
Nightmare Of Flesh - The 1st Artificial Hybrid (Moved to a New Link)

Since the first versions of the Cultivation Planet of Hyol, there has not been a single Hybrid. That is, a person made of different species. Hundreds of Millions of years more than a trillions years have passed and no Hybrid. At least, not up until 10 millenia ago have gone by, in the version of this planet, and a baby is bathed in the blood of its mother it ate its way out of. Tia Nobunaga is the Union of a Gnome and an Elf. So, she is born into stardom. Even though her birth father hates her as much he loved his now departed wife. Her birth also not only heralds that miracles are possible but it also abolishes slavery, gives birth to new creative possibilities in what paths that species evolution might hold and lessens the tensions between the Human Continent, the Underdeep and the Beast Continent. Besides, granting power levels to these new sets of people called Hybrids too. Jump into the pages to see the life of this 1st Artificial Hybrid with a creator who is a Pixie. A Pixie with mastery over her Personal Laws granted to her by her impressive intellect and Pixie bloodline, which helped the creation, its creator and the experimental couple to make history. However, before we begin the story of the creation, we will first delve into the one of its creator. Kazu Nini, founder of The New Universe, CEO of The Underground Noble Antipathy Party and the Genius Pixie... ...Enjoy this world of cultivation.

Yua_Iter · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
186 Chs

Prologue 26 (Part 3) Jinja Kaliope Still Not Answering and Jagonu Nanhor Up First.

Kazu Nini and her crew proceeded to sit down in an area as their opposites did the same.

Uniah Gramanos stared down at her so naturally that some of her fans saw it as Divine Beauty; with morning sunlight on her face, her nose up to the sky, the mane which resembled a fur coat and cupped her chest just enough to balance decency and exposure, her feral eyes and predatory features like her sharp fangs and her clawed fingers, she had an addition of regality to her demeanor especially when she had a crew behind her that shared feral and arrogant demeanors.

It pissed her off that Kazu Nini did not even spare an iota of energy to glance her way and was instead scrolling about her Telewatch like a young teenage girl that she was. But the Sphinx did not act irrationally as she momentarily actually wanted to scream at her – not just about today but for the exam as her parents had been disappointed after hearing the news of her not being on top - and instead took her seat to get ready for what she had to do today, making steady her mind.

Rahsta Micko, switching leisurely from owl to rat, to old woman and then teenager, changed his pose each time he did so. And there was common actin between all of them; rolling shoulders, wrinkly smiles, chattering teeth and a keen stare on the Goblin who gazed away, yawning long and loudly after each fruitless effort her opponent made to taunt her.

The Troll with green and white patches on its skin had its head tilted to the side and made signs of breaking Zlai Dfon apart while she said nothing at him, only staring at him and replying gestures as if he were dumb or she could not understand him.

Iskrin Olinum beside her stared openly at Jagonu Nanhor who did the same, save that where he grinned, she had a very indifferent look on her face. But Kazu Nini had a feeling that the apparition had the most bloodlust of all the fighters here, not just from her spirit but from her instinct.

She idly wondered if there was a way to develop that when she began checking her Telewatch again

And primarily seeming more bent on waiting for a reply, she did not know how to tell if he was online. But this really, really got on her nerves. She hated this, and it was most likely her fault. No, it definitely was. Now, she understood how Jinja Kaliope felt, and she would rather be rejected outright than kept waiting. What made it worse was that with all the Mental Energy she had, she knew how illogical letting her thoughts steer in this direction was.

Why won't he just answer? She rolled her eyes and pouted her lips.

"I think I'm having boy problems." Deflated, she tapped her Public Relation's Manager who looked at her quizzically. "I understand his anger but people get stronger by standing together in adversity, right?"

"What?" The Public Relations Manager did not know if she should laugh. "Are you having… issues with your Administration Manager?"

"Yeah, Jinja Kaliope," She blew air and grabbed her hair. "He is on my mind right now but he won't just answer when I text."

"Did you do anything to provoke such a reaction?" Zlai Dfon proceeded to slowly rub Kazu Nini's back when she saw her sad face and the Goblin could not hold her amusement back any longer. "He might just need some time, you know."

Maybe that was what made the Spirit look at them for a second of what seemed to be disappointment; not being able to revel in the moment of what was about to go down on the stage.

Uniah Gramanos had long noticed their attitude on today and was slowly boiling within because they did not seem to put her and her's in their sights at all.

She would use this as even more motivation to utterly crush them.

"Who is going to win?" Someone in the crowd seemed curious.

At some point in cultivation, it was hard not to eavesdrop. In fact, it was easier to eavesdrop than not.

"Dumb thing, if these New Planet, whatever, are wise then they would let the Sphinx win."

"His name is not Dumb thing," another spectator joined in the chat. "And neither is the girls group called New Planet, its name is called the New Universe."

"Yeah, but the Sphinx is like royalty or something."

"So, what, she should order her opponent to lose for her whims?" The man laughed and some sneered or joined him.

"Hey, let's bet."

"I am not afraid."

"Fine, let's go."

