
Nightmare Of Flesh - The 1st Artificial Hybrid (Moved to a New Link)

Since the first versions of the Cultivation Planet of Hyol, there has not been a single Hybrid. That is, a person made of different species. Hundreds of Millions of years more than a trillions years have passed and no Hybrid. At least, not up until 10 millenia ago have gone by, in the version of this planet, and a baby is bathed in the blood of its mother it ate its way out of. Tia Nobunaga is the Union of a Gnome and an Elf. So, she is born into stardom. Even though her birth father hates her as much he loved his now departed wife. Her birth also not only heralds that miracles are possible but it also abolishes slavery, gives birth to new creative possibilities in what paths that species evolution might hold and lessens the tensions between the Human Continent, the Underdeep and the Beast Continent. Besides, granting power levels to these new sets of people called Hybrids too. Jump into the pages to see the life of this 1st Artificial Hybrid with a creator who is a Pixie. A Pixie with mastery over her Personal Laws granted to her by her impressive intellect and Pixie bloodline, which helped the creation, its creator and the experimental couple to make history. However, before we begin the story of the creation, we will first delve into the one of its creator. Kazu Nini, founder of The New Universe, CEO of The Underground Noble Antipathy Party and the Genius Pixie... ...Enjoy this world of cultivation.

Yua_Iter · Fantasy
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186 Chs

Prologue 22 (Part 1) Examination and Physiological Tests (2).

After the Fairy came to and she found herself on the floor, she sent Ko-jin to her head and other parts of her body before remembering that she was in an examination hall. She then stood up without her feet as her wings did the work and finally checking her card in trepidation, opening her eyes for the first time after standing up.

She jumped and squealed in delight after seeing a green mark on her card.

"Barely Pass," The female Instructor smiled warmly for the first time. "For coming out first out of the trial you were recommended to be in the first set of students but your results sent you to the second league. You will be part of the Tributary Students. Stand over there and wait for your new comrades to join you."

The next person had already been called up, and the fear in his eyes made his results expected.

"Divine Early Level 2, 18 years of Bone Age, Poor Talent!"

"827.8 Jins, 500 Kg. Fail!

"910.58 Jins, 550 Kg. Fail!

"993.36 Jins, 600 Kg. Fail!"

"You will join the Poly-Extra Students, you will be having extracurricular tests and classes to be on par with your mates." The female had nothing but scorn in her eyes as she continued, "next!"

Kazu Nini watched and waited for her favorite friend, seeing that her lackey was on number 20.

Uniah Gramanos smiled and looked at Kazu Nini so that their eyes made contact. 'Watch me' was what she mouthed to her Pixie friend before going to take her own test.

"Divine Early Level 9, 19 years old! Average Talent!"

The Sphinx tried very hard not to miss a step as in this area she knew she was deficient, but Epic Beasts who had a heritage - as she was a Sphinx - found cultivation much more difficult than humans. Nonetheless, when she reached the stone that would test her, she slowly slid her eyes to Kazu Nini in utter confidence. She casually raised her hand that became a paw and slapped the stone without thinking too much of it

"1,655 Jins, 1000 Kg, Barely Pass!"

Taking a look at Kazu Nini, she raised her arms upward as she looked away and added more strength to her swing this time.

"2,317 Jins, 1,400 Kg, Pass!"

The Sphinx took 5 steps back then rushed forwards and struck it like it had a generational feud with the stone.

"2,980 Jins, 1,800 Kg, Beautiful!"

The announcer looked at her with a smile which she bowed to as he gestured for her to move forward.

In the cube, Uniah Gramanos jumped back twice, then she used Perfect Explosive Step but while a sound – BONG! – was birthed in her wake, a palm of sand grew till it was the size of her entire body then slammed into the stone after she jumped so that it did not drag on the ground.

"4,636 Jins or 2,800 Kg, Beautiful Pass!"

Glancing back in complete smug, Uniah Gramanos took four steps back again. And – BONG! - when she used Perfect Explosive Speed again it was a ribbon that came up on her hand which was pointed at her hand. The scale of the sand construct which was half of her body hit the Stone and the announcer shouted with much more glee.

"6,291 Jins, 3,800 Kg, Clear Cut Pass!"

8 steps back and when she used Explosive Speed this time – BONG! - she appeared before the stone but that was all which was seen because of the havoc of scattered air before sand covered the interior of the entire cube and then disappeared into the stone, visibly shaking its body for the first time. Shockwaves poured like the reactions were competing with themselves to testify to what it was bragging about. However, because of the nature of the Stone, the sound betrayed the power behind it.

"11,258 Jins, 6,800 Kg, Excellent!"

She almost skipped and the announcer was impressed because this was the best result so far. When she stood before the last cube though, she waited and took a breath. Uniah Gramanos walked out 30 minutes after and although her body shook like a leaf in the hurricane she stood straight and proud, her expression not betraying her pain.

