she really began focusing on Spiritual Cultivation, she would be putting in double the effort for – at best – half the rewards. So, she instead turned to her dolls that were under the pillow after slumping to her bed. She then sent a heart emoji to Jinja Kaliope before allowing herself wake up later during the day.


 The news had on an article that had been playing since Kazu Nini had started her contest with Uniah

Gramanos and her aunt did not know but her isolated settlements were getting bombarded, one by


 But like all nobles, he cared not about anyone caught in the crossfire. And in the random

bombardments citizens had begun to plea to the government.

 The government themselves knew who was the culprit, but when feuds such as these reached this

point, the only thing they concentrated on was profit.

 Who would gain what?

 Maki Nini watched the broadcast on his retaliation and wondered how to go about this. So, she set a

place herself. She had ruined his companies and he has ruined her mood. She might as well just end things.

 "Hello, young man."

 "Man? You dare call me a man? Do not insult me!"

 "I have already ruined your business, what is it to be called a man?"

 He spoke nothing and could see from her tone that this would be fruitless. "Did you enjoy the latest

show?" He had already begun picking a globular map of Hyol so that he would spin in and decide

where to erase next.[1]

 "The foolishness of Nobles, or do you mean what they think is the wisdom?"

 He laughed and then just when his fingers were about to touch the map again, he paused. "Do you know what a 9 generational sentence is?"

 "Hmm, never heard of it."

 "Your lies are as empty as your future. How, you sound angry and you hardly even knew them." He snickered then sneered, "commoner disease."

 "Should I wait for the address or should we keep on playing this game?"

 "I am not bothered," he giggled. "It is you who seems to be worried."

 "Every one of your major branches across the areas have been hit… but I guess dealing with a noble you cannot expect their actual foundation of wealth to be out in the open."

 "Now, she starts to see."

 "You seem very comfortable, young man."

 He almost swore and smashed his Telewatch.

 "Look, let us solve this thing – you need me off your back, I need you to understand my point so that it does not repeat itself. We sit down and talk; everyone goes home happy."

 "I am not running, you see. It is more of not polluting my air."

 She laughed. "So what, I would pollute the air by being close to you?"

 "No, not something that simple for your commoner to understand. I mean, you have done me a very good… courtesy… of …helping my businesses over the past few weeks and if I am seen with you… it could be detrimental."

 "Fine then, let us have a clandestine meeting. Just you and me."

 "While I do not regard you power as intimidating, I see no reason to be locked up in a room where I am with a malicious woman."

 "No malice," she shrugged. "I am just a concerned aunt."

 "… either way. Keep having fun."

 He ended the call and Mako Nini started feeling what she had not in several years. Rolling her shoulders, she reached into her Telewatch to contact someone she knew in the Law Enforcement Society.


Prologue 16 part 3