"Are you crazy?" Isimaila Fginja had her laughing face covered by her hands. "What are you thinking about right now, Pixie?"

"I wish I could smack him through this thing."

The Goblin laughed even harder until Zlai Dfon had to helplessly join her.

The Troll pointed to the opposition and turned to his leader. "Are they ignoring us?"

"If you face trash, do you consider its reaction or its smell?" Uniah Gramanos had her eyes closed. "No, you only throw it into the bin so it can know its place."

"I see."

Loveth 2,4,5,1,7,9. walked in not too long after with a man who had a mobile store. Wheeling behind her, he was grateful that she had not decided to use any Speed Movements during their short journey here.

"Listen up!" the woman clapped her hands and all the students turned to her as a shockwave rippled when her hands made contact. Loud enough to get their attention but deftly carried out so that only clothes and food stuffs were ruffled.

Someone even screamed in protest of wasted drink and food but she ignored it.

"One of the stakes has a mortality agreement." Two identical papers appeared in one of her hands. "Chilkt State University, Kyniandrial, would take responsibility for any and all outcomes as long as both participants agree to it."

She then motioned to her right. "This person here will be known as Mr. Goods."

The guy turned to the examiner in surprise at how she had never remembered his name in the 100 years that she had stayed in this school but said nothing. "He has items known ass Space Stablilizers like AreaFortifiers and Space Modifiers like AreaExpanders or AreaContractors. A few more of his stock include Shock Absorbers like DamageScreens and DamageRooms. Any items to be used will be inspected by me even if they are purchased at this very moment. Unregistered items will not be allowed and will be used to disqualify whatever battle."

She noticed Kazu Nini waving at her and she almost pinched the bridge of her nose, finally choosing to look away and make the Young Pixie to almost jokingly sulk in her seat.

"It was agreed upon that Rashta Micko versus Isimaila Fginja is Ranking versus PhysiqueStabilizer, 4 ton of Epic Beast feed and 10,000 Artificial Raw Ores. The match also concludes to 1 point, correct?" The both nodded and she went on.

"Iskrin Olinum versus Jagonu Nanhor's bout is set on Mortality and Ranking. The match also concludes to 1 point, correct?" Jagonu Nanhor did not shift her eyes from the wraith and he did not do the same.

"Haron Javan versus Zlai Dfon is Ranking vs SpacePellets and 10,000 Artificial Raw Ores. The match also concludes to 1 point, correct?" Zlai Dfon nodded as Haron Javan looked at the examiner.

"Uniah Gramanos versus Kazu Nini Personal Ranking and all gained Artificial Ores from the Ores Vs A Spirit Supplement, 15,000 Artificial Raw Ores, PhysiqueStabilizer, SpaceStabilizer and any of Uniah Gramanos's who are top 50 would be replaced by Kazu Nini's who are below them and any attempt of infiltration of her meeting will have the perpetrator forfeiting their rankings. Permanently." Even the examiner saw Kazu Nini's ruthlessness. "This is also the best of 5, Correct?"


"Shhhh, she is speaking to the Prime Student because of the grounds of challenging me."

"I will have your opinion first, yes." Where did her confidence come from? Loveth 2,4,5,1,7,9. liked her more every day and hoped that the noble here would keep things only to their institution. "So, what say you?"

"If it is one sided, then even those who did not fight would have to give their bets." Kazu Nini said to purposely agitate the Sphinx which she did successfully. "Other than that, you spoke well."

The Examiner smiled and turned to the Sphinx whose face twitched, "yes, agreed."

The Troll wanted to tear her in half for the daring words she had just spoken to their leader but if he got on the bad side of the Examiner, then they would have already lost before showing off their worth. He really did not care about the battle and all of that, he just wanted to regain the lost face for the nobles as it might help him to get into the good graces of the truly important people.

"What is the order of fighting?"

The Prime Student had the question redirected to her and she gazed at the Spirit for a while before it said 'Thank You', who then used Blink Speed to appear after leaving behind her blurry silhouette and then using 3 steps from her seat to the ground and then the arena, invoking an applause. The Wraith with skin that no longer bubbled but was now stable arrived there in the same fashion and stood up, feeling smug that he was barely taller than her.

From the crowd reaction, she knew that being First Place had gained her more publicity than she had imagined, but also the fact that there were nobles and her opponents were all top 10 on the Ranking Board for Fresh Years

"You can give up, now." It smiled a grin that made it look ghastly as it had no lower teeth, save the skeletal bones and its ethereal mass. "I will make it easy for you."

It saw that she did not reply and only set his stance.

Kazu Nini was curious about this battle but… was Jinja Kaliope still mad at her?

Jagonu Nanhor first pricked a solidified finger of herself and allowed some of her essence to soak into the paper which got her picture, name and all the information the school had on her - Her profile. And when The Wraith did the same using the blood from the stolen body part of his, he had a similar result. The examiner then motioned for them to stay a certain space away from each other as she raised on arm with a palm facing one side of the audience.

"Ready?" Kazu Nini was going to focus on her Telewatch after telling Zlai Dfon to record the match but she might as well learn how Jagonu Nanhor and her kind fought, by her own self while she pouted. "GO!"