"Glad to meet students like you, you look like you will make the Kyniandrial name very proud." She clapped with enthusiasm. "Join the Chief Students."

She was the 10th to finish but the 1st Chief Student in this batch of Freshmen. Kazu Nini knew that Uniah Gramanos was about to get a bunch of friends and bootlickers, but she did not feel troubled.

Not at all.

Her friend was 20th and Kazu Nini watched him too.

"Divine Early Level 8, Age 18 Average Talent!"

His forms alternated and he waited until he was a boy before his poised hand dropped down.

"1,407 Jins, 850 Kg, Barely Pass!"

This time, when he jumped after taking 6 steps back but 5 forward and leapt to the stone, its Boy and the Owl transitioned a second longer than usual before his hand dropped.

"1,821.16 Jins, 1100 Kg, Below Average Pass!"

Now, like had become the trend, the final strike usually started when the student kicked off the wall. He delayed his transition between Boy, Owl and Rat before the back of his mammal fist landed squarely on stone.

"2,152 Jins, 1300 Kg, Pass!"

One student raised his hand, and the announcer nodded towards him. "Is that allowed sir?"

"As a shapeshifter, it is part of its physique. So, yes."

The boy swaggered through until he met the first cube. The first trial had him using Instant Speed after moving 5 paces back, and the image of Owl and Rat hovered above and before himself before they merged just as his hand dropped to the stone. If one was not proficiently accurate in observation they would have think it all happed at the same time.

"3,476 Jins, 2,100 Kg! Pass by a margin."

The announcer looked at him with eyes that shone a bit as he turned back and the Shapeshifter went back by 10 paces before using Perfect Instant Speed. Three images of Owl, Rat and Boy flickered into existence just before his hand landed. His approach hit as the sound registerd but the impression was that the sound waves had been slower than he himself.

"4,966.8 Jins, 3,000 Kg! Almost Above Pass!"

The announcer turned to him as this year's students looked promising and this was only the 20th try. The Shapeshifter crouched on the ground 30 paces away so that 3 more steps behind would be the table and then he used Perfect Instant Speed to zoom to the front of the stone. The three silhouettes that appeared this time were Owl, Rat, Granny with a walking stick and Boy while it seemed to be that he had always been in fornt of the stone itself..

"12,913.68 Jins, 7,800 Kg! Outstanding!"

The shockwaves reached the announcer as the stone wobbled clearly so that it twisted on its axis like it was both sturdy and flexible.

The announcer smiled warmly and extended a hand. "What is your name?"

"Rashta Micko."

"Nice to meet you."

He smiled even brighter when he saw the smile on the examiners face before proceeding to the 3rd trial. And most surprisingly, after 15 minutes he walked out barely shaken. As if he had only fallen on the ground and picked himself up. He calmed his breathing entirely by the time he stood behind his Sphinx friend.

"You went to the right place, the Chief Student line. The first two who will lead the others."

The other students wanted to speak up from the line but chose to show their words through actions. The ones that could not control themselves hissed loudly or sighed obviously until the examiner told them to prove themselves through mettle.

An hour later meant that it was finally Isimaila Fginja turn to take the test. By now, there were some exceptional ones that were also Chief Students. Like, the guy who had entered school with a unicorn whose top physical strength was 2, 483.8 Jins or 1,500 Kg and whose top strength with Ko-jin was a whooping 11,920 Jins or 7,200 kg. Or one of Uniah's friends who had the closest height to the slime and had the physique of a troll but instead of their bluish or purplish skin, his was green with white and had pork marks over himself. His top Physical was 900 but his Ko-jin addition was a whooping 13,500 jins or 8,154 Kg!

All in all, so far, the Chief Student list had about 10 people now, the Tributary had about 40, and 20 had been sent to Poly-extra classes and 10 were so bad that they were outrightly kicked out to take the exams next year. And if they had not also applied for the school through fee payment, transfer or scholarship would have to literally go and come back if they had not also tried other schools.

The Goblin rolled her neck and her shoulders before taking the test.

"Divine Early 9 at 18 years of age, Average Talent!"

She scowled and almost said something under her breath back to the man before starting the next part.

Her physical strike was worth 1,572 Jins or 950kg, the second was 2,152 Jins or 1,300 Kg and the last was 2,648 Jins or 1,600 Kg.

Isimaila Fginja's Instant step was more than perfect and the first strike was 3,311 Jins or 2,000 Kg. It had made the announcer look at her in a different light since even her physical strikes.

Her second strike after she given herself 10 paces of distance before rushing back in was 5,794 Jins or 3,500 kg. The announcer resolved to get her name after this. And when she rushed back in from a distance of 20 meters to return to the Stone in a blaze of light, she had scored a whooping 7,450 Jins or 4,500 Kg of strength. Her last exam was what almost made her join the Tributary students because she spent over 45 minutes in there but her previous marks were enough to get her in.

Her roommate Spirit smiled at her and she felt her emotion rise as she stood at the back of the line, basking in the results of her achievements.